Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 12:29 p.m. No.21617181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7414 >>7687 >>7840 >>7913

Court-Authorized Operation Disrupts Worldwide Botnet Used by People’s Republic of China State-Sponsored Hackers

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 12:30 p.m. No.21617182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7259 >>7414 >>7687 >>7840 >>7913

Trans-Identifying 19-Year-Old Arrested After Expressing Desire To Shoot Up Elementary School


Iowa police arrested a trans-identifying 19-year-old on Monday and charged her with a “threat of terrorism” after she revealed in therapy that she wanted to shoot up an elementary school, The Daily Wire has learned.


The Norwalk Police Department announced Monday that it had arrested Margaret Anderson after being made aware last week of a “potential threat” to Oviatt Elementary School, located in Norwalk, Iowa. In a release, the department said that Anderson has been charged with a “Threat of Terrorism” under Iowa Code 708A.5, and had been processed into the Warren County Jail.


Anderson is a 19-year-old female who identifies as a transgender man, Warren County Attorney Doug Eichholz confirmed to The Daily Wire on Tuesday. The police department said on Monday that Margaret also went by Maxwell, raising initial suspicions that gender identity was at play in the case.


Eichholz said that the case arose out of statements that Anderson made to her therapist during the course of her “regular treatment.” The therapist then reported the statements to the Des Moines Police Department, he said, which forwarded the information to the Norwalk Police Department in her hometown.


“And then the investigation took off from there,” he explained.


According to Eichholz, the complaint about Anderson says: “The defendant stated that she had thoughts that she wanted to take a gun to Oviatt Elementary School in Norwalk, at 11 am through the cafeteria, and shoot children.”


The complaint did not contain context as to why Anderson was motivated to shoot children, the Warren County Attorney said. He noted that after Anderson shared these thoughts, she was immediately entered into Iowa Lutheran Hospital in Des Moines, which has a mental health facility attached. She was then arrested on Monday, Eichholz said, released Tuesday morning to house arrest with restrictions including a GPS bracelet, and is currently on pretrial release.


Shawn Holloway, superintendent of Norwalk Community School District, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 12:32 p.m. No.21617189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7642

22,000 Foreigners Are In Federal Prisons. They’re All Eligible For Taxpayer-Funded Gender Transitions.


The Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) has about 22,000 foreign nationals in its custody, the Daily Wire has learned, and it appears that all of these prisoners are eligible for taxpayer-funded gender transitions.


The topic came up during last week’s debate, when former President Donald Trump highlighted Vice President Kamala Harris’ support for taxpayer-funded gender transitions for incarcerated illegal immigrants, prompting the Harris campaign to suggest that Harris is not currently proposing the policy as part of her platform.


Asked about whether it would provide a gender transition surgery for an illegal immigrant, however, a spokeswoman for the federal prison system, Emery Nelson, said the Bureau under Harris is “committed to providing all incarcerated individuals a safe and humane environment, including providing gender-affirming housing and medical care as appropriate.”


The FBOP would not share how many federal prisoners have requested trans procedures.


“There have been two individuals who have undergone gender-affirming surgery while in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons,” spokesman Donald Murphy told The Daily Wire, asked whether any illegal immigrants have undergone taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries. The Bureau said that “privacy, safety, and security reasons” were what restricted it from answering questions about how many prisoners have requested trans procedures.


The two individuals referenced appear to be two men who now identify as transgender women: Donna Langan (also known as Peter Kevin Langan) and Cristina Nichole Iglesia (also known as Cristian Noel Iglesias andKenneth R. West), who both received taxpayer funded gender transitions. Iglesia has since been released from prison, but Langan, a neo-Nazi accused of robbing 22 banks during a two year window, is serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Texas.


As of September 5, there are a total of 158,525 federal inmates, according to the FBOP, meaning that foreign nationals currently make up about 13.9% of federal inmates. The largest chunk, 12,339, or about 7.9%, are from Mexico


As of September 7, there are 1,457 men who identify as transgender women in FBOP custody, and there are 767 women who identify as men in FBOP custody.


FBOP data and documents indicate that these taxpayer-funded surgeries for illegal immigrants could already be in progress — and the procedures available to trans-identifying inmates include over-the-counter laser hair removal devices, breast implants, the “removal of all of or part of the penis,” the “surgical creation of a clitoris,” “removal of one or both testicles,” and more.


