Can someone pkease tell me what the heck I am looking at in this TMZ DiddyPuffy whomever image? Look at legs? I feel like it is a start of a RBG rolling coatrack meme.
Also, where is his left leg?
Nevermind. I figured it out. Legs crossed, probably leaning on portable seat, pole thing.
Watermark from TMZ threw me off akso.
Just a normal pic. I will get first cup of coffee now.
So funny you just poasted this, i was reviewing and figured it out before reading your poast. Just woke up, first thing i saw today, retarded first look.
tarrddd. Me.
Scare tactic to get people to fear electronics/ devices ahead of election, so no awareness current news goings on.
Not you, them.
All is designed to hit news and frighten populations.
You may be right, but overall they just need the evrnt, then media does the rest.
Just be right with Jesus and stay comfy.
Please, lets do it