Anonymous ID: 06222d Sept. 20, 2024, 11:23 p.m. No.21632720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2810 >>3032 >>3237 >>3313 >>3369 >>3393

Update: Bitcoin dig on Operation Chokepoint 2.0:

Silvergate liquidated, Barney Frank comms, & Signature put into receivership


Flagstar bought Silvergate, NY Community Bank is parent company of Flagstar

NYCB. In March 2024 Joseph Otting was appointed a new CEO after NYCB secured $1 billion equity injection from the investment firm run by former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and other funds, at 2$ a share. Flagstar is one of the largest residential mortgage servicers in the United States. All NYCB branches rebranded to Flagstar.

Trump's longest-serving Comp(troller) of the currency before outspoken pro-Bitcoin "acting" Brian Brooks ("We do a little trolling—It’s called we do a little trolling.")


Bottom line: Important Trump admin comptroller sitting on reincarnated remains of regime's attempted takedown of Bitcoin and now intimately tied to massive mortgage bank.

Anonymous ID: 06222d Sept. 21, 2024, 12:43 a.m. No.21632794   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Random thought:


I was reading about the Gospel of Barnabas:


Basically, the idea is that a manipulation, oversight, or mistranslation of one letter in accepted Jewish and Christian texts (e.g. Bible) led to an incorrect understanding of the Holy Spirt, who was supposedly the Holy Messenger named Mohammad. This tradition is strongest in Islam and an excuse to justify their religion. That aside, from a more neutral and rational view, assuming that this is true, it's basically saying that the 3 Abrahamic religions are one, and that steps were taken around Jesus and Mohammad to fork the religion. More speculation than fact, but I wonder if the Mohammad of Islam wasn't groomed to fulfill what may have been a well known prophesy before his time, aka he was the "anti-christ", perhaps even somewhat well intentioned.


Anyway, that can be debated to the end of the Flat Earth, but I ask myself, who alive today might fill the role, if we look to sources like these and even in other religions. There are texts in Sanscrit from India that point to this same person named Mohammad, for example. Now, the name in the Bible was Ahmed or Ahmad, which is roundly understood to be translated to Mohammad.


Well, it would be easy to point to Bin Salman, BUT Mamoud Abbas might be a better choice for the peacemaker. Anyway, ignore me can carry on.

Anonymous ID: 06222d Sept. 21, 2024, 2:58 a.m. No.21632916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2919

"Raining cats and dogs": a torrential rainSTORM


The phrase's origin is unknown, but there are several theories:

17th century England

Heavy rains would sometimes carry dead animals through the city streets, which may have given the impression that animals were raining from the sky.

Norse and English mythology

The Norse god of storms, Odin, was often depicted with dogs and wolves, which symbolize wind. Witches were often depicted with black cats, which became signs of heavy rain for sailors.

Greek expression

"Cats and dogs" may come from the Greek expression cata doxa, which means "contrary to experience or belief".

Irish satirist Jonathan Swift

Swift's satire may have helped popularize the phrase. In 1738, a character in his Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation is afraid it might “rain cats and dogs”.

Anonymous ID: 06222d Sept. 21, 2024, 3:14 a.m. No.21632940   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>21629407 Here are the Republicans who voted NO on the SAVE Act

save act was already passed, expose the senate dems who wont bring up a vote on it. no more money!

Anonymous ID: 06222d Sept. 21, 2024, 4:02 a.m. No.21633009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3032 >>3195 >>3237 >>3313 >>3369 >>3393


build a serverless parallel internet that protects individual data sovereignty and use a poison pill token to run it built on ethereum. they'll destroy their own CBDC system on ethereum to keep this internet from growing…except that…well, let's save that part for the surprise…

money is the bedrock issue, but control of information is what they want control over with the money. otherwise, no power.

it's over, give up now and make your executions painful because if not, your executions will be painless and unremarkable. you'll be forgotten for eternity by the next news cycle.