FBOP’s 2023 clinical guidance on “Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary Persons,” obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project and shared with The Daily Wire, makes clear that any prisoner who self-identifies as transgender or gender nonbinary to an FBOP staff member will then be referred to a mental health professional or medical provider.


That mental health professional completes an assessment, documents the inmate’s gender dysphoria or lack thereof, and initiates the “gender-affirming live experiences within the prison system.” The inmate will then meet with a medical provider and can then initiate hormone treatments.


After this, the inmate can request “further gender affirmation” by living in an institution that matches his or her gender identity: for example, a male inmate who identifies as a transgender woman can request to be transferred to a female prison.


The prison’s warden will request an administrative review by the FBOP Transgender Executive Council (TEC), and if approved, the inmate will be transferred to that institution aligning with their gender-identity.

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 12:35 p.m. No.21617199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7361

Pentagon Gives $1.5 Million To Dem Activist’s Fake Meat Laboratory


The Department of Defense awarded nearly $1.5 million in taxpayer money to a Democratic donor’s company, which makes fake lab-grown meat from fermented fungus.


The Better Meat Company, which uses fungus protein to make fake meat in a lab, is led by CEO Paul Shapiro, an activist with a history of donating to Democrats. The taxpayer-funded grant will bankroll a “bioproduction facility for mycoprotein ingredients that are shelf-stable, have high protein and fiber contents, and can be dehydrated.” The company creates the phony meat by feeding water and nutrients to fungal roots stored in a bioreactor, turning the material into a semi-solid gray liquid that is strained to finally become the end product.


A Pentagon spokesman told The Daily Wire that the award “is in support of a bioproduction facility for types of protein that are shelf-stable, have high protein and fiber content, and can rapidly support the sustainment requirements of our globally-deployed forces.”


“We are investing in sources of protein such as chickpeas and tofu. The Department is not funding research into ‘lab-grown’ or ‘fake meat’ – nor does it have plans to include such protein substitutes in service members’ MREs,” the Pentagon spokesman went on to say.


The grant will, however, fund a “facility for mycoprotein ingredients,” the same exact ingredient used to create the fake meat. The Daily Wire asked the Defense Department if these facilities will be used by the Better Meat Company to create fake meat during or after the grant term, but has not received a response.


The Defense Department previously announced plans to feed imitation meat to soldiers in an attempt to reduce its carbon footprint. The department then backtracked after being hit with widespread criticism, and agreed not to fund the fake meat initiative this July — just before the Pentagon seemingly reversed course again with its grant to the Better Meat Company.


“We believe the future of meat production is fermentation-fueled,” the Better Meat Company claims on its site. “We aspire to revolutionize the meat industry by creating a new and better way to make meat,” it says, referencing its faux-meat product.


The grant will, however, fund a “facility for mycoprotein ingredients,” the same exact ingredient used to create the fake meat. The Daily Wire asked the Defense Department if these facilities will be used by the Better Meat Company to create fake meat during or after the grant term, but has not received a response.


The Defense Department previously announced plans to feed imitation meat to soldiers in an attempt to reduce its carbon footprint. The department then backtracked after being hit with widespread criticism, and agreed not to fund the fake meat initiative this July — just before the Pentagon seemingly reversed course again with its grant to the Better Meat Company.


“We believe the future of meat production is fermentation-fueled,” the Better Meat Company claims on its site. “We aspire to revolutionize the meat industry by creating a new and better way to make meat,” it says, referencing its faux-meat product.


Jack Hubbard is the Executive Director of the Center for the Environment and Welfare, an organization “founded to help consumers, companies, and stakeholders navigate issues related to sustainability and animal welfare.” Hubbard tore into the Defense Department’s grant and expressed concern that the funding would support the company behind the production of phony meat.


“America’s foreign enemies are laughing at us,” he said, asserting that the Pentagon should stick to national security instead of diverting taxpayer dollars to companies that produce fake meat.


Other fake meat products have been found to result in various health problems, including hives and swelling of the throat, one study found.


The Better Meat Company’s fake meat production appears to be ideologically motivated. Shapiro previously worked as a vice president at the Humane Society. One Politico profile of Shapiro in 2018, which detailed extensive sexual harassment allegations against him, called the Better Meat CEO “one of the nation’s most consequential animal rights advocates.”


