Anonymous ID: 695f3c Sept. 24, 2024, 12:11 p.m. No.21650396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0550 >>0914 >>1053 >>1125

Equinox increases chances of geomagnetic storm from solar eruption this week

September 23, 2024


Earth could experience a geomagnetic storm on Wednesday (Sept. 25) after the sun lashed out with a huge spout of plasma.

The probability of our planet experiencing effects from the geomagnetic storm may be higher due to the fact that this particular solar outburst occurred around the same time as Earth's autumnal equinox.

The coronal mass ejection (CME) was unleashed on Sunday (Sept. 22) at 5:39 p.m. EDT (2139 UTC) when a sunspot designated AR3835 erupted unexpectedly with an M-class solar flare.

Solar scientists weren't expecting this eruption because AR3835 had seemed too stable to explode, according to


Currently rocketing toward Earth at over 650,000 miles per hour (1,046,073 kilometers per hour), this tendril of solar plasma will only strike a glancing blow on Earth's protective magnetic bubble, the magnetosphere, with the majority missing Earth, according to NASA modeling.

This normally wouldn't trigger a geomagnetic storm, but that might be different on Wednesday because of the timing of this CME.

When geomagnetic storms do strike, they can disrupt communication and power infrastructure and, in extreme cases, blackouts.

At high altitudes, geomagnetic storms can also result in stunning displays of light called auroras.


The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center ranks geomagnetic storms on a scale of G1 to G5.

These storms rise in severity, with G5-scale geomagnetic storms being the most extreme events capable of causing complete collapse or blackouts of power and communicatons systems.

A G1 or G2 storm, such as that which could potentially occur on Wednesday, has a slight risk of impacting infrastructure at high latitudes.


Equinoxes occur when Earth's rotational axis aligns with its orbit around the sun. During the equinoxes, Earth does not appear to tilt with respect to the sun.

This means the sun sits directly above the equator and both hemispheres get the same hours of daylight and night.

The autumnal equinox 2024 occurred at 8:44 a.m. EDT (1244 GMT) on Sunday, marking the first day of Autumn for the northern hemisphere and the first day of Spring for the southern hemisphere.


The weeks around Earth's two equinoxes mark an increase in geomagnetic storm frequency.

This is probably due to the fact that as Earth orientates its poles to point at the sun, the magnetosphere and the sun's magnetic field become aligned, whereas they tend to be misaligned throughout the rest of the year.

At times of misalignment, charged particles from the sun, such as CMEs and solar winds, receive a slight deflection from the magnetosphere, meaning we avoid their full impacts.


This deflection doesn't occur during periods around the equinoxes when the magnetic fields of our planet and our star are well connected.

This is called the "Russell-McPherron effect," and it was first suggested in 1973 to explain the seasonal variation in geomagnetic storm frequency.

Similarly, Earth experiences the least geomagnetic storms around the months of the solstices, December and January, and again during June and July, when Earth's pole are pointed towards the sun.

Data collected from 1932 to 2014 has shown geomagnetic storms are, on average, about twice as likely around the times of the equinoxes as they are around the time of the solstices.

Anonymous ID: 695f3c Sept. 24, 2024, 12:22 p.m. No.21650446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0550 >>0914 >>1053 >>1125

Space Force awards four 'Quick Start' Resilient GPS agreements

Sept. 23, 2024


The U.S. Space Force’s Space Systems Command awarded four agreements to Astranis, Axient, L3 Harris, and Sierra Space to produce design concepts for Lite Evolving Augmented Proliferation one of the Resilient Global Positioning System program.

R-GPS provides resilience to military and civil GPS user communities by augmenting the GPS constellation with proliferated small satellites transmitting a core set of widely-utilized GPS signals.

The decision to pursue R-GPS was based upon outcomes of recent resilience studies recommending an additional proliferated fleet of small GPS satellites.


