From last drop to today is 660 days.
Monday the 23rd will be 666 days.
From last drop to today is 660 days.
Monday the 23rd will be 666 days.
Same stuff in blasting caps.
✈️⛽A U.S. Air Force B-2 Spirit and 4 Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-35A Lightnings approach a KC-135 over the Indo-Pacific. The KC-135’s refueling capability enhances joint operations, supporting seamless cooperation with our Allies.
#TogetherWeDeliver #TankerTuesday
A B1-B assigned to the 419th Flight Test Squadron conducts aerial refuelling with a KC-135 from the 370th FLTS in the skies above the Mojave Desert in California. Even through flight test, our pilots keep their war fighting skills sharp.
“Iron Dragons” attack!
Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 501st Aviation Regiment, Combat Aviation Brigade, honed their skills as they conducted individual and squad qualification tables during battalion aerial gunnery.
#IIIArmoredCorps l #FORSCOM l #USArmy l #ArmyAviation
You know what other supply chain was infiltrated?
The pharmaceutical chain.
Trump saved millions from the clot shot.