“The problem today is that we are using vast numbers of geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys, pigs, cows, and other animals that we frankly really like to eat,” Shapiro said in a speech about his company.


Shapiro also has a history of donating to Democrats, including former New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio, and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD).



Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 12:36 p.m. No.21617208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7211 >>7274 >>7381

Most obvious major crisis in world history is approaching. Few understand.


The BIS is warning the financial system is prone to repeat episodes of volatility like the one that rippled across markets in August when a popular hedge fund strategy collapsed.


“We should be under no illusion. This is not the first and will not be the last turbulence in markets,” said Claudio Borio, head of the monetary and economics department at the BIS, in a press conference. “It is part of the bigger picture, the inevitable withdrawal symptoms that markets suffer as they transition away from the extraordinary period of exceptionally low interest rates and ample liquidity.”


“The signs of bubbles emerging in financial markets are clear to see. The Dow Jones Industrial Average recently surpassed 40,000 for the first time, and the UK FTSE 100


both have reached new highs. Forward price-to-earnings ratios in the United States recently traded at a multiple of around 25 — well above the historical average of 16 — and these high valuations have persisted despite interest rates above 5%.


Such trends certainly justify worries about new stock-market bubbles. But not all bubbles are equal, and only some are problematic for the wider economy. As we saw after 2007, what matters is whether a burst bubble will trigger a chain reaction that undercuts growth for years.”


A recession is coming in the U.S., and ‘a few rate cuts’ won’t prevent it, says strategist


“Contrary to what many believe, investment research firm BCA Research sees that the economy is on the cusp of a recession, and the predicted upcoming U.S. Federal Reserve rate cuts will not be sufficient to steer markets out of it.


“Every single one of us now believes there’s a recession, and that’s exactly the opposite of what the market believes,” Garry Evans, BCA Research’s chief strategist of global asset allocation told CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia.”


Evans pointed to signs of the economy slowing down, including what he called the “deteriorating” U.S. labor market. The U.S. Labor Department reported that the unemployment rate inched to 4.3% in July to its highest since October 2021, and a gauge for U.S. manufacturing activity fell to an eight-month low in the same month.


“There’s things that are breaking down quite rapidly now,” said the strategist.”

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 12:42 p.m. No.21617230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7340 >>7441 >>7723



Not just pagers: iPhones, laptops, electronic locks and other devices exploded in Lebanon today

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 12:45 p.m. No.21617238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7414 >>7687 >>7840 >>7913

Pharmaceutical Giants Proclaim The ‘Golden Age Of Vaccines’ Are Here, Seeks To Replace Conventional Medicines With Vaccines


Barron’s published a detailed report last week titled “A Golden Age of Vaccines Is Here. What It Means for You.” The report explains how some of the leading pharmaceutical companies are seeking to rake in new revenue streams with new vaccines, such as ones with mRNA technology among others, to treat a myriad of other ailments, after these titans experienced record profits from the last several years from manufacturing Covid-19 vaccines.


The following are excerpts from that report:


Roll up your sleeves. Effective new vaccines have hit the market for everything from pneumonia to shingles to RSV to, of course, Covid-19. And that’s just the beginning.


There were 258 vaccines in development as of 2020, according to a report from trade group Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, or PhRMA. It found that $406 billion in direct medical costs were saved due to routine childhood vaccination of U.S. children born from 1994 to 2018.


Pharmaceutical companies are currently developing everything from personalized cancer vaccines that could cost tens of thousands per patient to vaccines that prevent developing-world diseases like malaria or tuberculosis. Improved flu, pneumonia, and meningitis vaccines will also be available in your neighborhood pharmacy.


Scientists are testing vaccines to prevent a virus believed to cause multiple sclerosis in some people. Someday, vaccines could routinely treat acne, protect against peanut allergies, and even prevent heart disease or help treat Alzheimer’s disease.


Last year, Moderna and Merck conducted a trial in which personalized vaccines that used genetic sequencing to target specific mutations in each patient’s cancer helped slash the recurrence rate for metastatic melanoma. The two pharmaceutical companies plan to try the same approach on lung cancer and other carcinomas.