A mix of traditional and non-traditional defense space companies were selected for this initial award based on their innovative and integrated concepts.

R-GPS is utilizing the new “Quick Start” authority under Section 229 of the most recent National Defense Authorization Act, which provides this innovative and proactive authority to the Defense Department to rapidly respond to emerging threats or technologies.

Utilizing Quick Start, the R-GPS team successfully earned Deputy Secretary of Defense approval, conducted market research, hosted an industry day, released a solicitation, and awarded initial contracts in under six months, far faster than traditional space programs that sometimes require up to three years.


“Thanks to the Quick-Start authority that was approved by Congress, we were able to field and award contracts for these low-cost satellites in less than six months,” said Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall.

“This authority allows us to move faster and start new Space Force and Air Force programs, and we appreciate Congress providing us this authority.”

This R-GPS award, under the Space Enterprise Consortium Other Transaction Authority, is the first of three phases to produce up to eight R-GPS satellites available for launch as soon as 2028.


R-GPS plans to produce and launch up to eight satellite vehicles at a time via LEAPs. Each LEAP is intended to build on the previous by adding additional capabilities.

“Space enables the prosperity and security of our nation every day, and it is clear that our competitors have taken note,” said Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman.

“The importance of resilience can’t be overstated as we work to address the new challenges they present.

R-GPS is one way we’re working to ensure access to critical Positioning, Navigation and Timing capabilities, for the warfighter and civil users alike.”


Following this initial phase, a subset of the awardees will continue to a Final Design Review and build payload prototypes.

One or more vendors will then be selected to build the first satellite vehicles.

Anonymous ID: 695f3c Sept. 24, 2024, 12:41 p.m. No.21650524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0550 >>0576 >>0604 >>0914 >>1053 >>1125

Ufologist claims outer space stuff has been flying around Earth for decades: ‘Thousands have been contacted’

Published Sep. 23, 2024, 7:59 p.m. ET


He’s from another world

Fie on a chiropodist and a podiatrist, Bill Birnes is a ­ufologist. Ph.D. from NYU, he claims outer space stuff is flying into our space — besides what’s seeping out of Biden.

“I study UFOs. I research unconventional aircraft engineered from a planet not ours.

Extraterrestrials visiting Earth are airbrushed out to remove this alien activity evidence.

An officer with Eisenhower, who was then a colonel, saw debris.


“A NASA researcher saw dark side of the moon photos showing triangular spacecraft on a crater’s edge. NASA airbrushed that out saying ETs don’t want us exploring their bases.

“NASA chiefs said that was to be an actual covered-up alien attack on us.

“UFO hunters — involved in government and society — claim these aliens are us — the next civilization.

They look like us because they are us. We migrate as DNA on asteroids and comets. Spinning in that water is our bacteria and DNA. If it’s a hospitable planet, life takes place.


Beam them up

“Thousands have been contacted. Abducted. They are tracked by UFOs. John Lennon saw bright light, then little creatures who gave him an egg-shaped object. He gave it to his psychic friend Uri Geller. That device is still in Tel Aviv.

“I know three underwater bases. Gulf of Mexico fishermen see bright lights under Florida and Cuba. Another in LA County near Santa Catalina. Also a major base off Malibu.


“President Bill Clinton investigated Roswell. A retired general knew of Roswell debris. Strom Thurmond took it to defense contractors to reverse engineer it.

Technology was integrated circuitry and Kevlar lasers. A NASA technician airbrushed them out saying, ‘There’s no spacecraft on the moon.’

“ETs have a base on the moon they want kept secret. NASA guys say we covered up an actual alien attack on us. UFO hunters say we have met ET and it is us. A whole civilization was on this planet.


The space race

“Four million years ago as this solar system formed, chunks of Mars landed on the newly formed North Pole.

Life formed. Comets brought more bacteria. These creatures developed and they’re us.”

