Anonymous ID: ff1a4d Sept. 20, 2024, 5:52 a.m. No.21627800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7822



massive short action in $DJT this morning

It's "probably" related to the big options expiry BUT


I would watch the fuck out this weekend. We know the communists try to profit from their attempt to kill Mr. Trump


There's no good reason for $DJT to be this cheap.


They may be pushing it down to $10 due to 1M $10 strike options expiring today.


Which, if true, would be bullish AF if you can by it at $10.


BUT obviously, it could represent another impending attack.


Just laying these things out there. I'm not in it right now. I have too much at stake in the Boss already to be financially staked also