Anonymous ID: 2c70e6 Sept. 22, 2024, 6:36 p.m. No.21641497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1505 >>1509 >>1521 >>1538 >>1545 >>1552




International Monetary Fund: Gordon Williams. World Health Organization (WHO): M. G. Candau, P. Dorolle,Milton P. Siegel, H. Gear, V. Sutter, P. Kaul, P. Bertrand, Miss B. Howell.

Universal Postal Union (UPU) : Fritz Hess, Fulke Radice.

International Telecommunication Union (ITU): Representative: Marco Aurelio Andrada. Alternates: Gerald C. Gross, Hugh Townshend.

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) : G.Swoboda, J. R. Rivet, J. L. Galloway, R. L.Munteanu, Kaare Langlo, V. J. Bahr.

Preparatory Committee of the Inter-GovernmentalMaritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) :Branko Lukac.

Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization (ITO) and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) : Eric Wyndham- White, Jean Royer.



League of Arab States: Mohamed Aly Namazi.



International Chamber of Commerce: Jacques L'Huillier.

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions: Herman Patteet.

International Cooperative Alliance: Marcel Boson.

International Federation of Agricultural Producers: Roger Savary.

International Federation of Christian Trade Unions: Georges Eggermann, Gaston Tessier, Auguste Vanistendael, Robert Guex.

International Organization of Employers: Ch. Kuntschen, Joseph Vanek.

Inter-Parliamentary Union: A. de Blonay, A. Robinet de Clery.

World Federation of Trade Unions: Giuseppe Casadei, Habid Delaggi, Jan Dessau, Tom Drinkwater, Miss Elinor Kahn, Chang Cheng Liu, Louis Saillant.

World Federation of United Nations Associations: John A. F. Ennals, Mrs. C. Beresford Fox, L. Z. Nikweta, Peter Tucker.



Agudas Israel World Organization: Chief Rabbi A.Safran.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: John Goormaghtigh, Miss Anne Winslow.

Catholic International Union for Social Service: Miss A. M. Hertoghe, Miss Elsa Mendez, Mr. Oswald, Miss J. de Romer, Miss Steyaert.

Chamber of Commerce of the United States: Earl F. Cruickshank.

Commission of the Churches on International Affairs: Elfan Rees.

Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations: G. Warburg.

Friends World Committee for Consultation: Duncan Wood.

Indian Council of World Affairs: M. N. Saha.

Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production: Earl F. Cruickshank.

International Abolitionist Federation: Th. de Felice, Mrs. M. Legrand-Falco, Mrs. M. Leroy-Boy.

International Alliance of Women: Mrs. E. Choisy Necker, Miss Marie Ginsberg, Mrs. Nina Spiller, Mrs. Ch. Prince.

International Association of Penal Law: Mrs. H Romniciano.

International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons: Miss C. M. Harris.

International Catholic Child Bureau: Michel Normand.

International Catholic Migration Commission: Miss J. Billi, S. S. Falez.

International Catholic Press Union: R. P. M. M. Cottier, A. Trachsel.

International Commission against Concentration Camps Practices: Théo Bernard, Georges André, Henri Reumont.

International Committee of Scientific Management: A. Chapuis, H. de Haan, H. Pasdermadjian.

International Committee of the Red Cross: Fr. de Reynold, William Michel.

International Conference of Catholic Charities: L'Abbé Paul Bouvier, Fernand Dubois, Rev. Père Leslie Bigot.

International Council of Women: Mrs. Eunice Carter, Mrs. L. Dreyfus-Barney, Mrs. Jeanne Eder, Miss L. C. A. van Eeghen, Miss Renée Girod, Mrs. Mabel Jackson Haight.

International Federation for Housing and Town Planning: Charles S. Ascher.

International Federation of Business and Professional Women: Miss A. Muriset, Miss Nancy Travelletti.

International Federation of Friends of Young Women: Mrs. E. Berthoud van Werveke, Mrs. M. Fiechter, Miss Val. Weibel, Mrs. Duncan Wood.

International Federation of University Women: Mrs. M. Fiechter, Miss L. Heuskin.

International Institute of Administrative Sciences: Charles S. Ascher.

International Law Association: Samuel K. C. Kopper, Edmond MartinAchard.

International League for the Rights of Man: Basil Vlavianos.

International Movement of Friendly Relations among Races and Peoples: Miss J. Teillet.

International Statistical Institute: J. W. Nixon.

International Touring Alliance: Paul Ossipow.

International Union for Child Welfare: Miss L. Frankenstein, Mrs. J. M. Small, Georges Thélin.

International Union of Family Organizations: François Delaby.

International Union of Local Authorities: Charles S. Ascher.

League of Red Cross Societies: Henry W. Dunning, Z. S. Hantchef, B. de Rouge

Anonymous ID: 2c70e6 Sept. 22, 2024, 6:36 p.m. No.21641501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1505 >>1509 >>1521 >>1538 >>1545 >>1552

Milton P. Siegel: Interview transcript 19 November 1982 Publication

Milton P. Siegel: Interview transcript

Milton P. Siegel was born in 1911 in Des Moines in the United States of America. He joined WHO in 1948, as Director of the Division of Administration and Finance, from where he moved on to become Assistant Director-General until 1973. He died in 1995 in Houston.


Date recorded: 15-19 November 1982

Language: English—interview-transcript



The Vatican and world population policy: an interview with Milton P. Siegel.

Author: Stephen D. Mumford

Date: March-April 1993

From: The Humanist(Vol. 53, Issue 2)

Publisher: American Humanist Association

Document Type: Biography; Interview; Cover story

Length: 3,556 words



Siegel believes that the Church's position against abortion and family planning influenced WHO's policy of not linking overpopulation with health problems since the organization's founding in 1946. He explains how Catholic dominated countries, such as Ireland and Belgium, supported that policy.

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