Anonymous ID: 362a99 Sept. 17, 2024, 9:22 p.m. No.21613282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3365 >>3466 >>3500


Anons have posted and dug a lot on this chef, recently and over the years.

copy pasta…

▶Anonymous 06/25/18 (Mon) 21:12:23c78f1c (3) No.1905512


(Apologies if some of this has been covered. Been digging and probably missed some posts.)


Who is Jose Andres? He is the mentor of the owner of the Red Hen, DC and one of only two food related men (Alefantis is the other) listed by GQ in their 50 most powerful people in Washington, DC article. He's involved up to his hairline with all the usual suspects and all the usual places. He's super connected complete with Obama awarded Medals and considered synonymous with the Washington, DC food scene. (yikes)


He's involved in all sorts of "humanitarian" endeavors including Puerto Rico, Haiti, etc….and friends with all the elite it seems.




Chef Jose has a strange habit of serving croquetas de pollo (deep fried diced "chicken" or "ham" rolls) in RED leather shoes. (pic related)




Puerto Rico disaster "relief" comes to an end. Hmm wonder why? (pic related)


60 Minutes: Chef José Andrés Ritz Restaurant In Puerto Rico Closed




He trolled GEOTUS during the Puerto Rico disaster on behalf of that loony Mayor Carmen (now being investigated). (pic related)




He's involved with Hollywood on the research end of Hannibal the Cannibal series. Doing what? Helping identify which cuts of meat look the most human. Ewww and sketchy!


Cooking with Chef Hannibal the Cannibal




He was awarded Outstanding American by Choice Award by Obama in 2014.




He was also awarded a National Humanities Medal by Obama in September of 2016. (pic related)




Okay that's it for now. Must. Keep. Digging.