Anonymous ID: c709c9 Sept. 22, 2024, 6:31 a.m. No.21638747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8824 >>8988 >>9144 >>9250 >>9410 >>9491



Darren Beattie:

If you look into historically suspicious events, you’ll see a pattern in which there is some kind of training exercise or drill whose subject matter almost exactly overlapswith the real life thing that allegedly happens.


This allows for plausible deniability when feds are caught—it was just confusion from the exercise I’m not saying that this is what’s happened here, but its interesting to point out this pattern.


Readers might be surprised to learn this and wonder what such examples exist of major catastrophic events that also, just coincidentally, happened to have training exercises running simultaneously that very closely resemble the event in question. Given that we recently commemorated the 23rd anniversary of the tragic 9/11 terrorist attacks, it might be appropriate to note that, bizarrely, there were multiple exercises that happened to be running on that fateful day. One does not need to dig much further than Wikipedia to find several examples of such exercises. Let’s look at a few.


Vanity Fair:


BOSTON CENTER: Hi. Boston Center T.M.U. [Traffic Management Unit], we have a problem here. We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York, and we need you guys to, we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out.


POWELL: Is this real-world or exercise?


BOSTON CENTER: No, this is not an exercise, not a test.


Powell’s question—”Is this real-world or exercise?”—is heard nearly verbatim over and over on the tapes as troops funnel onto the ops floor and are briefed about the hijacking. Powell, like almost everyone in the room, first assumes the phone call is from the simulations team on hand to send “inputs”—simulated scenarios—into play for the day’s training exercise.


Remarkably,there was not one but multiple military aviation and Norad training exercises involving military aircraft, hijacked planes, and planes being flown into buildings. Indeed, one of the scenarios being tested in the exercises that day was a “traditional” simulated hijacking. Aside from these military exercises, there was an additional National Reconnaisance Office exercise that drilled a scenario of a plane crashing into a building.




WASHINGTON (AP) — In what the government describes as abizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings. But the cause wasn’t terrorism — it was to be a simulated accident.


Officials at the National Reconnaissance Office based in Chantilly, Va., had scheduled an exercise that morning in which a small corporate jet would crash into one of the four towers at the agency’s headquarters building after experiencing a mechanical failure.


The agency is about four miles from the runways of Washington Dulles International Airport.


The man who ran the exercise acknowledged it was an “incredible coincidence.”


9/11 isn’t the only such event during which such coincidences involving training exercises took place. Remarkably enough,April 19th, the day of the Oklahoma City Bombing, also by chance happened to be a training day for the Oklahoma Sheriff’s Bomb Squad. The following is a relevant excerpt from the book “Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed and Why It Still Matters,” noting the exercise and associated anomalies.


This is all simply to establish a notable pattern and not to say anything specific about either 9/11 or Oklahoma City, each a complicated event that would require detailed treatment in its own right.


We do, however, think there is a non-negligible possibility that the infamous January 6 pipe bombs were initially planted as part of a drill or exercise to maintain plausible deniability. Our confidence threshold is not yet high enough to stake that claim, but it wouldn’t be surprising.


At any rate, there is enough strangeness surrounding this private citizen dog bomb trainer that we should at least know his name and who he is. It’s our job not to let the media simply bury it.

Anonymous ID: c709c9 Sept. 22, 2024, 8:02 a.m. No.21639057   🗄️.is 🔗kun

22 Sep, 2024 00:53

Zelensky accuses US media of lying

The Ukrainian leader has objected to a WSJ estimate that 80,000 of Kiev’s troops have been killed in the conflict with Russia


Vladimir Zelensky has dismissed a Wall Street Journal report on Ukrainian casualties in the conflict with Russia as fake news.


On Tuesday, the newspaperclaimed that around 80,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed and around 400,000 more were wounded. The journal cited “a confidential Ukrainian estimate”from unnamed sources familiar with the matter.


Reporters asked Zelensky on Friday to comment on the WSJ’s estimate. “80,000? That is a lie. The actual figure is much lower than what has been published. Significantly so,” he claimed.


