Anonymous ID: 00dd64 Sept. 24, 2024, 12:14 p.m. No.21650409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0419 >>0459




“[REDACTED] is one of the worst offenders of the rabbit holes and conspiracy theories,” an agent texted. “This guy traveled with that guy, who put down 3rd guy as his visa sponsor. 3rd guy lives near a navy base, therefore…[.]”


Several texts show that the order to close the criminal investigation against Flynn came as early as Nov. 8, 2016, the same day as the 2016 presidential election. It was later re-opened in early January of 2017.


“We have some loose ends to tie up, and we all need to meet to discuss what to do with each case (he said shut down Razor),” one agent texted, referring to Crossfire Razor, the FBI’s internal code name for the investigation of Flynn.


“[S]o glad they’re closing Razor,” an agent responded.

The new disclosures made by DOJ also show that the FBI used so-called national security letters (NSLs) to spy on Flynn’s finances. Unlike traditional subpoenas, which require judicial review and approval before authorities can seize an innocent person’s property and information, NSLs are never independently reviewed by courts. One of the agents noted in a text message that the NSLs were just being used as a pretext by FBI leadership to buy time to find dirt on Flynn after the first investigation of him yielded no derogatory information.


“[T]he decision to NSL finances for Razor bought him time,” one agent said nearly two weeks after the initial order to shut down the anti-Flynn case. It is not known to whom the agent was referring in that text.

Anonymous ID: 00dd64 Sept. 24, 2024, 12:19 p.m. No.21650432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0550 >>0914 >>1053 >>1125



6 hours ago


Florida Sex Trafficking Scandal Pulls in Public Officials - Newsweek

A Florida lawsuit has helped expose elected tax official Joel Greenberg's involvement in underage sex trafficking, stalking, bribery and tax evasion, and has dragged public figures into a mire of conflicting accusations.


Greenberg's friend, Keith Ingersoll, who was the tax office's consultant, dreamed up a scheme where they could cheat the tax office out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Simultaneously, Ingersoll was defrauding an 80-year-old man out of $12 million dollars.


Greenberg's sex ring has come into sharp focus since he agreed to cooperate with authorities, and a filing by Greenberg's lawyers Friday claims that Republican congressman Matt Gaetz was at a sex and drugs party that involved an underage girl. But no allegations have been proved against Gaetz and he has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing in the corruption and sex scandal that has gripped the media in South Florida.


Gaetz is close to Donald Trump and helped prep him for the September 10 presidential debate against Vice President Kamala Harris on ABC. He also played a pivotal role in the removal of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House in 2023.


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Among the cast of characters in the Florida case is Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist friend of Gaetz, who allegedly hosted the party and who says that Gaetz was not there.


Newsweek sought email comment on Monday from Gaetz and Dorworth, as well as Greenberg and Ingersoll's attorneys.


Allegations from two women and the underaged girl emerged on Friday in the lawsuit Dorworth took against Greenberg and others for allegedly trying to drag him into the scandal.


Greenberg and the other defendants in the case wrote in a court brief that the two women and the 17-year-old girl have given sealed testimony that Gaetz was at the party and that he and Dorworth exchanged 30 texts and two phone calls in the hours before the party—an indication, the defendants claim, that Gaetz was there.


Like Gaetz, Dorworth has never been charged with a crime and denies any wrongdoing. And whether or not the men were at the party is still hotly contested in court filings that have yet to be resolved.


The legal dispute between Dorworth and Greenberg is vast and complex, with many accusations and counter accusations. On Friday, the Greenberg side filed dozens of documents, totaling hundreds of pages, which include the new allegations that three women have given sealed testimony against Matt Gaetz.


What is known for sure is that Dorworth's now implacable foe, Joel Greenberg, himself a former friend of Gaetz, was jailed for 11 years in December, 2022, for sex trafficking of a minor, stalking, identity theft, wire fraud, and conspiracy to bribe a public official.


