Red October ?
Martin Armstrong
start video at 25m:29s
The discussion leading up to this section is about possibility of nuclear war, and Greg Hunter asks him if he is worried that they could set off a nuclear exchange.
Armstrong: "My concern is is deeper than that. Alright. Our computer warns that the revolutionary cycle in =Russia turns up in October. And my concern here is that if Putin does not look authoritarian and starts taking this a bit more serious, the neocons behind him have been screaming for quite some time now that, look, this is not a war against Ukraine, this is a war against the United States and NATO. Alright. And he has been the only adult in the room, he's been trying to sit on his hands and not allow it to escalate 'cuz he knows that what they want. However, they also have neocons and so does China. Alright? And if you're looking at, you know they just say, you're too weak, respond, whatever and he does not, they may overthrow him in October== and then if their neocons grab control, it's on."