While Kiev does not provide regular updates on casualties, commanders and regular soldiers have repeatedly admitted to heavy losses on the battlefield, particularly during the failed 2023 counteroffensive and the recent fighting in Donbass.


In February, Zelensky said that 31,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed in two years of fighting, without mentioning the number of wounded. The Washington Post cited an unnamedUkrainian lawmaker in April as saying that Zelensky had “vastly downplayed” the death tollin order to preserve morale amid Ukraine’s flagging mobilization drive. Ukraine has since expanded its conscription laws to draft more men.


The WSJ estimate of 480,000 killed and wounded corresponds with an earlier estimate provided by Russia, which reported in April that Ukraine had lost around half a million troops. Kiev has since lost more than 15,650 soldiers during its invasion of Russia’s Kursk Region, which began in August, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.


Moscow does not reveal its own casualties. President Vladimir Putin, however, said in June that the battlefield losses were “one to about five” in Russia’s favor. He previously stated that the West is ready to “fight to the last Ukrainian,” using Kiev as a tool in its proxy war against Russia. (So Russia has lost about 100,000).


(You know the Ukraine Zelensky media supporters are starting to tell the truth, what next? Zelensky lies about everything, so this is a start to exposure)

Anonymous ID: c709c9 Sept. 22, 2024, 8:15 a.m. No.21639105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9120 >>9129 >>9144 >>9250 >>9410 >>9491

21 Sep, 2024 18:57

‘It’s over for Russia’ – ex-UK PM

Boris Johnson has argued that Russia must be forced to accept defeat, even if doing so costs a trillion dollars (Boris is insane)


Russia must understand that “it’s over,” and that Ukraine will not concede any territory for peace, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has argued. For this goal to be achieved, however, Kiev will need long-range weapons, NATO membership, and half a trillion dollars, Johnson added.


In an op-ed published in The Spectator on Saturday, Johnsonargued that Ukrainian forces still have the “ability to win,” if only the West would cave to every single one of Kiev’s demands. These include, he wrote, permission to strike deep inside Russian territory with Storm Shadow and ATACMS missiles, and immediate invitation to NATO with Article 5 security guarantees, and “half a trillion dollars… or even a trillion.”


Disregarding Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent warning that enabling long-range strikes would place NATO in a state of war with Russia as “bluster and saber-rattling,” Johnson argued that these steps are necessary to “send the crucial message to the Kremlin.”


“The message is: that’s it. It’s over. You don’t have an empire any more. You don’t have a ‘near abroad’ or a ‘sphere of influence’.You don’t have the right to tell the Ukrainians what to do, any more than we British have the right to tell our former colonies what to do,” he asserted.


“It is time for Putin to understand that Russia can have a happy and glorious future, but that like Rome and like Britain, the Russians have decisively joined the ranks of the post-imperial powers, and a good thing, too,” he continued.


The West, Johnson argued, “must abandon any idea that the Ukrainians will do a deal” or “trade land for peace.”


“We in the West would be mad to try to impose that outcome,” he added.


Ironically, Russia and Ukraine reportedly agreed to a peace deal during talks in Istanbul in 2022.The agreement would have involved Ukraine declaring military neutrality, limiting its armed forces, and vowing not to discriminate against ethnic Russians. In return, Moscow would have joined other leading powers in offering Ukraine security guarantees.


Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky withdrew from the talks at the last moment. According to Ukrainian negotiator David Arakhamia, former US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, and several Ukrainian media reports, Johnson was instrumental in convincing Zelensky to abandon negotiations.


Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and the deputy leader of Türkiye’s ruling party, Numan Kurtulmus, have also claimed that several Western states conspired to scupper the deal.


Five months after the Istanbul talks, Russia assumed control of four former regions of Ukraine. According to the most recent figures from the Russian Defense Ministry, the Ukrainian military has lost nearly half a million men since February 2022, and the Pentagon concluded last year that Ukraine stands little chance of regaining its former territories.


(I hope to God Trump never works or talks to Boris again, he's the worst neocon, and has singlehandedly destroyed Ukraine but stopping the peace deal)