Anonymous ID: 723b69 Sept. 18, 2024, 5:04 p.m. No.21618672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8681 >>8699


tyb >>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618605 President Trump: You know what, we're gonna have the greatest win in history when we pull this off. Gonna be legendary.

>>21618609 POTUS: ' An in 2020, i got millions more than 2016.. and i lost … but you know what, we are going to have the greatest win in history, its going to be legendary, …now the border is 25 percent worse than it was in 2020… and i want to be know as your Border President, and Kamala will be known as your invasion president((( she was president then allthis time)))'

>>21618619 POTUS: ' Bruce would you let people come in from a foreign country like venezuela come in.. btw their crime rates down…but bruce would you ever tell the people that you are supposed to be protecting… im not going to do anything?'

>>21618628 POTUS: ' I am going to go to Springfield and going to Aurora, you may never see me again, whatever happened to Trump? well he went to Springfield'

>>21618632 POTUS: ' The mayor of Springfield… we are hiring teachers to teach them english… we are hiring interpreters so when they take our kids places in school…. oh no we are getting them the hell out, i will protect our country… she will surrender our country'

>>21618637 POTUS: ' Let me tell you what you really do, … some of them you cant release cuz theyll come right back.. so you lock them up'

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618662 POTUS: ' I came into the Presidency and MS13 was on my mind because two beautiful girls were sliced into pieces by MS13, i never forgot that, and then i realized things are happening like that all over the place… these are the worse people… theyre animals…i got the the WH, i want MS13 out of here, … what i want you to do, i want them out… and the general said, they dont want them back, going on for many years during the b arak hussein administration… think of it, they would take planes and put them on the runways, so when a plane is going to fly in with 2-300 MS13 killers, they wouldnt be able to land… so i said how much money do we pay them in economic development each year… sir we pay them 750 thousand dollars,… i say inform these countries that they wont be getting any more of our money '

Anonymous ID: 723b69 Sept. 18, 2024, 5:06 p.m. No.21618681   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>21618676 POTUS: ' that very day we were bringing them back to their countries by the thousands and thousands and thousands… but now they are getting 4 billion a year, you know why? because of biden administration'

Anonymous ID: 723b69 Sept. 18, 2024, 5:08 p.m. No.21618699   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>21618669 President Trump: These people, the law enforcement, they're afraid in these places, because it's so violent. They've never seen people like this. These are violent people that they're allowing into our country. It is truly an invasion, and we're not gonna let it happen. We're gonna take those violent people, and we're gonna ship 'em back to their country, And if they come back in they're gonna pay a hell of a price.