Anonymous ID: 7d95b1 Sept. 18, 2024, 4:02 p.m. No.21618184   🗄️.is 🔗kun


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Who Was Maria Orsitsch or Maria Orsic?

  • Maria Orsitsch, sometimes known as Maria Orsic, was a well-known medium who subsequently became the leader of the Vril Society.

  • Maria quickly became involved in the popular German national movement of the moment, which aimed to annex Austria to the German Reich.

  • In December 1919, members of Thule, Vril, and DHvSS (Die Herren vom schwarzen Stein – The Lords of the Black Stone) hired a tiny forester’s lodge outside Berchtesgaden (Germany) and met there with Maria Orsic and another medium known only as Sigrun. Maria claimed to have received mediumistic transmissions including technical data for the development of a flying aircraft in a secret German Templar script – a language she didn’t understand. These telepathic messages originated in Aldebaran, a solar system 68 light-years away in the constellation Taurus, according to Vril records.