>i dont care what the goyim think, ishmael
>just tell them it was faulty batteries
>that all happened to go off at the same time
>i dont care what the goyim think, ishmael
>just tell them it was faulty batteries
>that all happened to go off at the same time
fuck off and die you politically correct actual niggerfaggot with aids
go police your mom's asshole instead of my fucking speech you stupid snaggle tooth shit
actual clowns have actual fucking offices set up in tel aviv
but don't say nothin' bout that
you've glowed since you made your first fucking post
but good thing you'll never get it due to one simple thing and it's something you're incapable of not being because your agenda doesn't allow you to not be
and that's you being offended
you're offended over shitposts, memes, and words
you may as well be a liberal
>breaker breaker one nine
>you get offended and seek to silence
>i do not
>that's how i know im better than you
yea by mediaphetamine
she's not too shabby
why are faggots so obsessed with wanting a female president simply because "first"
they're quick to emotion and more likely to put feelings over policy and the tough decisions
study some history what happens when women rule
for every 1 you can find there's 1,000 capable men who get looked over
but stronk wahmenz feminismz n shit
pretty sure they didn't have gender reassignment surgeries back in ancient times
eunuchs they had but they were like the court jesters for entertainment
how do you think nations get physically conquered
a strong nation needs a strong male figurehead, funny you bring up the bible as it mentions this and a woman's place is the home taking care of the family and being submissive to the man, the head of the house
having a woman leader shows the rest of the world submissiveness
someone reported that once
he aint wrong