We Did It Joe
We Did It Joe
When are the Libtards gonna get sick of this shit and do something about it?
When they are squeezed so hard financially that they come to their senses?
The Middle Class is being taxed to death and taxing the Rich more isn't the answer.
Rule of Thumb on Judges. They ALL take bribes. Vote all of them out.
But the elections are Rigged so your Vote doesn't matter.
Bullshit. I live in a Blue City and I haven't seen any Harris/Watz signs. People still have their FJB and Let's Go Brandon signs out. And upside down American Flags.
Being in the Kosher Club has too many advantages. It's a Criminal Organization that benefits its members.
They cannot be Reformed. The Criminal Organization needs to be busted.
Any time I see the word "Expert" I think Blackmailed person.
I also have known many "good Jewish people" but they all know which side their bread is buttered on.
Catholicism was created by the Jews to try to Control Christianity. Catholicism is filled with Pagan superstitions and idolatry. The basis of Catholicism is the opposite of Christianity. Catholicism teaches that Salvation can be bought and/or earned. Christianity teaches that Jesus paid the price for our sins and that we are incapable of buying or earning our own Salvation.