Anonymous ID: 684225 Sept. 20, 2024, 8:23 a.m. No.21628436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8471 >>8473 >>8478 >>8486 >>8487 >>8506 >>8612 >>9046 >>9337

Okay, I can't stand this question going unanswered any longer. I need the Anons in here that have been here since day one to break this down and make sense of this for me because I'm seeing all these different sides and not a damn thing makes sense regarding this.


Firstly, Israel is barely mentioned in the drops. Q said "We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time." in post 916 responding to an Anon that asked if Israel was involved.


We have Trump showing a very pro-Israel stance since probably before president. I can't be 100% certain if Trump is Jewish or Christian based on his words, because I can't recall him ever mentioning Yeshua. Which is fine, I'm still voting for him.


My biggest issue is seeing Anons say Israel is the heart of the deep state. I can totally understand it being a high possibility, but to what extent? Is it their intelligence agency? Their government? Or the whole place?


Is it for optics that Trump is showing favor for Israel?


Is Israel not the issue here?


Im not looking for someone to tell me what to think. I want to know what others in here think and why.


Im terribly sorry for bothering the research team with this line of questions btw! Thanks in advance to anyone willing to give me their thoughts!