Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 12:19 p.m. No.21650433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0442

A Cursed Explainer About Olivia Nuzzi and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The star New York magazine reporter is on leave for having had some kind of relationship with the former presidential candidate. BY SCOTT NOVER SEPT 20, 20244:09 PM1/2

Late Thursday night, news broke that New York magazine had placed Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi on leave after learning that she’d allegedly had a relationship with former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “Had the magazine been aware of this relationship, she would not have continued to cover the presidential campaign,” read a statement from the magazine. The statement identified the other party only as “a former subject relevant to the 2024 campaign.” Oliver Darcy= at Status reported that that person was RFK Jr., “according to people familiar with the matter,” reporting that has now been matched by other outlets.

You might have some questions about this whole situation.

Who is Olivia Nuzzi, again?

Nuzzi is an esteemed political journalist best known for her profiles of complicated figures in Washington. You might have read her July feature, “The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden,” which ran before he dropped out of the race, or her September piece on Donald Trump’s post-assassination-attempt ear. Or her November 2023 profile of … none other than RFK Jr.

Before joining New York magazine, she was a political reporter for the Daily Beast. Nuzzi also has a new Bloomberg Television interview show. And she once made a brief cameo on Billions.

Wait, did the relationship start before or after that profile?

After. Here’s her statement:

Earlier this year, the nature of some communication between myself and a former reporting subject turned personal. During that time, I did not directly report on the subject nor use them as a source. The relationship was never physical but should have been disclosed to prevent the appearance of a conflict. I deeply regret not doing so immediately and apologize to those I’ve disappointed, especially my colleagues at New York.

So it wasn’t a physical relationship? Just some texting?

Well, according to reporting from CNN, a person with direct knowledge of the matter “said the relationship was emotional and digital in nature, not physical.” You could imagine that “digital in nature” encompasses … a lot of different things.

How long did it last?

Nuzzi told New York magazine that it started in December 2023, and went through the end of August, according to a statement that David Haskell, the magazine’s top editor, sent to staff.


What has RFK Jr. said?

This is the statement that a representative for him has been giving the media: “Mr. Kennedy only met Olivia Nuzzi once in his life for an interview she requested, which yielded a hit piece.” Which wouldn’t be incorrect if the relationship was only digital!


RFK Jr. is 70. I heard she’s only 31? She must have broken into journalism at a very young age.

Yes, that’s true! At 20, Nuzzi wrote a piece for a now-defunct website called NSFW Corp and a follow-up for the New York Daily News about her time as an intern on the Anthony Weiner mayoral campaign.


How does every sex scandal somehow involve Anthony Weiner? It’s 2024.

Yes, Weiner reportedly called the female interns “Monica” after former Clinton White House intern Monica Lewinsky. After the articles came out, Weiner’s spokesperson called Nuzzi a “slutbag” and other expletives. This was back in 2013.


Ugh. OK, so clearly she survived that.

Yes, and she went on to make a career out of reporting juicy pieces on politicians, experiencing a meteoric rise through journalism.She’s become one of the best profilers in the country, with a stylish pen and an uncanny ability to get controversial figures to talk. She’s profiled Dr. Oz, Kellyanne Conway, and Hope Hicks.


Why does anyone care about her relationship, or whatever, with RFK Jr.?

Despite commonplace portrayals in film and television, it’s universally considered unethical for journalists to sleep with sources, or have close personal relationships with them of any kind. It’s exceedingly rare and almost always results in firing or a swift departure from the profession.

There are exceptions: New York Times reporter Ali Watkins had a romantic relationship with Senate Intelligence Committee security chief James Wolfe, who went to prison for making false statements to the FBI. Watkins had disclosed her relationship to bosses at the Times, but not to her superiors at McClatchy News—where she interned and later worked—when the relationship started. Watkins was reassigned to a different beat at the Times.

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 12:21 p.m. No.21650442   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Why can’t you have a personal relationship with a source?

When dealing with sources, it’s important to be impartial. If you’re friends with a source, or in a romantic relationship with a source, your allegiance can end up being to them rather than to your readers. The ideal is that reporters and sources never really have buddy-buddy relationships. In practice though … that doesn’t mean that journalists don’t have favorite sources, sources that favor them, or all sorts of strange access-based rapports with important or well-informed people. That’s especially true in Washington.

So, sometimes reporters are friendly with sources and get away with it. But romantic entanglements are a hard no.Writing about Watkins for Politico magazine in 2018, former Slate media columnist Jack Shafer put it this way:Editors end up policing romances because it’s easy to show that a reporter has lost his impartiality because he’s shtupping his source. It’s harder to prove that friendship has made a reporter a pushover for his sources, so platonic relationships tend to go uncontested, and we stupidly reserve the scarlet letter of lost impartiality for romancing journalists only. The ethics cops seem oblivious to the fact that people you haven’t slept with often wield more influence over you than those who have.


Ok, but we don’t know exactly what happened with Nuzzi and RFK Jr. …

Right, but obviously whatever it was is enough that her employer is looking into how it could have influenced her reporting. Though he wasn’t her subject during the “digital relationship,” she was still reporting on the 2024 presidential race, and RFK Jr. was in fact running for president.

