Anonymous ID: dbdf9a Sept. 23, 2024, 2:50 a.m. No.21642654   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Kid Found 70 Years Later

In a stunning turn of events, Luis Armando Albino, a 6-year-old boy who went missing in 1951 from a park in West Oakland, California, has been found alive 70 years later. The incredible discovery was made possible through an online DNA test taken by his niece, Alida Alequin, in 2020.


On February 21, 1951, Luis was abducted by a woman who promised to buy him sweets while he played with his 10-year-old brother, Roger. The family had been searching for him ever since, with his mother holding onto hope until her death in 2005.


The breakthrough came when Alida, who had taken the DNA test “just for fun,” matched with Luis’s profile. Further investigation and research led to the identification of Luis, now 79 years old, living on the East Coast. The family was finally reunited in June, and Luis’s brother, Roger, 82, passed away a month later, reportedly at peace knowing his brother was found.


The case highlights the power of modern technology and the persistence of family members in seeking the truth. Luis’s story serves as a testament to the enduring human spirit and the importance of never giving up hope, even after 70 years.

Anonymous ID: dbdf9a Sept. 23, 2024, 3:59 a.m. No.21642760   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2769 >>2770




On subject of milk.

Big Milk is keeping the small farmer out as best they can. It's not about safety anymore.

It's about market share. And pasteurization kills all the good bacteria.

"The ban on raw dairy products has always been about protecting the dairy processing industry, not about public health. With the excellent overall track record of raw milk and raw milk products for safety in recent years, WAPF’s goal of access to raw dairy in every state is getting closer to realization."

Anonymous ID: dbdf9a Sept. 23, 2024, 4:16 a.m. No.21642783   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Law Firm Trains Democrats GOP

Unprecedented Political Maneuver: Law Firm Trains Democrats to Run as Republicans


The recent revelation of a secretive group, Patriots Run Project, recruiting and training Democrats to run as Republicans in key US House races has sparked controversy and raised questions about the integrity of the electoral process. While the group’s motivations and connections remain unclear, it appears that some Democrats were unwittingly recruited and advised on campaign procedures by individuals tied to Democratic consulting firms.


Key Findings


Democratic ties: Documents show that petition signatures were circulated by a Nevada company working closely with the Democratic consulting firm Sole Strategies, and a Des Moines paralegal’s firm, which has done campaign-related work for Democrats, notarized the candidacy statements.

Lack of transparency: Patriots Run Project is not a registered business in the US, nor is it listed as a nonprofit with the IRS. It has not filed paperwork to form a political committee with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and House Majority PAC disavow involvement: Spokespersons for the DCCC and House Majority PAC stated that their organizations had no knowledge of or involvement in the effort.

Context and Implications


Historical precedent: This tactic is unprecedented, as Democrats have traditionally focused on boosting their own candidates rather than infiltrating the Republican Party.

Potential for voter confusion: Swing state voters may have been misled by ads promoting fringe Republican candidates, unaware of their true Democratic affiliations.

Election integrity concerns: The lack of transparency and accountability raises questions about the integrity of the electoral process and the potential for future manipulation.



National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC): Spokesperson Mike Marinella condemned the scheme, calling it a “threat to democracy” and urging Democrats to condemn it.

Jason Torchinsky, a prominent Republican election lawyer and former Justice Department official, suggested that investigators should take interest in the matter.

Elias Law Group Connection


While not directly involved in the Patriots Run Project, Elias Law Group, a Democratic election law firm founded by Marc Elias, has been mentioned in the context of election law expertise. As a prominent Democratic law firm, Elias Law Group’s work on voting rights and redistricting litigation may have indirectly contributed to the development of campaign strategies employed by Patriots Run Project.


Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA)


The RNLA, a professional organization for Republican lawyers, has a history of promoting election law training and advocating for open, fair, and honest elections. Its mission to advance these principles may be seen as contrasting with the secretive nature of Patriots Run Project.


In conclusion, the Patriots Run Project’s efforts to recruit and train Democrats to run as Republicans raise concerns about election integrity and transparency. While the motivations behind this scheme remain unclear, it highlights the need for greater accountability and disclosure in political campaigns.

Anonymous ID: dbdf9a Sept. 23, 2024, 5:05 a.m. No.21642980   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2994 >>3093


>Stop eating carbs!

Stop eating sugar. Carbs digest into sugars.

Eat meats and meat byproducts. Drink raw milk. Eat fish and shellfish.

Once you et to desired weight if over weight, can add in above ground vegetables for flavor. Do one at a time to see how it affects your body over a week. Fruits have different amounts of sugar. But better than processed sugars and carbs.

Better info online than going off my memory.

Carnivore diet eat as much as you want.

Carnivore OMAD (One Meal A Day)

OMAD gets you into ketosis which eats away all the extra skin from being overweight. Helps get rid of those double and triple chins too.

Once I was on Carnivore, I lost my cravings for eating all the time and was easy to go OMAD. Did some days without eating too.

Also reports of getting off all sorts of medications.

No more diabetes II, and less insulin needed for diabetics.


Side project. Research Homesteading.

This guy gives a good delivery and easy to listen to. This is one of his early videos. Latley he's about rebuilding his tractors. He collects. I'd like mini dexter cattle. He doesn't milk, but there are mini milk cows too.

raising Dexter cattle for beef: everything you ever wanted to know

Anonymous ID: dbdf9a Sept. 23, 2024, 5:17 a.m. No.21643036   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Redmond salt. Order online.

Use tallow (beef fat) and lard (pig fat)

No vegetable or seed oils.

Raw milk/cream best.

Wipping cream if pasteurized. Gets worse as you go lower…Half & Half, Whole, 2%, skim, ect…