Anonymous ID: 552583 Sept. 22, 2024, 1:48 p.m. No.21640306   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21638784 Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEALPN


Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEAL

Sam J. Sept. 22, 2024

Janet Jackson said the quiet part about Kamala Harris's race out loud.You know the part that most people on the Left, in Hollywood, and in the media have been trying to ignore since Biden chose her for her sex and skin color.


She's not black.


From Page Six:


Janet Jackson is being called “irrelevant” and a “leech” after she questioned Kamala Harris’ race in an interview with the Guardian published on Saturday.


“She’s not black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian,” the “That’s The Way Love Goes” hitmaker, 58, said during a chat about “the State of the Union.”


Of course people are calling Jackson names for being honest about Kamal - that's not allowed, ya' know.


Not to mention, well, Kamala really isn't black.


OH NO, NOW WE'VE SAID IT … the horror. The Left won't like us now! Wait, they hate us already, we're good. See, it's good to be hated by horrible people on the Left because that means we can be honest. Freeing, right?


Media lost their damn minds:


Variety … HA HA HA HA


And 'right wing conspiracy,' now THAT is funny. What a bunch of lying, fake, fraudulent butt-holes who are so busy carrying water for the Democrats they can't even accept the truth about Kamala. The issue here is Kamala has more than once used her race to pretend she's more important than she really is, from calling herself the first female Indian senator in CA to basking in the adoration of moronic leftists fawning over the first black female president.


This is not about race per se, but about Kamala being a fake.


Which she is, in all ways.


The funny part is Janet Jackson has much more money the Kamala and most of the people barking at her. She doesn't care if the truth hurts their political feelings.

Anonymous ID: 552583 Sept. 22, 2024, 2:09 p.m. No.21640451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21639054, >>21639095, >>21639102, >>21639278, >>21639473 @Pink has deleted all of her tweets following @UsherPN


Do you what is stupid about these celebs deleting their posts now? What was it Diddy was raided last Nov? Well guess what they took three years investigating him before that, before he even knew. And guess what since they had a super ton if evidence they collected everything on his friends including their twitter feeds.


Then the DHS & FBI with the evidence they found, they investigated a lot more they didn't know about, and a lot more on his friends.How do they know whether diddy spilled the beans on all involved from last year til now to try to get a sweetheart deal?

No that Diddy is arrested he's ratting every single person known and unknown out, according to Bongino, his attorneys are working with the FBI and USUA prosecutor for a deal.


The Twitter feeds were monitored and snatched up before the first raid, after that, they got the whole history of the twitter feeds they didn't know about.


And what makes these people think because they delete their feed, that Twitter is not required by the feds to keep the whole feed on their servers. These people are really dumb


All these stars are doing are deleting it from the public, the government has got it all already