New York magazine has employed a third-party firm to conduct an audit of Nuzzi’s work, which will inform the exact nature of any disciplinary action that is taken. In the meantime, she’s on leave, and her pieces have a note to readers linked at the top.


Are either Nuzzi or RFK Jr. in a relationship separate from whatever happened between them?

Yes. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is married to Cheryl Hines, the actress from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Olivia Nuzzi became engaged to Ryan Lizza in Oct. 2022, but they have since broken up. Lizza reports for Politico’s Playbook.


Uh, does HE have to cover this?

Here’s a statement from him that ran in Playbook: “Because of my connection to this story through my ex-fiancée, my editors and I have agreed that I won’t be involved in any coverage of Kennedy in Playbook or elsewhere at Politico.”


Didn’t … Ryan Lizza have a scandal of his own?

Yes. Lizza was fired from the New Yorker in 2017 over allegations of “improper sexual contact.” He rebuked the claims and said he was dismayed that the magazine would mischaracterize a “respectful relationship” as something untoward.


Aren’t Nuzzi and Lizza writing a book together????

They were co-authoring a book about the 2020 campaign, but the publisher, Simon & Schuster, shelved the project in 2021. The New York Post reported that Nuzzi had personal struggles that led to the delay of the book, and that the pair weren’t able to get the scoops the publisher wanted.


What will happen next?

Who knows! Again, Nuzzi is a really talented reporter and writer. If she’s fired, another outlet will probably take a chance on her with assurances that she will not again engage in any weird sexting with conspiracy-theorizing brain-worm-having presidential-candidate sources. (Or any sources for that matter. If she stays at New York, she could be reassigned away from the Washington beat.) There’s always a chance that this is, in fact, the end of her reporting career. But I would doubt that.

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 12:34 p.m. No.21650495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0502 >>0550 >>0914 >>1053 >>1125

20 Attorneys General To Investigate Pediatrician Group For False Claims About Transing Children



The American Academy of Pediatrics relied on leftist politics that contradict medical research to create its influential recommendations for transgendering children, say the AGs.


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) relied on leftist politics that contradict medical research to create its highly influential clinical recommendations for giving gender-confused children opposite-sex hormones and surgeries, say 20 state attorneys general in a letter released this morning. In so doing, the AGs say, the AAP may have violated state consumer protection laws that require accuracy in selling products and services.

“[W]hen it comes to treating children diagnosed with gender dysphoria, the AAP has abandoned its commitment to sound medical judgment,”write the attorneys general plus the Senate president and House speaker of Arizona’s legislature to the current and incoming AAP presidents.


The AAP claims in a 2018 policy statement that using puberty-blocking drugs to treat children with gender dysphoria is “reversible.” That “is misleading and deceptive,” the legal officials state. “It is beyond medical debate that puberty blockers are not fully reversible but instead come with serious long-term consequences.” The letter says this AAP claim of transgender intervention reversibility “requires immediate retraction and correction.”


Reached for comment Tuesday morning, AAP spokeswoman Lisa Robinson said she hadn’t seen the letter yet. The letter cites an April 2024 comprehensive research review commissioned by the United Kingdom’s health service, known as the “Cass report.” It found the irreversible negative consequences of puberty-blocking drugs can include:

• interfering with brain development

• compromising healthy bone density

• damages to metabolic health, or the body’s ability to use energy efficiently, leading to weight gain, weight loss, and other health problems

• loss of normal experiences of puberty.


The attorneys general say AAP relied on politics rather than medicine in making its transgender recommendations for children, bylargely copying the medical recommendations of an activist organization called the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).


Earlier this year, investigative reporters Michael Shellenberger and Mia Hughes published the “WPATH Files” that show many of theorganization’s claims were backed by nothing but ideology, and its members privately acknowledged that. The internal communications from WPATH showed its members “frequently discuss improvising treatments as they go along” and they’re aware neither the parents nor the children they treat are often properly informed of the risks of transgender procedures, which can include fertility loss, lifelong weeping from open wounds, and more.

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 12:36 p.m. No.21650502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0550 >>0914 >>1053 >>1125



“These internal communications reveal that WPATH advocates for many arbitrary medical practices, including hormonal and surgical experimentation on minors and vulnerable adults,” says a report organizing the WPATH disclosures.“Its approach to medicine is consumer-driven and pseudoscientific, and its members appear to be engaged in political activism, not science.”


The WPATH Files also showed, as The New York Times reported, that a top Biden administration health official, the transgender man Rachel Levine, successfully pressured WPATH to erase age limit recommendations for these risky procedures. Some doctors have carried double mastectomies out on girls as young as 12.


The AAP has publicly declared it relies on WPATH’s “standards of care” for kids with gender dysphoria in making its medical recommendations that thousands of doctors follow across the United States.The Biden Department of Justice cites both WPATH and the WPATH-relying AAP as medical authorities in its legal efforts to force states to allow transgender interventions on children.