That was after striking a plea deal in which he agreed to give evidence against others in sex trafficking cases.


While working as a Seminole County tax collector, Greenberg went on a website that advertised itself to "Sugar Daddies" who could pay "Sugar Babes" for relationships and sex.


There, he met underage girls for sex and introduced them to other men.

Anonymous ID: 00dd64 Sept. 24, 2024, 12:47 p.m. No.21650538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0556


Trump quotes Shakespeare at rally (but gets it wrong) and says he has bigger crowds than Churchill

The former president was quick to compare crowd sizes – something he has been mercilessly ridiculed for fixating on over the course of his presidential campaign


Myriam Page7 hours ago

Donald Trump made a real gaffe during his Pennsylvania rally on Monday when he tried (and failed) to quote William Shakespeare and reignited discussion about his crowd sizes by claiming he draws in more people than Winston Churchill did.


Ironically, the Republican started to set up the blunder by telling his Indiana crowd that Churchill was “this great speaker,” before swiftly comparing his and the famous UK leader’s crowd sizes – a topic he has focused on multiple occasions over the course of his campaign:


“I get much bigger crowds than him but nobody ever says I’m a great speaker.”


Last week he claimed to pull in crowds bigger than Elvis Presley did, and even made the same bizarre claim in August about Martin Luther King Jr’s crowd during the landmark March on Washington.


His apparent fixation on crowd sizes has been mocked by both social media and key political figures – most notably former president Barack Obama.


Trump then highlighted President Joe Biden’s unfortunate botches, naming one example in which a local news outlet asserted he confused Ohio for Iowa in March 2020.


But Trump proved he is also not immune to the same slip-ups by misquoting Shakespeare while attempting to attack Biden, saying he “never was smart, he wasn’t smart 40 years ago”.


Trying to use what he thought are the iconic Bard’s words to make his point, he asked the crowd, “Did you ever hear Shakespeare?”


“He was ‘hail and hearty and well met,’ but he wasn’t a smart person.”


Of vice-president Kamala Harris, he added, “But she is a very dumb person and we can’t do that.”


What the former president was actually quoting, and still managed to botch, is an idiom used to describe someone or their actions as very friendly and enthusiastic, and not always sincerely.


The correct phrase, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is “hail-fellow-well-met,” and does not appear in a Shakespeare text.


With only 41 days left until the election on November 5, Trump was seemingly attempting to rally more voters to his cause in Pennsylvania on Monday.


But a poll has put Harris ahead of him by 5 points in the swing state – showing 49 per cent of voters are backing Harris and 44 per cent Trump.

Anonymous ID: 00dd64 Sept. 24, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.21650556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0566 >>0914 >>1053 >>1125


Matt Gaetz Court Filing: What We Learned - Newsweek

Two women and one underage girl claim, in a new court filing in a long-running case, that Republican congressman Matt Gaetz attended a sex and drugs party in his native Florida.


Gaetz is close to Donald Trump and helped prep him for the September 10 presidential debate against Vice President Kamala Harris on ABC. He also played a pivotal role in the removal of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House in 2023.


Newsweek sought email comment on Friday from Gaetz, who has consistently denied any wrongdoing.


The allegations are contained in a federal lawsuit between Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist friend of Gaetz, and lawyers who represented Dorworth plus a 17-year-old girl, identified only as A.B. While Dorworth has withdrawn his original claim against his lawyers, they are suing the lobbyist for costs.


What Was Claimed in the Court Docs


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According to the original lawsuit filed by Dorworth, the defendants "agreed that they would provide false information to the authorities and the federal grand jury regarding Dorworth, Matt Gaetz and others" and that one of the defendants, lawyer Joel Greenberg, directed "A.B. and her friend" to falsely implicate Dorworth and Gaetz in their grand jury testimony.


The defendants strongly deny this claim in their filing, made on September 19. Newsweek sought email comment from Joel Greenberg's attorney on Monday.