Birnes, a NY Times best-selling author about the days following Roswell, said: “I’m told ETs throughout our government exercise higher security than the president.

They track those who believe they have UFO parentage someplace.”

Anonymous ID: 695f3c Sept. 24, 2024, 12:54 p.m. No.21650560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Missouri Man Claims He Saw Light Stop & Then Zoom Up into the Sky

September 24, 2024


I will admit that I take UFO sightings with a grain of salt. There are so many and among those some that seem ridiculous, but there's a recent one in Missouri that got my attention.

A Sikeston man claims he saw a light move across the sky, stop and then zoom up into the atmosphere. Now you have my complete attention.

I want to be careful not to sensationalize or mischaracterize the account of a Sikeston, Missouri man who recently shared what he saw with the National UFO Reporting Agency.


On the night of September 5, 2024 at around 8pm, he says he saw this and these are his exact words:

"White light in sky going north abruptly stopped mid flight and went upwards as if leaving atmosphere.

White light going north abruptly stopped mid flight and went upwards as if leaving atmosphere. White light looked like a star in the sky, but much bigger.

Light flew in a northern direction before stopping and shooting upwards as if leaving atmosphere at incredible speed."


When I see accounts like this, I first try to narrow down possible natural phenomena. Could he have seen a star? Not likely one that would move.

Could it have been a meteor? Space rocks do burn up in the atmosphere all the time, but don't zoom upward unless I'm mistaken. Could it have been an aircraft?

None I am aware of have the capability to stop suddenly and then zoom upwards at "incredible speed".


What did this Sikeston, Missouri man see? By definition it is an unidentified flying object or perhaps I should use the new term of unidentified aerial phenomena.

No matter what you call it, it was a strange Missouri sky sight. The bigger question is what was the mission and/or intention of what he saw that night in Sikeston?

The truth is up there somewhere.

Anonymous ID: 695f3c Sept. 24, 2024, 1:04 p.m. No.21650589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0592 >>0616 >>0914 >>1053 >>1125

'USAF whistleblower' claims huge UFO announcement will happen 'within days'

Updated15:37, 24 Sep 2024


One of the most dramatic events in the history of mankind is set to take place in the coming months, according to claims from a UFO whistleblower.

Charles McNeal alleges that he was recruited into a top-secret US Air Force intelligence unit tasked with maintaining a 70-year truce between the American government and an alien civilisation.


This truce agreement, McNeal claims (without any proof of his credentials) on his YouTube channel, is set to come to an end at the end of September 2024.

He claims that a planned series of events, including the partial – or possibly total – destruction of the state of Israel, a brief global conflict and a staged alien invasion using reverse-engineered UFO technology will soon follow.

One of the first parts of this overarching plan, according to McNeal, will be the announcement of an alliance between the US and Afghanistan’s Taliban government.


McNeal alleges that a slow drip feed of information, through both news outlets and fictional accounts of extraterrestrial contact through films and TV, has been part of a campaign to prepare the global population for the shock of encountering an alien species.

“This is known as the Public Acclimation Program,” he bizarrely says. “For decades you have been force-fed fictionalised version of the truth via TV, movies and books.”


He outlines the entire shocking scheme on his “Acclimate Now” website, including an orchestrated third world war, the main purpose of which will be to intimidate the public while culling vast numbers of the civilian population.

This war, he claims, will be interrupted by an “alien invasion” that has been in the planning for decades.

Many of the “alien craft” on view during this phase, he claims, will in reality be a secret USAF development that he calls the TR3-B Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV).


But soon, McNeal says, we willed be introduced to a variety of real aliens, including cybernetically enhanced humanoids from a planet in the Rigel star system:

“Type A-C have a grey or greyish pigmentation that can come off a bit chalky sometimes," he says.

"They have four fingers with little suction cups on the ends of each finger and some have webbing in between their fingers and toes.

Type D have a brownish pigmentation and five fingers and five toes.


