Anonymous ID: 7c6ebd Sept. 17, 2024, 11:34 a.m. No.21609775   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0169 >>0298 >>0366 >>0450

DAF adapting, modernizing in today’s warfighting environment

Sept. 16, 2024


Department of the Air Force senior leaders highlighted modernization and integration challenges during the Air and Space Force Association’s Air, Space and Cyber Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, Sept. 16.

The panel included Andrew Hunter, assistant secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics; Frank Calvelli, assistant secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration; Vice Chief of Space Operations Gen. Michael Guetlein; and Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Jim Slife.

During the panel, the DAF senior leaders focused on how the Air Force and Space Force must capitalize and leverage acceptable risk in future planning, adapt to the resourcing and risks present in today’s dynamic environment, and how today’s warfighting environment requires integration of the joint forces at all levels to be effective.


“It’s not just about how much resources we have,” Hunter said. He explained that regardless of limited resources, it’s important to recognize how the services structure and employ them as effectively as possible.

Hunter continued by highlighting how the department is tying programs and platforms that were previously undervalued in previous resource approaches and the way forward towards addressing today’s challenges.

Hunter also highlighted the recently activated provisional Integrated Capability Command that will help bring attention to the department’s resourcing approach and restructuring efforts.


With this restructuring impact at the head of the conversation, senior leaders discussed how the capabilities the Air Force and Space Force project will have to integrate alongside joint forces – from the start.

“It’ll never be the Space Force alone,” Guetlein said. “It will never be the Air Force alone … We are all going to have to fight in a very integrated fashion.

That is a completely different way of acquiring our systems, [and] we have to acquire our capabilities from the start – understanding that they are a part of a larger enterprise.”


Echoing Guetlein’s answer, Slife said the Air Force is undergoing a warfighting cultural shift that is focused on growing beyond the employment of forces and acquisition tactics of years past to a more integrated form focused on the joint force.

“The necessity for us to operate as an integrated Joint Force is greater than it's ever been,” Slife said. “If we can get [mission over function employment] right, this will be an enduring source of competitive advantage for the United States military.”

Slife added how the Air Force is optimizing the way the service functions by diving into what balances acceptable risk compared to unacceptable risk and how these risks manifest for Airmen in the field.


Additionally, the Space Force’s modernization efforts to adapt to today’s environment, and if necessary, deter and win in a contested scenario, are closely tied with the integral relationship the service shares with industry partners.

Calvelli said there is a continued need to develop and reinforce the shared interests and capabilities between the service and industry.

Calvelli closed the panel by talking about what the Space Force needs from industry partners.

He explained that to better procure resources and assets, the service needs realistic and executable costs when contracts are bid on; and how the industry partner should have the skills necessary to meet the requirement.

Anonymous ID: 7c6ebd Sept. 17, 2024, 11:43 a.m. No.21609816   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9827 >>9849 >>9897 >>0169 >>0171 >>0298 >>0366 >>0450

Strange UFO Sighting Reported Over Downtown Tampa Last Night

September 17th 7:03 AM


It seems there might have been a UFO sighting last night! Thousands of people are talking about a strange triangle shaped figure that was flying around downtown Tampa last night.

Multiple videos show the odd looking unidentified shaping flying quickly left and right.

Many people thought it was strange and just starred at the figure moving around in the night sky.


Strange UFO Sighting Last Night:

Just over downtown Tampa a triangular flying object was seen floating over Bayshore, Davis Island and downtown Tampa last night.

You can see in the video posted below on Instagram by TampaLatest that multiple people witnessed the strange event.

Could it actually be a true UFO sighting in the Tampa Bay area or is there some other explanation for this happening?

Tampa isn’t new to UFO sightings! We’re one of the cities in Florida that has reported many unidentified flying objects.


Florida continues to be a main focus for most UFO enthusiasts with continuous reports of UFO sightings. When people report seeing an extra terrestrial or hover craft they often describe strange lights and unusual flight patterns.

Most of the occasions and encounters are mostly unexplained aerial phenomena. Many witnesses are from all over the state of Florida and share different stories but share similar experiences.

The main explanation for their accounts is the overall mystery surrounding UFOs. Check out the pictures and videos below of the newest sighting last night.

Anonymous ID: 7c6ebd Sept. 17, 2024, 11:58 a.m. No.21609893   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0169 >>0298 >>0366 >>0450

Global Disclosure Day


We are very excited to announce the first Global Disclosure Day on October 20, when our Citizens for Disclosure groups in 43 states and around the world will convene watch parties for a live two-hour live stream event.


This first-of-its-kind event will feature notable speakers in the Disclosure movement, testimonials from local activist groups, and special videos about the latest information on UAP.

We are witnessing a major sea change in the history of the UFO/UAP campaign. Up until very recently, the onus was on their movement to prove UFOs were real.

Now, so much information has come out at such high levels of the US Government that the burden is now on those who tried to keep UFOs a secret to prove that they are NOT real. We are in a new time.


Confirmed Speakers to Date:


Ross Coulthart, premier investigative reporter on UAP and author of In Plain Sight;

Lue Elizondo, former Director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program of the Pentagon and author of Imminent;

Birdie Jaworksi, founder ABQ UFOs in Albuquerque, NM;

Danny Sheehan, President and General Counsel, New Paradigm Institute;

Beatriz Villarroel, Researcher in astronomy at the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Nordita) in Stockholm. Leads the VASCO project and the EXOPROBE project.

Rich Hoffman, Co-founder and Executive Board Member, Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU). Senior IT Systems Engineering Analyst with Army Materiel Command.

Steve Bassett, Founder of Paradigm Research Group and co-founder of Hollywood Disclosure Alliance;


Use the form on the right to register for this FREE event!

More details to come, including speakers, presenters, participating partners, and ways to set up your watch party.

Anonymous ID: 7c6ebd Sept. 17, 2024, 12:07 p.m. No.21609953   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0169 >>0298 >>0366 >>0450

CMPD Chief Jennings weighs in on U.S. police chiefs UAP handbook

Updated: Sep 16, 2024 / 09:07 AM EDT


Do you believe in UFOs?

Unidentified Flying Objects have a new, more modern name: UAPs, or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon.

Have you seen one?


They’ve been in the news more and more lately. So much so that officials think they pose a high enough national security threat to create an instructional book on how to handle them. And it’s in use right here in Charlotte.

Is it the responsibility of police officers to know how to detect, track, and report UAPs?

A forum of Police Executives, known as The Major Cities Chief Association, thinks so, and has come up with a unified plan to handle encounters or sightings of UAPs.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Johnny Jennings is among them.


“They’re happening. Whether you believe in what the origin of them is or not, they are happening and it’s important that we are able to report them, ” Chief Jennings told NewsNation.


So officials have come up with an 11-page guide to help law enforcement officers understand that unexplained occurrences do happen, and it’s important to know what to do about them.

The point of the handbook is to normalize the conversation around UAPs. The guide is the first of its kind for U.S. law departments.

Chief Jennings says he personally hasn’t seen a UAP, and his department hasn’t had a great deal of reporting them in Charlotte.

But they do happen in other parts of the country. All must be recorded properly and taken seriously.


According to CMPD, 12 UAPs have been reported here since 2005.

And according to the National UFO Reporting Center, 3700 plus have been noted nationwide since 1920.

“I don’t think any chiefs are running around saying we are being invaded by aliens but I think what they’re saying is these things are out there and happening, that they can be a threat especially if you have aircraft in your organization.

CMPD has aircraft that we have to ensure we are safe to fly…that we are safe in the skies as well.”