The filing claims Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party, where the underage girl was present. The 17-year-old high school student, A.B., allegedly went to the July 15, 2017, party at Dorworth's house in her mother's car, the online news site Notus reported.


Another young woman, identified only as K.M., provided a sworn statement in which she said the 17-year-old girl was naked and people were at the party to "engage in sexual activities" and to take "alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy … and marijuana," Notus reported.


There is no suggestion that Gaetz did anything improper at the party. There are also conflicting accounts of his attendance at the party.


A woman, identified only as B.G. in court documents, made a sworn statement alleging Gaetz was there, contradicting a statement by Dorworth, who said Gaetz was not.


According to the defense, cellphone records show that Gaetz and Dorworth texted each other 30 times on the day of the party and that Gaetz called Dorworth twice in the hours before the party, which they claim lends credence to the belief that Gaetz was at the party.


The lawsuit involves over $35,000 in legal fees. Even though Dorworth withdrew the lawsuit he took against his lawyers, the case remains open, as his lawyers say he should pay them over $35,000 for the money they spent defending themselves.


>>>In Thursday's filing, they quote William Shakespeare's play Macbeth in alleging that Dorworth's claim against them was "sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Anonymous ID: 00dd64 Sept. 24, 2024, 12:57 p.m. No.21650566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0598 >>0632 >>0687



First collection of Shakespeare’s plays on show to toast anniversary


A 400-year-old collection of William Shakespeare’s first collected works - including the first publication of Macbeth - is to go on display. (NLS / SWNS)

A 400-year-old collection of William Shakespeare’s first collected works including the first publication of Macbeth is to go on display.


The National Library in Edinburgh will display the works from Saturday as part of the Treasures of the National Library of Scotland exhibition at George IV Bridge.


Originally published seven years after Shakespeare’s death in 1616, the folio includes 36 plays – 18 of which were published for the first time, ensuring that they were able to endure the test of time.


There are only two other copies of the folio in public collections in Scotland – one is held at the University of Glasgow, and another at the Mount Stuart Trust on the Isle of Bute.


Helen Vincent, Head of Rare Books, Maps and Music at the National Library, said: “We’ve seen everyone from schoolchildren to actors to researchers fascinated by the First Folio and the stories it contains, so we’re looking forward to bringing it to a wide audience in our Treasures exhibition.”


“It will be on display for the actual birthday of the book in November – the month it was first offered for sale in 1623.


“I’m sure the people who put such effort into producing this book would love to know that 400 years later, their dedication to preserving and sharing all of Shakespeare’s plays continues to have such a profound impact on culture in all its forms.”


Many of Shakespeare’s works were never published in print during his life, putting many works in danger of becoming lost forever as time went on.


Luckily, two members of Shakespeare’s acting company gathered this collection of 36 plays, writing “We have but collected them onely to keepe the memory of so worthy a Friend and Fellow alive, as was our Shakespeare.”


The folio will be displayed alongside Robert Burns’s 1790 poem, Tam o’ Shanter and a selection of Nicolas Copernicus’s early works from 1543.


“We were delighted to display the Bute Collection’s First Folio to celebrate the 400th publication anniversary, and we also shared the wonders of Shakespeare’s work with school groups and our visitors to Mount Stuart earlier this year,” said Elizabeth Ingham, the Mount Stuart Trust’s Librarian.


“We are indebted to the people who edited, printed, and published the First Folio in 1623, who preserved the memory of Shakespeare and ensured the survival of his extraordinary plays for future generations.”

Anonymous ID: 00dd64 Sept. 24, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.21650604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0624


Bill is connected to John B. Wells


Ark Knights and Dames

Alien Agenda from Globalists





Aug 14, 2018 6:46:46 PM EDT

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(Alt + US Media) (US Politicians)



Those who scream the loudest….

Find the connections.



Marching to the same beat?


Logical thinking.


Anonymous ID: 00dd64 Sept. 24, 2024, 1:13 p.m. No.21650624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0914 >>1053 >>1125


Didn’t Soros just get some radio stations?


