Anonymous ID: 30b546 Sept. 18, 2024, 5:46 a.m. No.21614762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4846



djt SALT for:

State And Local Tax: A deduction in federal taxes that allows taxpayers who itemize to deduct certain taxes paid to state and local governments, capped at $10,000 per year.


Anonymous ID: 30b546 Sept. 18, 2024, 5:56 a.m. No.21614846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4861 >>4870 >>4912 >>4942 >>5018



Note:dough below.


djt youtube channel.

LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24


LIVE: President Donald Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan | NEWSMAX2

LIVE: President Trump in Flint, MI


Transcript: Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan - 9/17/24

>>21611412 Governor Sanders: The left has tried everything they can think of. They've tried to impeach this president. They've tried to throw him in jail. And not once, but twice, two would-be assassins have tried to take this president down. But we're here to let them in on a little secret. God is not done with President Trump. He's the toughest guy I know, and he's the fighter our country desperately needs right now.

>>21611506 President Trump: If I didn't do well in 2020, I wouldn't even think about doing this. But we did phenomenally well, and bad, bad things happened; we're not going to let it happen again.

>>21611521 DJT: You know, only consequential Presidents get shot at.

>>21611528 President Trump: They're owned and built by China, in Mexico [auto manufacturing plants]. A number of them going up right now, and they think they're gonna make their cars there, and they're gonna sell them across our line, and we're gonna take 'em, and we're not going to charge them tax. We're going to charge them, I'm telling you right now, I'm putting a two hundred percent tariff on, which means they are unsellable. Unsellable in the United States.

>>21611543 President Tru p: They're one of the largest sellers now [Afghanistan], today, of military equipment in the world. Seven hundred and seventy-seven thousand rifles and guns.

>>21611549 President Trump: If the election were a straight election, we won that election, we should have won that election, everybody knew we won the election, Putin never would have attacked.

>>21611580 President Trump: Between Bagram, between; you go to ANWR, you take a look at the kind of things that we've given up, We should have that airbase, we should have that oil. We would have had a whole different country. To give up ANWR, to give up the biggest airbase, military airbase, in the world, and they left it in the dark of night, with the lights on; and they did leave the dogs behind…they left the dogs behind.

>>21611644 POTUS: Putin .. you are watching the major chess players.

>>21611647 POTUS: Elon Musk… hes a really wonderful wonderful guy.

>>21611653 POTUS: We are going to have a Reciprocal Trade Act … if they charge us 100%, we charge them 100%.

>>21611661 Question: What do you see as the major threats to the future of Michigan manufacturing, autoworking jobs, and what will you do to eliminate those threats?

President Trump: The local problem is that you have countries stealing your business. Mexico is a very big one. Mexico, this year, we have a deficit with Mexico of two hundred and fifty billion dollars…we're losing our ass to Mexico. China, you don't even have to talk about. We have over a trillion dollars this year. I was charging them numbers that were unbelievable, and now he's totally given up the coast. And we're gonna lose a trillion dollars in deficits to China. That's not sustainable. We're gonna turn all around, and we're gonna do it through taxation and tariffs. It will be done in twenty-four hours, and it will change the whole planet…literally, in a period of twenty-four hours, we can change the whole trading of the whole world. They've taken advantage of our country for years.

>>21611664 POTUS: We are going to be having free trade again .

>>21611669 POTUS: You are going to have plants built at a level you haven't seen in 50 years.


Anonymous ID: 30b546 Sept. 18, 2024, 5:58 a.m. No.21614861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4870 >>4912 >>4942 >>5018


>>21611679 President Trump: Day One we're doing two things, closing the border, and drill, baby, drill.

[Standing Ovation!]

>>21611688POTUS: the average drug dealer kills 500 people in their lifetime.

>>21611700 POTUS: I wouldn't be here right now if I hadn't look over … my all time favorite chart, … its always on my left, its always at the end of the speech,.. for some reason it was at the beginning of the speech.. I bolted like a deer, hunters say a deer bolts right before a shot.

>>21611716 POTUS: While im on the subject, a few days ago we had an incident, I have to say the SS did a helluva job…. they saw the barrel of the gun… AK47.. this guy ran, … a woman, not a man, women are smarter than man, I hate to say it… our great First Lady is very happy now, … who would do this… so you now have a man running, he dropped the gun, running… a woman driving in a car, she saw a man running, she followed him, she felt like he was trouble, she started taking pictures of his license plate … think of it… who would do that?… not for good or bad, not from strength or heroism, she saw something in this guy that was bad …

>>21611718 POTUS: I hope im going to meet her, she takes a picture of a plate and she sends picture of the plate to the sheriffs office,… they got him, high speed chase….

>>21611729 Sarah: There's a couple take aways… the women in America LOVE Donald Trump .. we wanted to do our part… GOD is not finished with you and HE has big plans…

>>21611736 POTUS: They say (the new cars) are gonna be hydrogen…. they say they have a small problem, sometimes they blow up.

>>21611748 Sarah: We are going to take another question from the audience, maybe the hardest job is being a mom, because the gov making everything harder.

POTUS: Hello Barbara, hello back there.