“One of the most powerful things in human health is the immune system,” says Moderna President Stephen Hoge, himself a physician. “We now understand cancer as a disease that emerges later in life principally, not because of mutations but because the immune system gets less effective in controlling it.”


[…] Vaccines, by contrast, use the body’s own immunological response to fight off disease. They tend to have fewer long-term side effects than drugs, despite the recent surge in vaccine hesitancy in the American public.

“Why are vaccines better than drugs? Vaccines prevent things from ever happening so you never have to treat them,” says Kawsar Talaat, an infectious disease physician and vaccine scientist at Johns Hopkins.

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 12:47 p.m. No.21617247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7293 >>7414 >>7687 >>7840 >>7913

Russia strongly condemns unprecedented attack on Lebanon, its citizens — MFA


"In all likelihood the organizers of this high-tech attack purposefully sought to foment a large-scale armed confrontation with the aim to provoke a major war in the Middle East," Maria Zakharova said


"We strongly condemn the unprecedented attack on friendly Lebanon and its citizens, which constitutes a gross violation of its sovereignty and a serious challenge to international law with the use of unconventional weapons. We offer our sincere condolences to the families of the victims and wish prompt recovery to the injured," Zakharova said. She pointed out that Russia considered the spate of pager explosions "as another act of hybrid warfare against Lebanon, which has affected thousands of innocent people."


"In all likelihood the organizers of this high-tech attack purposefully sought to foment a large-scale armed confrontation with the aim to provoke a major war in the Middle East," Zakharova said.


She pointed out that against the background of soaring tensions on the Lebanese-Israeli border "such irresponsible actions are fraught with extremely dangerous consequences, as they provoke a new round of escalation."


"It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive investigation into this crime and bring all those responsible to justice to ensure that this act of terrorism should not be swept under the carpet, which the Western countries have been trying to do in relation to the investigation of the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions. We urge all parties involved for restraint and for refraining from steps that may further destabilize the military and political situation in the Middle East," Zakharova concluded.


Attack on Lebanon

On September 17, many pagers exploded almost simultaneously in different parts of Lebanon. According to the country's Health Ministry, there have been fatalities and a large number of injured as a result of the emergency. The Shiite movement Hezbollah blamed the explosions on Israel and promised a "just response." According to one version, the incident was a result of a cyberattack. The pagers were reportedly brought to Lebanon for Hezbollah supporters in the spring of this year with explosive devices already embedded in them.


CNN earlier also indicated that the explosions in Lebanon were a result of a "joint operation by Israeli intelligence and the Israeli military." The Israeli authorities did not comment on the incident.

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 12:51 p.m. No.21617264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7275

Reminder the goal is to trick Christian's into supporting the beast system and antiChrist that will rule from Jerusalem in the 3rd temple!

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 1:19 p.m. No.21617372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7385 >>7414 >>7687 >>7840 >>7913

Inside Israel’s history of inventive assassination methods


Exploding books and poisoned toothpaste among techniques used to hit targets – with mixed results


Israel has a long history of inventive, unusual assassination methods, and reports that at least nine people may have been killed by exploding pagers could be its latest grim chapter.


As of Tuesday night, Israel had not claimed responsibility for the attack – but it bears many of the hallmarks of its special forces units, such as Mossad.


Formed in 1949, the year after the birth of the state of Israel, Mossad has been linked to many of Israel’s most daring killings.

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 1:21 p.m. No.21617378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Study Finds Link Between Brain Energy Production and Your Psychosocial Experience


Your brain is highly energy-dependent, consuming 20% of your body’s energy. Recent studies show a bidirectional relationship between mental well-being and mitochondrial function, with positive experiences boosting cellular energy production


Chronic stress can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, increasing your risk of mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Breaking the stress cycle is crucial for optimal mitochondrial function and overall health


Strategies to manage chronic stress include regular exercise, consuming healthy carbohydrates, engaging in creative activities, practicing self-soothing techniques, optimizing sleep and maintaining a positive outlook


Diet also plays a significant role in stress management. Consuming healthy carbs can help lower your cortisol levels, while avoiding seed oils high in linoleic acid (LA) is recommended to prevent mitochondrial dysfunction


Rewiring your brain for happiness and cultivating Joy is important. Joy is described as an active pursuit of life’s purpose, distinct from passive happiness, reflecting engagement with life and personal growth

