Anonymous ID: debcdb Sept. 22, 2024, 10:19 p.m. No.21642257   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Meanwhile, Michael The Swine was Lt. Governor during the days of Voinovich importing POOmali's before he immediately took off to play senator with his other fellow slav faggot John Kasuck. They sure loved themselves some illegals AND TRUMP ENDORSED HIM FOR GOVERNOR DESPITE IT!


You think you're aware now, wait until after you do some research about Springfield, Ohio car dealer Monte Zinn and the sex trafficking going on through his charities.

>Zinn was the largest auto dealer in Clark County until he transferred all five auto franchises under the Monte Zinn name to the Cincinnati-based Jeff Wyler Auto Group in 2000.


>The sale of the dealerships came after an immigration fraud case involving his contact with citizens from the Fiji Islands.


>That investigation began in 1991 with a complaint from a Fijian exchange student who said that Zinn made unwanted sexual advances toward him. Zinn denied the allegations.


>He pleaded guilty to a federal conspiracy charge of falsifying documents and using false information to help Fijian citizens illegally enter the United States and work at his dealership.


>U.S. District Court Judge Walter H. Rice said then that the conspiracy, which occurred between July 9, 1990, and Dec. 27, 1990, involved Zinn falsely claiming that the students possessed the necessary qualifications to obtain training at his dealership.


>He was sentenced to two years probation in 1996. He was also ordered to pay a $1,500 fine, perform 100 hours of community service and not travel to Fiji or sponsor any students from Fiji.

>Starting in the late 80's a sheriff named Gene Kelly and a business man named Mershon started trafficking tons and tons of cocaine through the area. Private planes flew into New Carlisle from Latin countries. >Mershon hid shipments in luxury cars. Another car dealer named Monte Zinn is a pedophile that sits on the board at the YMCA - he sits front row every week at a prominent church.