Barbar: Thank you for taking our question, im a mom of three and grandmother of 7, three great grands, im a reg nurse, … I know the cost of running a household, how are you going to bring down the cost?

>>21611754 POTUS: It is my ambition to get your energy bills down 50 percent in the first year, interest rates are going to follow.

>>21611758 Question: How are you going to bring down the cost of food and groceries?

President Trump: It's my ambition to get your energy bill, within twelve months, down fifty percent. If I can do that, we've done a hell of a job. Five-0. Not fifteen. Fifty. Interest rates are going to follow.

>>21611764 POTUS: We gotta work with our farmers, they are being absolutely decimated… id not know if you remember, I love the farmers, … I have this gorgeous room with a gorgeous table that seats about 35 people…. we are going to get you a most beautiful subsidy, … they answered.. we don't want a subsidy, we just want a level playing field… he didn't want anything, he just wanted to compete fairly… sometimes the worst countries are so called allies.

>>21611776 POTUS: The only things that don't get obsolete are walls and wheels.

>>21611795 POTUS: You won't have a car industry left, we are going to have electric car, but 7 percent, … the battery charge isn't there yet… they don't go far away, they don't work in cold or heat… Elon is going to figure it out, … he gave us a great endorsement… he's solving the problem.. he's got to send up a rocket to bring back the two people in space.

>>21611802 President Trump: [Harris] wants to terminate the Trump Tax Cut. Just that, is going to lift up your taxes by forty-four percent.

>>21611810 Sarah: We have time for one more question …

Willie: Good evening President Trump, Im a local contractor, ive lived here my whole life, and ill tell you, … what are you going to do about taxes…


Anonymous ID: 30b546 Sept. 18, 2024, 5:59 a.m. No.21614870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4912 >>4942 >>5018



POTUS: Kamala is going to cancel Trump tax cuts… there's no estate tax tax.. but she's got one thing that's incredible, an unrealized capital gains tax… it will drive everyone out of business… the only one making money is appraisers and accountants.

>>21611812 POTUS: You have to understand a lot of these people are international … they will leave our country, they will leave all those jobs that weve3 created, she's going to be raising your taxes 60, 70 percent.

>>21611816 POTUS: Mark my words… if a tragedy happens, and we don't win… we won't be making anything in our country anymore…

>>21611820 President Trump: If a tragedy happens, and we don't win, there will be zero car jobs, manufacturing jobs. It'll all be out of here. And that includes South Carolina, and that includes other places that are competitors of yours. You won't be making cars here anymore. You won't be making anything in our country anymore.

>>21611824 POTUS: But if I say, however if you build your plant in Michigan , we are going to have more fun in Michigan, they going from paying 100 percent tariff to nothing, … this will be like taking candy from a baby… im going to give you the credit.

>>21611830 Sarah: Its going to be even better the second time around… I know you are going to win Michigan… the future of my kids, our kids depends on whether Donald Trump goes back into the WH.

>>21611836 POTUS: Thank you Sarah, thank you very much… thank you everybody.

[YMCA plays]

Anonymous ID: 30b546 Sept. 18, 2024, 6:08 a.m. No.21614930   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you think anon has anything to do with the breads at the moment

especially with all you clowns there fucking each other and the notables and breads.

Anonymous ID: 30b546 Sept. 18, 2024, 6:37 a.m. No.21615091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5124 >>5134


waiting for jerome powell to put the b.i.s plan into action today.



note: Anon has been searching the annual report for important info which is shows that those who work for the B.I.S are tax exempt and above any laws around the world. The language is confusing but it does appear that those who work for this organisation are exempt from taxation from any and all earnings from the B.I.S

remuneration package aka wages.

Board members - Total 17 members and 2 from america.

Jerome Powell (federal reserve) John C. Williams (Federal bank of New York).

They get paid in Swiss Francs CHF 1,076,924 = $1,224,103.97 United States Dollar

board meeting attendance pay CHF 992,196 = $1,127,618.85 United States Dollar

Andrew Bailey (Bank of England) CHF 1,076,924 = £961,491.75 British Pound Sterling

board meeting attendance pay CHF 992,196 = £885,845.49 British Pound Sterling

Just a further note: It would be easy for the C.I.A to install board members into the board of the B.I.S. so all positions are easily installed same as every single institution which has been proved by Blackrock. All above are tax free salary, this does not include the fact that these people also get paid for being central bankers for their own countries.



Pursuant to host country agreements or legislation, BIS staff members are generally

exempt from income tax on Bank salaries and allowances that would otherwise

be levied by the relevant host countries. However, they remain subject to tax levied

in the host countries on income from sources other than the Bank, as well as other

taxes (eg wealth or property tax). The exemption from national taxation reflects a

well established international practice for international organisations.


Board remuneration

The AGM approves the

remuneration of members of the

Board of Directors, with adjustments

taking place at regular intervals. The total

fixed annual remuneration paid to the Board was

CHF 1,076,924 as of 1 April 2023. Board members also

receive an attendance fee for each Board meeting in

which they participate. Assuming that the full Board

is represented in all Board meetings, the annual total

of these attendance fees for financial year 2022/23

amounts to CHF 992,196.