>… the things you've dubbed adult concerns, can be directly compared to past revivals.
Okay, I'll give you that, but only because I limited the description of difference between the past and present (and future) to one of the simplest parallels Paul draws it with. But there are many, many other descriptions of this difference in Scripture. And the more we study them, the more apparent this difference becomes.
Most of these differences are also delimited by Scriptural time periods (or "days") - specifically, three that have elapsed since Moses and three others we are now in. The first three were until the "end of time" (for man), which came at the end of the "six days" of creation (4004 BC to 1997 AD). This was the end of time appointed for man, but the beginning of time appointed for the son of man (since 1997), which is also termed "the latter (3) days."
The promise of Christianity is based on the continuation of time beyond the time of man, into the time we now live in - for three more days. But in these "latter days" we become a new kind of man for many reasons, primarily because of the social development that takes place within it that makes our societies more accountable to adult (divine) concerns than just those we have generally related to each other with in the past as countries (such as concerns for economics, territorial rights, etc…).
In these latter days, we come to value more the things of divine concern (which Paul likens to adulthood), and this is what makes us a new and different kind of (collective) species.
The image of Daniel that depicts 5 body regions are also associated with these time periods and interpreted by Ezekiel (as they compare to us), (where he crossed the river at different depths). Each relate to these days as well. Our present (fourth) period in that order of development compares to that of the body from the waist to the neck, which is followed by that of the head, and then the higher human potential above that (which is the divine part.)
This is the Real GREAT AWAKENING. It is developing the heart and arms of the divine man, the wisdom of divine man, and the higher wisdom above even that - which relates to God. Jesus represented this sixth, ultimate development at Gethsemane, when in prayer he bled from the forehead (revealing the inner working to God). This red-faced potential nature is also the very definition of the meaning of the term Adam (he could blush in the face).
There is a huge study on these time periods here, they are the keys to unlocking thousands of secrets long ago secluded in sacred texts specifically for this higher education we are only now starting to learn about.