Anonymous ID: 80bf60 Sept. 17, 2024, 12:37 p.m. No.21610147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0244

message to twitter X engagement farmers

You fucktards with your stupid fucking posts, engagement farming to make money, may think why not, I'm not hurting anything or anybody. And while you aren't hurting anybody, you are definitely a huge problem for information that actually helps to MAGA, that ACTUALLY helps to do SOMETHING to help win the war we are currently engaged in, your stupid fucking posts obfuscate important info with your incessant addiction to clicks and the money it brings. You go ahead and and put out your daily litany of retarded BS, but when this battle is over, you better not try and take an ounce of fucking credit for being a part of the fight. Your ghey ass fucking retard posts hinder our fight while doing absolutely fuck all to help our cause. You are ALL just as bad as the ones we are fighting, bunch of fucking low info retarded fucking PAYtriots. There is a war going on, and you want to know what a certain kitchen utensil is, or how I feel about such and such that has zero relevance to our fight. GOOGLE it dumbfucks, and stfu, and keep your foggy shit off the fucking timeline.


Baker would appreciate you noting this, in hopes these wannabe patriots, might happen to see it, and rethink their "contributions" to the fight. And hopefully some might focus all their faggotry on the battle at hand vs pursuing personal gain. And no I'm not saying anything about accounts that only put out actual facts and info that furthers our goals in MAGA, but the PAYtriots know exactly whom I'm referring to.


TY for letting me vent gise.


PS: when this is all said and done, these fuckwits will also not be able to walk down the streets, deservedly so,so I hope the clicks were worth being looked at in the same vein as all the pinko commies and DS fucks that are trying to kill us. for the rest of your lives, I'm sure your families are goi9ng to be stoked about that.

Anonymous ID: 80bf60 Sept. 17, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.21610244   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm going to compile a list over the next few days. I'm not saying that all these people even understand that what they are doing is detrimental to the movement, they might just be woefully ignorant and is why I was hoping to get this noted, so that the few that actually MIGHT come here will possibly see it and use their platform in a better more useful way.