8kun uses up 100% of my cpu on any browser i use it in, any ideas on how to fix anons?
Orange tie?
Firefox, brave and chrome do the same thing as well. has never happened before until last night if that helps.
when i close 8kun, it will drop back to normal usage,
i kinda did that in a way, deleted all reg and did a clean install of mozilla. started on brave first, tried firefox and then it happened here too. but ill give your suggestions a try ty anon!
not the way i have it setup fagggggggg
good to know other anons have it as well, mine started randomly near 8pm CST. ill try to see whats causing it i got some toolz.
very new! hahaha thanks for the suggestions, i just need to buy a cheap laptop to dedicate for the kun, ive been sloppy.
If you have any resources, send them my way, i have some time in between study. always trying to learn moar.