Anonymous ID: 33e235 Sept. 19, 2024, 5:23 a.m. No.21621489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1490 >>1495 >>1508


i had no idea there was even a season 1!

this is interesting that Keanu is bringing fair attention to Graham. "The Science" pandemic of its unquestionable Priesthood is disgusting, even in archaeology. Or maybe that is because Big Archaeology has been knowingly holding a lid upon important human history.


I wonder if they will touch on that recent conversation about megalithic structure used as mineral refining and crop fertilizer production????

Anonymous ID: 33e235 Sept. 19, 2024, 5:36 a.m. No.21621530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1550


wasn't it GH that tried to have a dignified debate with Zahi Hawas (idfk how to spell his name)… and ZH had a shitfit when he found out that Graham was in the room???


That shit was fookin funny with ZH going cray cray.

Anonymous ID: 33e235 Sept. 19, 2024, 5:48 a.m. No.21621567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1582


if this stuff is a key part of "the awakening" im gonna need a lot lot more more pop'n corn.


trying to recall the name of that guy who put out a book and several vids in the past year about his theory of big stone works like the pyramids used for chemistry process. got any hints?

Anonymous ID: 33e235 Sept. 19, 2024, 6 a.m. No.21621605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1632


an atmospheric voltage differential accumulator makes sense to this anon. like capturing lightning, but slowly enough to use some. (the dark or glow mode plasma vs. the high speed arc mode). To this anon, that make easy sense.


But what to do with the accumulated charge???

Dunn is not the name i am trying to recall, but the two authors may have overlap or complementary work. The guy im trying to recall, went into great detail about using the charge's motive force to do chemical processing. Precious metals and large quantities of agricultural fertilizers.


i want to find that information again.

Anonymous ID: 33e235 Sept. 19, 2024, 6:16 a.m. No.21621656   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ya know it, eh?!

it makes a lot of sense… completely irrespective of Supernatural or Space Visitors.

Still lots of room in an open mind for Deity and/or Aliens from another galaxy….


but just understanding the simply utility of such structures on Earth makes shit tons of practical down-to-earth sense.

Anonymous ID: 33e235 Sept. 19, 2024, 6:21 a.m. No.21621675   🗄️.is 🔗kun


it is mind-splitting

iz don't appreciate it


wish some mid-level would just go out on air live to the general public and sweep the shit out of the criminals in the highup offices. Same for C_A, DOJ, NSA, DIA… on and on and on.


idfk, maybe there is some kind of "Plan" or something We the People are 'not allowed to know about'. Fuking insulting, it all is.

Anonymous ID: 33e235 Sept. 19, 2024, 6:30 a.m. No.21621698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1712


recovering an 'institution' from deeply cancerous rot… ESPECIALLY when that same rot has spread back out across the general population, is incomprehensibly difficult to this lowly anon's mind. However, i can appreciate the effort to try, especially if Civil/Global Hot War can be averted AND save all the prior investments made into 'the system'. Maybe 'the plan' will work this time.


otherwise, humanity has gone through the collapse and rebuild process many many times before, We can do it again. But saving all the prior Art would be priceless.

Anonymous ID: 33e235 Sept. 19, 2024, 6:32 a.m. No.21621707   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no i haven't seent that yet. but my mind has never been more open to the ideas, even though as kids we were all told over and over how "Alchemy" was "Crackpot Science". I look back on all those "Teachers" rather differently now.