Haitians forming militia and marching on Springfield?
No, there was a real King Jesus.
But it was early middle ages, not 2K
His killers have tried to cover-up their role all this time, using Jews as Scapegoat.
The Savior King was a rebel against the Romans, and not a pacifist as the Romans CATHOLICS portray him.
I wonder why they would do that?
A great Teacher who delivered salvation to those who followed Him with devotion; and still does.
I doubt the DoJ wants people to think the HAITIANS are on the march?
But really Libs are so braindead, they'd probably find some reason to say "It's Great" and "Turn the city over to the HAITIANS?
Jesus didn't write the Bible, his enemies did.
Middle Age and Trump winning isn't treating her well.
many books about him were destroyed at the Council of Trent
Those books are lost.
The gospels which remained were a "hang-out"
Had to be used to control the devotees.
Romans couldn't control the Jewish cult (all Christians were originally Jews)
So they infiltrated and changed it.
is this why he always wears dark glasses?
Might only take an handful of good men; who think for themselves.
Thought contagion works both ways.
I believe that was forged too.
alright, not forged maybe,
but in any case; good translations are rare if not non extant.
song starts at 1:23 approx