what is going on with jim watkins posts?
plus anon is going to collect the pompeo comms from last bread.
those are fucking suspect as fuck.
especially the proverbs 28.13, Qdrops, timestamps and the digenova audio about exploding teslas, not for anons, and anderson cooper.
needs to be put togather as anon spidey senses are going off the chart.
pompeo is a clown at the top level.
he lies for a living.
lb below (some, still need to collect all the bun)
>>21639603, >>21640154, >>21640164, >>21640195 pompeo sunday scriptures clown comms, proverbs 28.13 >Qdrop 2813 audio video of joe Digenova talking about maccabe, rod rosenstein, comey and clowns taking out trump - youtube video, qdrop, video link.
Archive this shit and listen to joe video, direct threats and comms from pompeo