Anonymous ID: d35b90 Sept. 19, 2024, 10:15 a.m. No.21622838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2845

(photo caption) Pindar Chair with Stone of Destiny


(My comment: Why can't the P be the Pindar and the Pindar Chair?)


Kim explained to those operatives listening that to become Pindar you have to actually be something and have something. The families don’t have or control the codes which gave them access to the cash, the gold etc. Multiple agreements have expired removing everything from all the families, the Red Dragon family out of Russia, the Green Dragons out of Iran, Gold Dragons out of China, White Dragons out of Austria, and the Black Dragons who were part of the Black Sun.


This question was asked evidently because someone, (who Kim hinted strongly at was Juan O’Savin), allegedly came to the DARPA camp and told them he was going to be PINDAR in just a couple of weeks, which would mean he’s the most powerful person in the world, and they needed to continue this narrative, and so on and so forth.


By the way, there is a specific Chair of Destiny that was used by each Pindar and Kim gave more information on this chain which I found interesting. It had a few little keys that went into or around the chair. The chair itself doesn’t do anything for you. You had to sit in it, then the combination of your body, the mineral composition of the keys and the Stone of Destiny that is underneath the chair allowed for an essence change which would put the one seated in the chair into a situation where they could be possessed. It is an essence change and possession by a third party entity which we could call a demon. That’s why a year ago that chair was brought to Mara Lago, but when Trump sat in it nothing happened. See my post, Which Lion Fits Trump Best? — Well it’s been 8 months now since Kim told the Trump family if they didn’t announce his death it will go south. My crystal balls says Kim will be right again!

Anonymous ID: d35b90 Sept. 19, 2024, 10:16 a.m. No.21622845   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Pindar and Anti-Christ Pillars

There is a physical entity that is White Draco or Dragon Moth that considers itself supreme royalty. This White Draco merged its hive mind consciousness with the AI uploaded brain of Thoth, along with merging its consciousness with a third identity, Azazael.


Pindar, represents himself as the supreme purebred royal leader of the earth for serving the Draco Empire, and heads up all the Bloodline families in a top-down pyramid of mafioso control. Apparently, he is at the top of the pyramid as the hidden capstone, and all under him must take his orders down the chain of command or suffer punishment, torture or death. The Pindar entity assigns positions and roles throughout the organized hierarchy of the Anti-Christ and Satanic Councils, and many are holders in positions of running specific Alien Machinery, other networks and pillars, which connect directly to run reversals in the cardinal directions, also called the inorganic four.


The Pindar oversees the geo-political operations globally, but his merged AI consciousness with AI Thoth and AI Azazael holds the antichrist architecture for running the beast machine throughout the Northern Pillar. This position is the most important cardinal direction, which oversees the land mass of United Kingdom, entire North America and Antarctica. This means Pindar is overseeing all the main spiritual gateways such as the 11D Stonehenge, 9D Antarctica, and North America, such Stargate 1 Inner Gate Cyprus, and Northern Arizona.


The point is knowing that Pindar is the top of the chain holding the Northern position, and he assigns other entities to hold the Southern position, the Eastern position and the Western position for running beast machine reversals and carrying out the NAA agendas for the One World Order.


Pindar seems to be heavily involved giving orders to run the world conglomerates of transnational businesses, such as giving orders to the Council of 300, with the main goal of manipulating the geo-political environment. Pindar enjoys staging proxy wars for proxy nations for their massive corporate entities and running of industries that serves the Draco Empire, such as mass Human Trafficking and child trafficking off planet, and setting up empires or colony’s on other planets from the earth’s stolen resources. This is run at the top by anti-human, non-human forces, these are Draconian entities that comprise the Orion Group and Alpha Draconis who created partnerships with those Luciferian bloodlines that have the most significant amount of reptilian DNA from thousands of years of genetic modification and alien hybridization.[4]

Source: Pindar-Thoth-Azazael – Ascension Glossary