Anonymous ID: 4cec4b Sept. 20, 2024, 9:20 a.m. No.21628767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8822 >>8844 >>8892



today is the reform u.k conference in the u.k

A ground up movement helped by anons putting them into a position via air drop campaign.

Do not think that the anons here and the lurkers are not having a real effect.

This place and the force of truth is powerful.

but for now,

the only thing that matters is the usa election and getting Trump into office.

45 days to Go, keep moving forward and keep Trump and Maga in your prayers


Anonymous ID: 4cec4b Sept. 20, 2024, 9:27 a.m. No.21628822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8919 >>9027 >>9034 >>9263



Note: Just forward to the speakers. will break down the timestamps later and clip farage speech later, for now, the link below !!


‘Reform UK Party Conference 2024’ - PT 1

Anonymous ID: 4cec4b Sept. 20, 2024, 9:30 a.m. No.21628844   🗄️.is 🔗kun



LIVE: Trump Headlines a Fighting Anti-Semitism Event and Speaks at the IAC in D.C. - 9/19/24



djt takes the stage 7.13pm e.t

DJT: we have to defeat kamala harris, and for israel we have to defeat her

DJT: here in America, jewish citizens have been forced to endure anti-semtism

President Trump: More than any people on Earth, Israel has to defeat her [Haris]. I really believe that; it's a disaster for Israel, and you know why, and you've heard her statements. And we're gonna take back our country, and we're gonna make Israel great again, and we're gonna Make America Great Again.

DJT: we all have to fight, we all have to fight for israel

DJT: all across our land, we have seen jews harrassed by pro-hamas supporters

this pro-hamas bigotry and hate will be crushed, starting at 12 noon on january 20th 2025

djt: the jewish discrimination will be crushed on jan 20th 2025. (that is different) think there will be a clearing out of the criminal jews first)

President Trump: All across our land, you've seen Jewish Americans harassed, and attacked, and terrorized, by anti-Semites, and Hamas sympathizers. I can't believe what we've been witnessing over the last year. Actually, I've watched it in great detail.

President Trump: I'm here today to tell the Jewish-American community that this ugly tide of anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas bigotry and hate, will be turned back and crushed, starting at noon, on January 20, 2025.

President Trump: Ground zero for the outbreak of the anti-Jewish hate under Kamala Harris has been our college campuses. At UCLA a few months ago, marxist thugs dressed up like terrorists, and created, "Jew exclusion zones", blocking Jewish students from entering parts of the campus.

President Trump: I'm calling on Kalama Harris to officially disavow the support of all Hamas sympathizers, anti-Semites, Israel haters, on college campuses, and everywhere else.

President Trump: My first week back in the Oval Office, my administration will inform every college president that if you do not end anti-Semitic propaganda, they will lose their accreditation and federal taxpayer support. We will not subsidize the creation of terrorist sympathizers, and we're not gonna do it; certainly on American soil, we're not going to do it anywhere.

President Trump: I will inform every educational institution in our land, that if they permit violence, harassment, or threats, against Jewish students, the schools will be held accountable for violations of the Civil Rights law.

President Trump: [Harris] supported unlimited migration from terrorist hotbeds into the United States, especially some of the hotbeds that most hate Israel. Under Border Czar Harris, armies of foreign Hamas sympathizers now march brazenly through our cities; they're literally marching in our cities, and they are, they came from some very vicious, violent, parts of the world…I will not let what happened to Paris, what happened to London; and what's happening to them to, by the way, that's not over, what happened to Brussels, happen here in America. It's not gonna happen. We will deport the foreign jihad sympathizers, and Hamas supporters, from our midst. We will get them out of our country.

djt: i really have not been treated right, and you have not been treated right,

he is stating that the jewish people have not treated him right.

djt: if you support chuck schumer, you must be crazy, i don't know what the hell happened to him.

Q+ finished speaking at 7:47 pm


Anonymous ID: 4cec4b Sept. 20, 2024, 9:35 a.m. No.21628892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9027 >>9263



dough below to both speeches notes


LIVE: President Trump in Washington, D.C. (israeli american council) 2nd speech.


djt is back on stage,t his time at the israeli american council.

djt: takes the mike at 8.54pm e.t

President Trump [Israeli-American Council]: We're gathered tonight to talk about the sacred bond between the United States and Israel, and it's a bond that's in serious trouble.

djt: this should never have happened. it will never happen again.

djt: sometimes they love israel moar than jewish people in new york. (Christians group).

djt: they want to drive jews out of the holy land. ding ding ding

President Trump: If we continue down our current path, with four more years of Kamala, Israel will be faced, not just with an attack, but with total annihilation.

President Trump: If Kamala is elected, Iran will quickly obtain nuclear weapons; they're already about ready to do it.

President Trump: From behind this nuclear shield, the regime [Iran] will be free to unleash it's militant terror brigades to turn the Jewish homeland into hell on Earth…rockets will rain down from above until the Iron Dome has been exhausted.#

djt: the new york times is controlled by a jewish family,

President Trump: I will support Israel's right to win it's war on terror, and it has to win it fast. Will you please win it fast? Win it, but you have to win it fast, if you can.

President Trump: Over the past twelve months, Kamala Harris has repeatedly demanded an immediate ceasefire to save Hamas. She wants to save Hamas. Meanwhile, she and Biden deployed US Military to build a two hundred and thirty million dollar pier to resupply Hamas…Kamala Harris has even suggested that she would consider imposing a full arms embargo against Israel. That's what she wants to do.

President Trump: I withdrew from the anti-Semitic UN Human Rights Council, which was a big thing. I sanctioned the anti-American, and anti-Israel radicals of the International Criminal Court. Many of you knew what that meant. That was a big deal. I defunded the Palestinian Authority, and choked off all of the money to Hamas…why are we giving them money when they say, 'Death to America'?

President Trump: From the moment Kamala got to the White House, she and Crooked Joe took over historic successes, and turned them into unprecedented failure and peril. Harris restored funding to the Palestinian organizations immediately, giving them billions and billions of dollars, much of that money went directly to Hamas.

President Trump: The other day, in fact, it was yesterday, the FBI reported that Iran has spied on my campaign, and given the information to Kamala. What's that all about? That alone should get me elected.

President Trump: I'm the candidate of those who wants to defend western civilization, defend Israel, and defend the United States of America.

President Trump: Here at home, I will ban refugee resettlement from terror-infested areas like the Gaza Strip.

djt: i went from 25 to 29% with the jewish people. honestly you didn't treat yourself well. honestly you ought to have your heads examined.

President Trump: Together, we will save the United States of America, and we will save the state of Israel, on November 5th, 2024. It will be the most important day in the history of Israel, it will be the most important day in the history of the United States.

djt stops at 9.38pm e.t ends with sea to shining sea usually that is what he comes out to. america first.