Anonymous ID: c2bee5 Sept. 17, 2024, 8:38 p.m. No.21613117   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3124 >>3312 >>3365 >>3466 >>3500

Thank you, Diddy, for hosting this town hall last night. There's a lot at stake for our communities right now and it's critical we bring to the forefront how coronavirus is perpetuating racial inequality and health disparities.

Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America & Coronavirus'

In an effort to spread awareness about COVID-19, Revolt TV is presenting a two-hour-long town hall titled State of Emergency: The State of Black America & Coronavirus.

The online event, hosted by Sean "Diddy" Combs, will focus on the pandemic's impact on black communities and how the crisis has further highlighted the racial inequality and health disparities in America. In the month since COVID-19 was declared a national emergency, a number of municipalities have shared data that suggests the disease is infecting and killing African Americans at disproportionately high rates. In Michigan, African Americans make up only 15 percent of the state's population, but account for about a third of confirmed coronavirus cases and around 40 percent of virus-related deaths. The numbers are much more stark in Louisiana, where blacks make up a third of the demographic, but account for 70 percent of the state's COVID-19 deaths.

"You look at what's happening in terms of documenting longstanding health disparities (among African Americans) โ€ฆ asthma, 20 percent more likely to have it; high blood pressure, 40 percent more likely to have it; lupus, black women are three times more likely that white women to have it," Sen. Kamala Harris said at the beginning of the town hall. "And this disease, this coronavirus, attacks people who otherwise have health conditions. So, we've got a lot at stake."

Harris went on to say black people are far less likely to have the option of working remotely, which means they're either risking their health due to a lack of paid sick leave or they're giving up their income in order to stay home.

"There's a lot to address, a lot to talk about, a lot to fight for โ€ฆ" Harris continued. "We're gonna get through this, because we're all in this together. And, again, thank you to all the leaders for being a part tonight."

You can stream the town hall now via YouTube above. Tonight's broadcast will feature appearances by Meek Mill, the Rev. Al Sharpton, Big Sean, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Killer Mike, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, Van Jones, and more.

Anonymous ID: c2bee5 Sept. 17, 2024, 8:39 p.m. No.21613126   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Dec 16, 2002 Updated Jan 24, 2015

An armed man was arrested Monday morning after barricading himself in a business during a three-hour standoff, police said.

Ryan Routh, 36, was arrested without incident at 1 a.m. Monday at United Roofing, 1735 W. Lee St., Greensboro police said.Routh was pulled over about 10 p.m. Sunday during a traffic stop, police said. But he put his hand on a firearm and drove to United Roofing, where he remained barricaded inside, police said.

Routh was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a weapon of mass destruction, referring to a fully automatic machine gun. He was also charged with resisting, delaying and obstructing a law enforcement officer and driving while license revoked.