Coast to Coast AM


Central Casting iMDB Accounts, making movies and money telling stories…

Anonymous ID: 00dd64 Sept. 24, 2024, 2:03 p.m. No.21650824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0877 >>0914 >>1053 >>1125


54 mainstream media figures tied to George Soros funding

Alex TimothyJan 17, 2023






Among the recipients from Soros' big pockets are "reporters, anchors, columnists, editors, news executives and journalists linked to organizations like ABC, CBS, NPR, Bloomberg News, Reuters, The New York Times and a host of additional outlets."



A new study from MRC business has revealed that liberal billionaire George Soros is responsible for funding some of the most influential media figures in the world via donations to liberal groups affiliated with them.


"The over $32 billion that leftist billionaire George Soros poured into his organizations to spread his radical 'open society' agenda on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism and LGBT fanaticism around the globe has paid dividends," wrote MRC Business analysts Joseph Vazquez and Daniel Schneider.



"In fact, his funding has helped him establish ties with some of the biggest name media personalities in the United States and abroad which help indoctrinate millions with his views on a day-to-day basis. MRC Business found at least 54 prominent media figures… who are tied to Soros through their connections to organizations that he funds," the authors continue. "These include personalities like 'NBC Nightly News' anchor Lester Holt and The Washington Post executive editor Sally Buzbee."


The new study is the third and final report from MRC Business relating to George Soros' media influence. It was previously revealed that the "Godfather of the Left" handed out $131 million between 2016 and 2020 to influence 253 media groups.


"This network of media ties allows Soros to hold sizable influence over the stories that the media covers, how they cover those stories, and what stories they don’t cover," Vazquez and Schneider added.


Bloomberg News co-founder Matthew Winkler and CNN's Christiane Amanpour are among the influential figures linked to Soros' cash.


"The others encompass reporters, anchors, columnists, editors, news executives and journalists linked to organizations like ABC, CBS, NPR, Bloomberg News, Reuters, The New York Times and a host of additional outlets," Vazquez and Schneider said.


In the case of Amanpour, Soros donated $2,750,000 to the Committee to Protect Journalists between 2018 and 2020, a committee of which Amanpour is listed as a senior advisor.


Buzbee and Holt are listed as board members of the committee, as well as employees of the New York Times Company, Reuters, The New Yorker, the Associated Press, the Chicago Tribune, and Bloomberg News.


MRC Business also revealed that NBCUniversal News Group Chairman Cesar Conde, the group that oversees NBC News, MSNBC, and CNBC, is a trustee at the Aspen Institute, which received $1,165,000 from Soros between 2016 and 2020.


CBS’s 60 minutes legal analyst Andrew Cohen is an editor-at-large with The Marshall Project, which received at least $1,250,000 between 2016 and 2020.


ABC Senior Vice President for Editorial Quality Kerry Smith is on ProPublica’s Journalism Advisory Board, with the company receiving at least $1,450,008 from Soros between 2016 and 2020. Additionally, the study found Soros directly funds NPR, and has additionally given donations to the Poynter Institute.


93-year-old Soros has long been a supporter of Liberal causes, and was the Democrat's largest single donor last year.

Anonymous ID: 00dd64 Sept. 24, 2024, 2:17 p.m. No.21650877   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Channel Q

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Channel Q (stylized as CHANNEL Q) is an LGBT lifestyle talk and EDM top 40 radio network created, owned, and operated by Audacy, Inc. The network airs on the Audacy internet radio service, as well as on Audacy-owned terrestrial radio stations throughout the United States. Channel Q's programming schedule consists of LGBT-centered talk shows, most notably a rebooted version of Loveline, along with Dance/Top 40 music on afternoons, late nights, and weekends.




