Anonymous ID: bddecf Sept. 20, 2024, 7:49 a.m. No.21628316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike @Doranimated

Did a report from the head of Hezbollah’s military intelligence get leaked

The attached document, which is currently floating around the Israeli interwebs, purports to be a secret tally of the number of dead and wounded from Operation Grim Beeper.


I smell disinformation. The number of deaths looks too high to me. But who knows?


For what it is worth, it puts the total number of deaths at 879. Of these, 131 were Iranians and 79 Yemenis. 291 of them were senior officials.


Of those wounded from explosions, 509 were blinded, 491 of them in both eyes. 1735 were injured in their reproductive organs, of whom 905 were irreversibly damaged. 602 were mortally wounded.


The number of civilian casualties is 40, of whom 39 are dead and one is seriously injured.


8:57 AM · Sep 20, 2024·5,332 Views

Anonymous ID: bddecf Sept. 20, 2024, 7:54 a.m. No.21628333   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike @Doranimated

Once again, Israel did America’s work for it.The Israelis assassinated Ibrahim Aqil in Beirut. He's Hezbollah chief of operations, the replacement for Fuad Shukr, whom the Israelis eliminated a few short weeks ago. There's a $7 million US bounty on his head for his part in the 1983 attack on the American Embassy.


There is nothing more unnerving these days than being the number 2 in Hezbollah. Who is the lucky guy will now replace Aqil? How long will he last?


And finally, why didn’t Aqil answer his beeper on Wednesday?


10:46 AM · Sep 20, 2024·975 Views

Anonymous ID: bddecf Sept. 20, 2024, 8:07 a.m. No.21628379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8392 >>8402

2 hours 17 mins ago

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Turkey joins western critical minerals club amid EU-China rivalry

US- and EU-led Minerals Security Partnership Forum may benefit Turkish rare earth infrastructure and offer an alternative to Beijing


Turkey has joined the Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) forum to cooperate with the United States, the European Union and others on the production of critical raw materials and rare earth elements, official sources told Middle East Eye.


“The state department can confirm that the government of Türkiye has joined the [MSP] forum”, a US State Department spokesperson told MEE. “There will be a formal announcement in the coming weeks.”


Rare earth elements are used in the manufacture of many high-tech devices, from the screens of smart phones and computers, to the batteries of hybrid and electric cars.


The MSP is a group of 14 countries and the EU that aims to diversify the global secure supply chain of rare earth minerals and other critical minerals.


The MSP forum, launched in 2024, brings together partners and mineral-producing countries, such as Kazakhstan, Namibia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, to push against Chinese dominance in the field.


In 2022, Turkey said that it discovered the second-largest rare earth element reserve in the world with a 694-million tonne deposit in Eskisehir.


Even though no independent work had been conducted on the mine, the discovery attracted global interest, including from China, which controls more than 70 percent of the rare earth elements trade.


Turkish officials say they eventually aim to produce an annual 10,000 tonnes of rare element oxides, in addition to 72,000 tonnes of barite, 70,000 tonnes of fluorite, and 250 tonnes of thorium, which is crucial for nuclear technology.


Turkey is expected to become a full member of the MSP in the future as well. …

Anonymous ID: bddecf Sept. 20, 2024, 8:09 a.m. No.21628392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8407

Ragıp Soylu

EXCLUSIVE: Turkey joins western critical minerals club amid EU-China rivalry


• US- and EU-led Minerals Security Partnership Forum may benefit Turkish rare earth infrastructure with credits, tech transfer and offer an alternative to Beijing



8:17 AM · Sep 20, 2024·29.9K Views