“This species started off fully biological until they ventured out into the cosmos and came into contact with what they now answer to, something called "The Keeper".

They now worship technology and started to incorporate mechanics into their biological makeup thousands of years ago.”

He further alleges that, following initial contact with these beings in the late 1940s, the US government has since had dealings with a number of different alien species over the years, and that news of all of these extraterrestrial civilisations will be made public in the coming few years.


But even the public revelation of these alien visitors, he says, will not contain the whole truth:

”Unfortunately,” McNeal says, “even the disclosure process is not planned to be 100% honest or transparent. It is only being used as tool for a very dangerous plan to bring the world together.”

McNeal alleges that one of the core aims of this bizarre conspiracy is to establish a so-called “New World Order” global government, under US control, to then establish a planet-wide alliance with these extraterrestrial visitors.


Barring a few short videos of the alleged USAF “Alien Reproduction Vehicle,” McNeal has produced no hard evidence to support his claims.

But, if his suggestion that the global realignment is set to begin at the end of September, we won’t have long to wait to discover whether there is any truth to his allegations.

Anonymous ID: 695f3c Sept. 24, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.21650601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0914 >>1053 >>1125

New Paradigm Institute and Visible College Partner to Support Yale Student UFO Society, First UAP Disclosure Teach-In

September 23, 2024, 19:25 GMT


The New Paradigm Institute (NPI) and The Visible College (VC) announce their partnership with the Yale Student UFO Society’s upcoming teach-in on September 27, 2024.

This event will serve as the inaugural session of a pioneering initiative to elevate the academic discourse surrounding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), commonly known as UFOs, at a time when the U.S. government is taking active steps to provide incontrovertible evidence that alien technology and entities exist and have been on our planet in contemporary time.


The Yale Student UFO Society’s teach-in represents NPI’s and VC’s commitment to engaging university professors, students, and academic institutions in the global conversation on UAP. NPI and VC seek to integrate scholarly expertise into a public discourse long overshadowed by secrecy, myths, and speculation by hosting teach-ins and fostering rigorous intellectual debate.


The Yale Student UFO Society reflects the university’s tradition of tackling pressing societal issues through scholarly investigation and debate.

The upcoming forum, titled ‘More Things in Heaven and Earth’: A UFO Teach-In at Yale, promises to explore the UAP phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspective, offering presentations on topics ranging from physics to mental health support for experiencers and the philosophical implications of UAP.


“It’s an honor to host speakers with the intellectual candor and knowledge required to address this complex issue for the Yale community.

In our second year, we are deeply grateful for NPI and the Yale Student Mental Health Association’s support of this forum advancing the Yale Student UFO Society’s mission to interrogate the unknown with the trained presence of mind we take pride in as a school,” said Yale Student UFO Society founder Sydney Morrison.


“As one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, Yale is a fitting venue to launch the first teach-in on UAP Disclosure,” said NPI Chief Counsel Daniel Sheehan.

“Yale’s legacy of fostering critical thinking, innovation, and the preservation of knowledge makes it the ideal partner in advancing this crucial conversation about UAP and government accountability.”


NPI seeks to bring the academic community to the forefront of the UAP debate, leveraging scholarly integrity to demand truth and transparency.

As public interest in UAP disclosures grows, NPI’s initiative provides a crucial expert analysis and advocacy platform.


“Our goal is not just to educate, but to build a global coalition demanding UAP disclosure,” said Jim Garrison, Director of NPI’s Washington, DC office.

“The public has a right to know, and governments are responsible for disclosing what they’ve learned about UAP.

Engaging academics in this conversation is key to elevating the debate and driving meaningful change.”


Steven Brown, Director of The Visible College, said, “While we understand that most academics are not paying much attention to these topics, a growing group of serious scholars are.

We are excited to work with the New Paradigm Institute to help foster a deeper understanding of the subject area and to raise awareness of relevant work being done across the global academic community.”