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 1:40 p.m. No.21617451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

19 March 2016


Hillary Clinton’s Emails and the Syrian Shoah. “Greater Israel” and the Yinon Plan


[I]f the Assad regime topples, Iran would lose its only ally in the Middle East and would be isolated. At the same time, the fall of the House of Assad could well ignite a sectarian war between the Shiites and the majority Sunnis of the region drawing in Iran, which, in the view of Israeli commanders would not be a bad thing for Israel and its Western allies. (


In 1982, Oded Yinon an Israeli journalist, formerly attached to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, published a document titled ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties.’ The strategic plan later named ‘The Yinon Plan’ suggested that for Israel to maintain its regional superiority, it must break its neighboring Arab states into smaller sectarian units engaged in endless tribal wars. The Yinon Plan implied that Arabs and Muslims killing each other was an insurance policy for Israel.

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.21617474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel blocks over 80 percent of food aid from entering Gaza


Over 85 percent of Gaza remains under forced evacuation orders, preventing most Palestinians from accessing the small trickle of aid Tel Aviv allows to enter the strip


Israel is preventing up to 83 percent of food aid from entering the Gaza Strip nearly one year into its genocidal war against Palestinians in the besieged enclave, according to a press release issued on 16 September by 15 humanitarian aid organizations.


“[Eighty-three percent] of required food aid does not make it into Gaza, up from 34 [percent] in 2023. This reduction means people in Gaza have gone from having an average of two meals a day to just one meal every other day,” the press release states, adding that “An estimated 50,000 children aged between 6–59 months urgently require treatment for malnutrition by the end of the year.”


The statement also reveals that, in August 2024, a record-low average of 69 aid trucks per day entered Gaza, compared to 500 per working day at the same time last year – a figure that was still too low to meet people's needs before Israel's genocide of the Palestinians started.


“In August more than one million people did not receive any food rations in southern and central Gaza,” the press release highlights.


The organizations also detail the dire healthcare and homelessness crisis sweeping across the strip, revealing that only 17 out of 36 hospitals remain partially functional – with only around 1,500 hospital beds available for millions of Palestinians – while stressing that 1.87 million people require shelter.


“There is a shortage of all humanitarian items. We are overwhelmed [with] these needs and [these] urgent requirements … People [are] starving due to the shortage of aid … 100 [percent] of the population depend on humanitarian aid … It's the worst situation that we [witnessed] during …. the Israel war in Gaza,” Amjad al-Shawa, the director of the Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO), told the international organizations.


“The situation was intolerable long before last October’s escalation and is beyond catastrophic now. Over 11 months, we have reached shocking levels of conflict, displacement, disease, and hunger. Yet, aid is still not getting in, and humanitarian workers are risking their lives to do their jobs while attacks and violations of international law intensify," says Jolien Veldwijik, CARE Country Director in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.


Save the Children, Oxfam, Danish Refugee Council, Norwegian Refugee Council, KinderUSA, and Islamic Relief are among the organizations that co-signed the release.


“We bring in aid because there is no choice … We can’t, in the current global reality, manage a war. Nobody will let us cause 2 million civilians to die of hunger, even though it might be justified and moral until our hostages are returned,” Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said last month.


As Palestinians in Gaza continue to die due to hunger, disease, and indiscriminate Israeli airstrikes, the UN revealed on Monday that 55 forced evacuation orders remain in effect in the besieged enclave, covering more than 85 percent of its territory.


“Between 1 and 15 September of the 94 planned humanitarian missions coordinated with the Israeli authorities for northern Gaza, only 37 – or 39 percent – were facilitated … In southern Gaza, just over 50 percent of the 243 coordinated humanitarian movements were facilitated,” UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters, adding that OCHA is “unable to access northern Gaza for 28 days.”

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 1:55 p.m. No.21617533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7687 >>7840 >>7913

Israel's War Cabinet Greenlights Offensive War Against Hezbollah, Sends Elite Brigade North


Update(1544): As many suspected and feared, this deadly two-day Israeli covert operation to blow up Hezbollah pagers, walkie-talkies, and small electronic devices was but preparation for a likely Israeli military ground operation in southern Lebanon. It appears war is here. According to breaking news wires:


Israeli cabinet has given PM Netanyahu and Defence Minister Gallant the authorization to undertake military action against Hezbollah – even if it leads to an all-out war.


