Anonymous ID: f4f30c Sept. 19, 2024, 10:06 a.m. No.21622784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2936

by Aaron Warner


Details are emerging about the announced Minor Attracted Persons (MAP) a/k/a pedophile meet-up at a Vermont campground located outside of the state capitol in the town of Plainfield.


Washington County Sheriff Marc Poulin told VDC yesterday evening that police will be monitoring the Twinfield School this week with officers and that the reported MAP event has apparently been cancelled.


A town meeting held in Marshfield on September 17 was attended by several dozen community members, with many others attending online. At the regularly-scheduled selectboard meeting, the owner of the Onion River Campground (ORC) in Marshfield read from a prepared statement to address the growing concern first raised in an article posted online stating a MAP (Minor Attracted Persons) Camp was to be clandestinely held there today, September 19.


ORC owner Jacquelyn Reike stated she was unaware of any such meeting until it came to her attention at which point she disavowed it. She stated she would never allow a meeting that could endanger children on her property.


The town moderator then turned to a local police officer who reminded concerned citizens the right of people to meet is protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution, whether or not people disagree with the nature of the meeting. He went on to assure people the department had the safety of the children in mind and if anyone wished to take action they would need to use the proper channels and report on a crime that would need to be investigated by the authorities.


Due to the large number of people in attendance, the moderator explained only a limited number of them would be given the chance to speak at which point several voiced their concerns that pedophiles were in fact looking to hold a meeting at the campground, especially given the location is within eyesight of the Twinfield School, a K-12 public school attended by children from both Plainfield and Marshfield. In speaking with the Marshfield Town Clerk Bobbi Brimblecombe we were informed the jurisdiction of the school is held by the school board and not the town select board.


The meeting in question was posted online as the MAP Camp, a first of its kind, to be held at an undisclosed location in Vermont. Suspicions were raised in an article that was posted to X authored by Alaric the Barbarian. The article explains a user noticed the camp advertised to a “marginalized” group upon further investigation realizing it meant pedophiles. According to the website, the apparent host of the camp a watercolor artist in the Barre area.


Also noted in the article were links to the original website advertising the camp that had been taken down upon outcry raised on X. The internet archive feature was used to obtain the original pages revealing the camp was to be held in Vermont but did not list Onion River as the location. Instead it states the campground is “woman owned” and has a “bathhouse” and “pond” – regarded by some online observers as consistent with Onion River – hence the concern.


On multiple pages of the archived site there are explicit references to pedophiles. Under the “Risks, Rules and Requirements” page one passage reads “expsosure to pedophiles and other weirdos”. Elsewhere it lists as “Common risks with MAP Camp meals – meals made communally by untrained volunteers of disgusting pedophiles”, and under “Common risks with hiking and other outdoor activities – insect bites and stings…tripping because you were distracted by a sexy minor instead of watching where you were going.”


The Onion River Campground was also in the news last year where the body of a thirteen year old boy who was missing was found.