Anonymous ID: 2b9cab Sept. 22, 2024, 8:22 a.m. No.21639129   🗄️.is 🔗kun


9 Sep, 2024 10:11

Nuland confirms West told Zelensky to abandon peace deal

Ukraine-Russia talks fell apart after Kiev asked foreign backers for advice, the former US deputy secretary of state has said


The US, UK and other backers of Ukraine told Kiev to reject the deal reached at the 2022 Istanbul peace talks with Russia, former US under secretary of state Victoria Nuland has said.


In an interview with Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar, former editor-in-chief of the liberal news channel Dozhd, which aired on Thursday, Nuland was asked to comment on reports that the peace process between Moscow and Kiev in late March and early April 2022 collapsed after then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Ukraine and told Vladimir Zelensky to keep fighting.


“Relatively late in the game the Ukrainians began asking for advice on where this thing was going and it became clear to us, clear to the Brits, clear to others that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's main condition was buried in an annex to this document that they were working on,” she said of the deal being discussed by the Russian and Ukrainian delegations in Türkiye’s largest city.


The proposed agreement included limits on the kinds of weapons that Kiev could possess, as a result of which Ukraine “would basically be neutered as a military force,” while there were no similar constraints on Russia, the former diplomat explained.


“People inside Ukraine and people outside Ukraine started asking questions about whether this was a good deal and it was at that point that it fell apart,” Nuland said.


The veteran diplomatic hawk, who during her time in the State Department was renowned for her hostility towards Russia, quit the post of under secretary of state for political affairs in March this year. Nuland played a key role in the violent Western-backed coup in Kiev in 2014, which toppled Ukraine’s democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovich.


During the escalation between Moscow and Kiev in February 2022, she called for deeper US involvement in the conflict and advocated for Ukraine to be armed with increasingly sophisticated weapons. However, in February, the 63-year-old essentially acknowledged the failure of her longstanding policy of containing Moscow, telling the CNN that modern Russia had turned out to be “not the Russia we wanted.”


During her conversation with Zygar, Nuland confirmed that both Moscow and Kiev were eager to seek a diplomatic solution a month after the outbreak of the fighting.


“Russia had an interest at that time in at least seeing what it could get. Ukraine, obviously, had an interest if they could stop the war and get and get Russia out,” she said.


US officials “were not in the room” during the talks in Istanbul, only offering Kiev “support” in case it were needed, she claimed.


Putin said last week that the only reason the Istanbul deal failed was because of “the wish of the elites in the US and some European nations to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia,” adding that Boris Johnson served as the messenger to quash the peace process.


The negotiations in Türkiye yielded a draft agreement, which would have ended the hostilities, Putin recalled. Kiev was willing to declare military neutrality, limit its armed forces, and vow not to discriminate against ethnic Russians. In return, Moscow would have joined other leading powers in offering Ukraine security guarantees, he stressed.


According to the Russian leader, talks with Kiev are still possible, but can only happen “not on the basis of some ephemeral demandsbut on the basis of the documents that were agreed and actually initialized in Istanbul.”


(I wonder if Zelensky thinks it was worth it, killing 1/2 million Ukrainians, losing 1/2 the population to other countries and they don't want to come back, destruction of cultural sites and a major part outside of kiev. No tourists. Was it worth it? Only if he only wanted the billions they've stolen.)

Anonymous ID: 2b9cab Sept. 22, 2024, 8:52 a.m. No.21639210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9226 >>9250 >>9410 >>9491

Scott Ritter: Putin Unleashes 2.4 Million Troops — Ukraine Faces Total Annihilation!


WarZone Echo 2/22/24




In today’s critical update, Scott Ritter analyzes the significance of Russia’s latest military expansion, with President Putin signing a decree to mobilize 2.4 million soldiers. This strategic decision sends a clear signal that Russia is preparing for a prolonged conflict, while Ukraine struggles under the weight of continuous losses. From fierce battles in Kherson to the devastating strikes in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine’s forces are spread thin, unable to withstand Russia’s tactical advances. Will Ukraine survive this surge? Stay tuned for in-depth analysis and breaking developments on the shifting dynamics of this war.




