Anonymous ID: 302eb5 Sept. 18, 2024, 2:03 p.m. No.21617568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7764 >>7786

A Little too much noticing

Ian Carroll


Just got an account warning on TikTok-


A commenter on a Diddy video said something like “when are we gonna hold the white people above Diddy accountable?”


I responded “they’re Jewish”


Just trying to stick up for their identity as it’s my understanding that Jewish people don’t want to be lumped in with white people? Am I mistaken about that? Genuinely super confusing.


Not only is that statement factually accurate- whether we’re talking about Lucien Grainge or Clyve Davis- or most anyone else in the industry. But also, how is it worthy of an account warning?


Of all the heinous shit I say in the comments?


I’m sure China and the CCP finds that comment offensive…


“Free speech” except for that topic causes far more antisemitism than it even pretends to solve.


As we clearly have AI patrolling our social media platforms protecting Jewish people from discussion of reality. And it’s not even smart enough to distinguish facts from fiction.


Not to mention that I’m a huge fan of any Jewish person who doesn’t blindly go along with Israel murdering children. I’m also not afraid to call out the Jewish mob, or Mossad sexual blackmail ops, or Israeli genocide.


Y’all are debasing the word antisemitism and it has less and less meaning every day.


Ian Carroll


And for people that don’t have context- the Jewish mob and Italian mafia- mostly the mob, have longstanding ties to the music industry. They have been laundering money through the music industry for decades.


If we see what looks like organized crime in the music industry today still, you do the math.


And remember- we’re talking about sex trafficking, drugs, abuse of women, murder, blackmail. Indefensible stuff.

Anonymous ID: 302eb5 Sept. 18, 2024, 2:28 p.m. No.21617707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7736

Shadow of Ezra


Republican Rep. Tim Burchett claims the CIA employed MK ULTRA in both assassination attempts against Trump.


He explains how the agency manipulates the mentally ill by painting Trump as a villain and using coded language to control them, turning them into pawns for their agenda.


Burchett concludes by saying that the Deep State has issued a covert stand-down order, leaving Trump exposed to further assassination attempts.