Cringe…it's not even that she touched the Queen–but did you catch that glare…KEK ole queenie didn't like that.
Kate carries a clutch in both hands to avoid touching people she does not personally extend her hand to..I imagine this is safety too..just one touch of something nasty…etc..personally I don't give a shit, but the horrific double standard is horrific. Big ol' Mike..nigger in the Palace.
>Trump was late, Queen was on time. It happens.
NOPE FAKE NEWS….he arrived exactly at 8:59. Queen went out 15 minutes before. Go check the time on the video.
Due to all the (((JIDF))) religious fuckery slides, several decent digs got lost…
I must have been over the BLACKMAIL target regarding Peter and his homo appearance/behavior and the fact that Lisa PAGE IS A INTEL LARP…fucking A (((SHILLING INTENSIFIES)))
if no work is going to get done due to (((JIDF))) shills new tactic (flooding us with religitard posts and MUH ADDICTION) then why not join in the slide fun???) REAL ANON would not want to slide, they would use the threads specifically for those discussions. REFUSAL to do so means (((SHILLS))), why insist on holding those discussions on the RESEARCH thread, if not to (((SLIDE)))…fucking jews, not hard to sort out which is which. REAL xians wouldn't act like that.