Anonymous ID: 6bed36 Sept. 20, 2024, 7:53 a.m. No.21628331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia, show the world what you got. Translate into every western language and distribute freely. Every tiny little detail of every political transaction of our 'representatives'. Show the world that the 'stars' we should be following are scum. Puff Daddy was controlled by ? those that eat human flesh and drink human blood. Why is the Donner Party still praised and taught in schools today? Normalizing cannibalism.


THEY ARE REPTILES who feed on human flesh. They lack love and empathy. They lack a soul. They think the youngest is the tastiest. Sleestak are assho.


They shape-shift, just like an octopus. The Oblisks in each big city help them blend in, frequency and vibration. It also marks major farms. They live and work among us. John Carpenter was right.