Anonymous ID: 404acb Sept. 22, 2024, 3:19 p.m. No.21640766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0776 >>0782 >>0795




'Since 1958, the West Point Association of Graduates has presented the SYLVANUS THAYER AWARD to an outstanding citizen of the United States whose service and accomplishments in the national interest exemplify personal devotion to the ideals expressed in the West Point motto: DUTY, HONOR, COUNTRY.''


Wanted to find out whether PRESIDENT TRUMP won their award.




1958 – Dr. Ernest Lawrence

1959 – Secretary John Foster Dulles

1960 – Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.

1961 – President Dwight D. Eisenhower

1962 – General of the Army Douglas MacArthur

1963 – Secretary John J. McCloy

1964 – Secretary Robert A. Lovett

1965 – Ambassador James B. Conant

1966 – Congressman Carl Vinson

1967 - Cardinal Francis Spellman

1968 – Mr. Bob Hope

1969 – Secretary Dean Rusk

1970 – Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker

1971 – Mr. Neil Armstrong

1972 – Pastor Billy Graham

1973 – General of the Army Omar Bradley

1974 – Ambassador Robert Daniel Murphy

1975 – Governor W. Averell Harriman

1976 – Secretary Gordon Gray

1977 – Secretary Robert T. Stevens

1978 – Mr. James R. Killian Jr.

1979 – Ambassador Clare Boothe Luce

1980 – Father Theodore M. Hesburgh

1981 – Administrator James E. Webb

1982 – Mr. David Packard

1983 – General James H. Doolittle

1984 – Secretary Stanley Rogers Resor

1985 – Secretary Frank Pace Jr.

1986 – Dr. Edward Teller

1987 – Senator Barry Goldwater

1988 – Chief Justice Warren E. Burger

1989 – President Ronald Reagan

1990 – Senator Mike Mansfield

1991 – Secretary Paul H. Nitze

1992 – Secretary George Shultz

1993 – Secretary Cyrus R. Vance

1994 – President George Herbert Walker Bush

1995 – Congresswoman Barbara Jordan

1996 – General John W. Vessey

1997 – Mr. Walter Cronkite

1998 – General Colin Powell (US Secretary of State)

1999 – Mr. Norman R. Augustine

2000 – Secretary Henry Alfred Kissinger

2001 – Senator Daniel K. Inouye

2002 – The American Soldier[note 1][3]

2003 – General Gordon R. Sullivan

2004 – Senator Robert J. Dole

2005 – Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

2006 – Mr. Tom Brokaw

2007 – General Frederick Kroesen

2008 – Secretary William Perry

2009 – Mr. H. Ross Perot

2010 – Secretary James Baker

2011 – Secretary Robert M. Gates

2012 – Congressman Ike Skelton

2013 – Secretary Madeleine Albright

2014 – Secretary Condoleezza Rice[4]

2015 – Mr. Gary Sinise[5]

2016 – Director Robert S. Mueller

2017 – President George W. Bush[6]

2018 – Secretary Leon E. Panetta[7]

2019 – General Ann E. Dunwoody[8]

2020 – Ambassador Ryan Crocker[9]

2021 - Doctor Mae C. Jemison

2022 - Mr. Kenneth Fisher

2023 - Senator Elizabeth Dole

2024 – President Barack Obama

