>which could remove up to 50 billion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere
AGAIN…. instead of a kneejerk reaction to what SOUNDS like a big number
take a moment to put it in perspective
what is the mass of the atmosphere?
what is the mass of the CO2 in the atmosphere?
a COMPETENT 5th grader from my generation could estimate those with a pencil and a scrap of paper
it would amount to LESS than a fart in a windstorm
ZERO effect either way
what's CRUCIAL to remember is that CO2 is NOT a pollutant, it is PLANT FOOD
the level of CO2 present today is the LOWEST in the history of the planet
and DANGEROUSLY CLOSE to the point of total collapse of photosynthesis
to SAVE humanity as well as most extant life on earth, it would be a good idea to burn fossil fuels AS FAST AS WE CAN
and RETURN all that CO2 to the atmosphere
back BEFORE it became fossils