Channel Q started life as Out Now Radio, and soft-launched in August 2018 on as well as the HD Radio signal of Entercom's KAMP-FM in Los Angeles (97.1FM-HD2).[1] A full launch occurred on October 11, 2018, a date chosen to coincide with National Coming Out Day, and featured a daily morning program co-hosted by Queer Eye alum Jai Rodriguez; weekly shows featuring internet personality B. Scott and lawyer/politician John Duran; and a revamped version of the syndicated radio program Loveline.[2] By November 1, the network would adopt the Channel Q name, tweak its program lineup, and add its first analog radio affiliate (KQPS in Palm Springs, California).[3]




Brian Holt is Channel Q's original architect and founding Program Director/Operations Manager. Prior to joining the network, Holt developed programming for iHeartMedia including Live from the Lounge w/Ryan Seacrest, Valentine in the Morning, The Bill Carroll Show, The Dr. Wendy Walsh Show, and HOME w/Dean Sharp the House Whisperer.


As of March 2020, Channel Q's program schedule features early morning, afternoon, and weekend blocks of Top 40, pop, EDM, and dance music along with regularly-scheduled shows.


Terrestrial radio affiliates


In addition to being heard on the Audacy internet radio platform, its related app, and the network's website, Channel Q is also heard on the over-the-air stations listed below. Those shown with an "HD2" or "HD3" suffix air Channel Q on an HD radio subchannel that can be heard through HD-accommodating receivers.

Anonymous ID: 00dd64 Sept. 24, 2024, 2:25 p.m. No.21650919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0940 >>1053 >>1125


He’s even giving specifics…

Probably because he’s in the spotlight right now for ethics violations


Matt Gaetz says there are multiple ‘assassination teams’ out to kill Trump

In the wake of two failed attempts on Donald Trump’s life, a Florida congressman revealed disturbing information about other “assassination teams” in the U.S. seeking to kill the former president.


Rep. Matt Gaetz found the latest attempt on Trump’s life in Florida to be a “tragic” and “avoidable” incident but disclosed that there are reportedly five assassination teams within the U.S. currently intent on killing the Republican nominee. Three of those are foreign, according to the Florida Republican who dropped the bombshell during an interview on “Breitbart News Daily.”


“I am starting to get the impression that we do not have enough force protection of supporting President Trump that we ought to have, given the threat environment,” Gaetz told host Mike Slater on Thursday.


He explained that he had recently met with a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security who told him there are at least five known assassination teams in the U.S.


“And, with that type of activity, I don’t think we should be allowing people to set up for an extended period of time and wait to take their shot outside of his golf properties or his other properties,” he added, with a reference to the latest attempt by suspect Ryan Routh who set up outside of Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach before the Secret Service spotted him.


Slater pressed the congressman about the known teams and Gaetz confirmed that they are “aware of at least five teams in-country that are geared toward killing Trump. ”


“And I think, you know, three of them that we know are foreign in nature. Two of them we know are domestic in nature, and that calls for a force protection that we do not have around the former president right now,” he told Slater, noting again that the information came from a DHS official whom he met with, adding that “they were aware of this and were concerned that the Secret Service was not providing sufficient support.”


Trump’s campaign was made aware of an Iranian assassination plot against him in July ahead of his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania where would-be assassin Thomas Crooks fired off several shots, injuring Trump’s ear. Two other rally-goers were critically injured and a third, retired firefighter Corey Comperatore, lost his life trying to protect his family.


When Slater wondered about the ability of these assassination teams to be out in the open, Gaetz replied that there is “insufficient scrutiny to stop them from doing so.”


“Three of these teams are foreign-inspired, from my understanding: Iranians, Ukraine, Pakistan. And you know, the work is obviously challenging to protect — protective detail, like a presidential campaign that is vigorous and out campaigning,” Gaetz said.


He went on to note that this has Congress now investigating whether there is a proper protective detail around the former president and whether the Secret Service has sufficient resources such as sniper teams and the right tactical teams.


“And we’ve seen a few times where resources have been pulled off of the Trump detail for the Jill Biden detail or for the John Bolton detail. And we’re going to question whether or not that was sound, given what we knew about the efforts to kill Trump,” he added.