So far the second day of explosions across Beirut and Lebanon have led to 14 killed and 450 wounded, but the casualty toll could be much higher.


Defense Minister Gallant has also declared a "new phase" of operations against Hezbollah along northern Israel:


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, IDF chief Herzi Halevi and other officials all issued statements Wednesday evening which appeared to suggest a full-on war with Hezbollah was brewing, hours after a wave of explosions of walkie-talkies and other communications devices used by Hezbollah members across Lebanon caused widespread casualties, echoing a similar attack a day earlier that targeted Hezbollah-issued pagers.


The IDF also announced Wednesday that it was redeploying its 98th Division to northern Israel, after months of operations in the Gaza Strip under the Southern Command.


Israel has further just ordered an elite brigade to the north:


The Israeli army announced it’s transferring the 98th Division from the Gaza Strip to the northern border with Lebanon as tensions continue to escalate.


With about 10,000-20,000 soldiers, the paratroopers and commandos will now join the 36th Division under the Northern Command.

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 1:59 p.m. No.21617551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7687 >>7840 >>7913

Syria condemns the terrorist aggression committed by Israeli entity against civilians in Lebanon


Damascus-SANA Syria strongly condemned the new bloody crime committed by the Zionist entity against civilians in Lebanon, expressing its strong solidarity with the brotherly Lebanese people and standing by their side in their right to defend themselves.


Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said in a statement that the racist Zionist entity committed a bloody aggression on Tuesday against people in brotherly Lebanon, by carrying out an cyber-attack on communication means, using technology as a means to spread killing and bloodshed in an unprecedented attack.


Syria strongly condemns that terrorist aggression and the new bloody crime committed by the Israeli occupation against civilians in Lebanon, which reflects Israel’s desire to expand the scope of the war and its thirst to shed more blood, the Foreign Ministry added.


It expressed Syria’s strong solidarity with the brotherly Lebanese people and its standing by their side in defending themselves, stressing its confidence in their ability to confront this treacherous Zionist aggression, calling on all countries and peoples of the world to condemn this sinful aggression.

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 2:06 p.m. No.21617581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7687 >>7840 >>7913

Billionaire expects stock market crash, recession if Kamala Harris wins election


Billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson says he'll pull his money from the market if Kamala Harris wins the US election.


Billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson has threatened to remove his money from the US markets if Vice President Kamala Harris defeats former President Donald Trump in November’s presidential election.


The Paulson & Co. founder — also a Trump megadonor — made the shocking revelation during an appearance on Fox Business on Tuesday.


“It depends on the policy, if Harris is elected I would pull my money from the market,” Paulson said. “I’d go into cash and I’d go into gold because I think the uncertainty regarding the plans they outlined would create a lot of uncertainty in the markets and likely lower markets.”


Elon Musk, the world’s richest man and also a Trump supporter, responded to Paulson’s promise by tweeting legendary investor Warren Buffett was “already preparing for this outcome”.


Buffett has increased cash reserves at Berkshire Hathaway this year, although it’s not completely clear why.


Billionaire Election interference Murdoch Newscorp are all in


Market crash threat?

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 2:44 p.m. No.21617789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7804 >>7820



Sean Diddy Combs’s neighbor claims Diddy brings minors to his house BY THE BUS LOAD late at night.

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 3:07 p.m. No.21617882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7894 >>7898

Diddy makes bizarre promise while begging judge to be let out of jail as he's denied bail again


Combs, who pleaded not guilty on Tuesday, promised to have minimal female visitors to his home in Miami Beach should he be granted release on bail.


The star's legal team asked for Combs to be released on $50 million bail and kept electronically monitored, with his Miami mansion as collateral, after a US magistrate judge in Manhattan ordered he be held without bail on Tuesday.


Under the bail request, visits would be limited to family or mothers of his children, property caretakers and friends who are not co-conspirators in the federal indictment, TMZ reported. Logs of all visitors to his home would be handed over to the government nightly.

Anonymous ID: 00d38c Sept. 18, 2024, 3:14 p.m. No.21617912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7930

Justice Department Files Lawsuit Against The Owner And Operator Of The Vessel That Destroyed The Francis Scott Key Bridge