No matter how Boris spews his stupid propaganda, Russia will not lose. Boris is trying to convince people of the UK and EU to continue to waste trillions to save Ukraine. His bullshit is Ukraine can still win the war. Boris is the last person anyone should be listening to. The Bankers and other NWO bet big on destroying Russia, and nothing will stop Russia from winning. The Bankers and Arms dealers along with NATO will allow Ukraine to be obliterated with Blackrock ravens going in and stealing all that is left as scraps. This is the biggest miscalculation of all time by these forces of control and evil. The major food companies will have very little land left due to the pollution and destruction by this war. Zelensky should have left a year and a half ago. Now the EU will not fund them any longer. The amazing lapse of judgement of underestimating the will of the Russian people and leaders is leader to a toxic and unusuable territory for the NWO

Anonymous ID: 2b9cab Sept. 22, 2024, 9:56 a.m. No.21639339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9410 >>9491

21 Sep, 2024 20:30

Putin’s Kamala endorsement was a joke – Lavrov

The “deep state” is the real source of power in Washington, the Russian foreign minister has said


Russian President Vladimir Putin was joking when he endorsed US Vice President Kamala Harris’ election campaign, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.The outcome of the election doesn’t matter, Lavrov added, because Washington is controlled by the “deep state.”


Speaking to reporters in Vladivostok earlier this month, Putin claimed that while he previously favored US President Joe Biden, he would root for Harris since Biden endorsed her after suspending his campaign in July. Harris “laughs so infectiously” that it suggests “everything is going well for her,” he added. Putin’s ‘endorsement’ immediately made headlines in the US, with the White House demanding that the Russian president “stop talking about our elections.”


Putin “has a good sense of humor” and “often resorts to jokes during his speeches and interviews,”Lavrov told Sky News Arabia earlier this week.


However, Moscow doesn’t “see any difference”between Harris, former US President Donald Trump, or any other American politician, “because the notorious ‘deep state’ is operating”in the US.


The term ‘deep state’ refers to the unelected and often unknown government bureaucrats who steer government policy, particularly the leaders of intelligence agencies and the military. Trump railed against the deep state throughout his presidency, accusing its members of obstructinghis efforts to withdraw from Afghanistan and Syria, and orchestrating the ‘Russiagate’ hoax to damage his reputation and sour relationsbetween Washington and Moscow.


Putin has asserted before that these shadowy bureaucrats are the real center of power in the US,telling American journalist Tucker Carlson in February that US policy is “not about the personality of the leader, it is about the elites’ mindset.”


“I have no illusions about the US leader,” Lavrov told Sky News Arabia,explaining that while Trump was friendly to himself and Putin, sanctions against Russia were still “introduced regularly, consistently and quite seriously” under his administration.


Likewise, despite Biden being “in such a physical condition that he has not been able to lead the country for a long time,” the US maintains its foreign policy. “It continues the military campaign through the Ukrainian regime, and in other parts of the world continues to block any resolutions at the UN Security Council that demand a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.”


The ‘machine’ is working,” he stated, “and it is charged with never having a competitor who will threaten American dominance.”


Faced with this reality, Russia must rely on itself, Lavrov concluded. “We will never again in our history rely on the fact that a ‘good uncle’ will come to the White House or another Western capital and everything will be fine for us,” he declared.


(Sad but true.)

Anonymous ID: 2b9cab Sept. 22, 2024, 10:24 a.m. No.21639420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9425 >>9491




RFK Jr. sheds light on how Big Pharma operates: "They are making $60 billion a year selling those vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by the vaccines. The diabetes medication, the Adderall, the Ritalin, the Concerta…This is a really great business plan for these companies…"


Apr. 25, 2024