Anonymous ID: d11782 Sept. 17, 2024, 12:44 p.m. No.21610188   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>whose accusing 'the jews', anon.

You're projecting.

>I'm saying that if it's true that Mossad and the Israeli leadership did this then they are war crimes.

And the PM of Israel says it's anti-Semitisms™ to accuse them of anything, Reee-tard. I just poasted the sauce.

>do you believe in collective guilt?


>do you think that a few oligarchs and sots represent a whole nation?

Again, projection.

>if they commited crimes one doesn't hold all Jews responsible, does one? I certainly don't.

Lighten up, Rabbi. I was ridiculing hubris. Mossad™ willneverbe held accountable for anything they've done or do. 9-11 and the USS Liberty only proves that. They, as a people, are the Chosen Ones™ and it doesn't matter if you believe their religious ideology or not, they feel they are above the contestation of non-Chosen Ones, by divine right™. But don't you dare try to force them to acquiesce to your religious ideology. Now, kindly remove head from sphincter, use your fucking brian and learn to interpret sarcastic jokes on the interwebz.