Several studies have shown that the majority of children experiencing gender dysphoria naturally accept their sex after puberty, especially if they have not undergone transgender treatments.


The attorneys general indicate they may be preparing legal action against AAP under state consumer protection laws that penalize false statements about products and services. As an intermediate investigatory step, the legal officers request that AAP provide written responses to 14 questions that include:

• “Provide substantiation for the AAP’s claims that the 2018 AAP policy statement and subsequent reaffirmation are ‘evidence driven, nonpartisan and rigorously reviewed’ and ‘reflect the latest evidence in the field.'”

• “Provide substantiation for the AAP’s claims that puberty blockers are reversible when used to treat adolescents suffering from gender dysphoria.”

• “Provide a copy of all communications the AAP has had regarding the


2018 AAP policy statement, transgender care, WPATH, SOC8, cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or any related topic with any member or representative of the Biden Administration, including but not limited to communications with Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine, Sarah Boateng, or any other member of Sec. Levine’s staff.”


Read the entire letter below.

9–24-24 AAP letter by The Federalist on Scribd

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.21650600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0608

Kamala is still begging for another debate with Trump, she is acting like this is going to be this friendly debate, nothing on earth should Trump make him even consider it.Her fucking snark didn't come through but there is nothing she can say that will make this happen. She sucks really.

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 1:16 p.m. No.21650637   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Acosta on CNN freaking out aboutKamala's polls, she dropped 11% with Hispanics in AZ. He says he doesn't know if he believes this poll, kek


it's the NYT Sienna poll, one of the most trusted.

Acosta is reading it with shock on his face.

This is why Kamala is harassing Trump to debate her again, she and they knowshe has lost a lot and her numbers are abysmal, doesn't how much money she bribes people for.


Watching it on a Dan video


This is the first time I've smiled today! KEK

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 1:24 p.m. No.21650668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0914 >>0938 >>1053 >>1125

Football Hall of Famer Brett Favre says he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease

By Thomas Schlachter, CNN


Updated: 2:49 PM EDT, Tue September 24, 2024

Source: CNN

Football Hall of Famer Brett Favre revealed Tuesday he was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.


The famed quarterback was speaking in front of the House Ways and Means Committee in a hearing on reforming Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF), where he was called to testify before Congress about welfare misspending.


“Sadly, I also lost an investment in a company that I believed was developing a breakthrough concussion drug I thought would help others and I’m sure you’ll understand, while it’s too late for me because I’ve recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, this is also a cause dear to my heart,” the quarterback said.


Favre had a storied NFL career, most notably playing for the Green Bay Packers. While with the Packers, Favre won the Super Bowl in the 1996-97 season and won back-to-back-to-back MVPs from 1995-1997.


Last month, Favre told The Megyn Kelly Show that head injuries and concussions were not treated in the way that they are now during his playing career and discussed the potential impact that could have on his life.


“At least several times a week there’s this fear of what tomorrow will bring,” Favre said. “And that wasn’t the case when I was playing, first of all, because at that point concussions were not looked at, it was just a minor bump, get your butt back in the game, go play.


“I don’t blame anybody because then no one thought concussions were a major issue, including me.


“I’ll think, ‘Boy, I probably haven’t done myself many favors.’ Would I do it the same way over again if I had the chance or would I change the way I played or how long I played? I don’t know, maybe I would have been more cautious,” he added.


Favre also said he that suffered a concussion in his last ever NFL play and was out for a minute or two.


While the 54-year-old said that he is still able to do a lot of what he enjoys, he also told Kelly that he had noticed some changes.


“I think there’s some memory issues, I think sometimes my speech is affected. Is that a result of the concussions and football or just being over 50? And maybe the answer is a little bit of both,” he said.


Favre has previously said that he could have experienced “thousands” of concussions across his 20-season NFL career.


Findings from the Boston University CTE Center have previously suggested that playing football might increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.


Using data from a large online survey sponsored by the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, researchers found that participants who had a history of playing organized tackle football were 61% more likely to report a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis or parkinsonism, an umbrella term for symptoms like tremors and rigidity that cause movement problems, compared with those who played other organized sports.


The report, published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, also found that participants who played football at higher levels — professionally or in college — were nearly three times as likely to have Parkinson’s or parkinsonism compared with those who played at the youth or high school levels.


Favre was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2016.


See Full Web Article

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 1:26 p.m. No.21650673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0677 >>0684 >>0700 >>1029

Trump War Room



RESURFACED: Video obtained by the @DailyMail shows Kamala Harris chanting "DOWN, DOWN WITH DEPORTATION!" at a 2018 parade with Jussie Smollett.


This is your Border Czar 😳


Sept 23, 2024

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 1:30 p.m. No.21650684   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Video emerges of Kamala Harris protesting deportation alongside Jussie Smollett

A resurfaced video shows Kamala Harris at a 2018 parade with disgraced actor Jussie Smollett protesting deportation.

September 23, 2024

reuters dailymail com



A video has surfaced showing Vice President Kamala Harris participating in a 2018 parade alongside actor Jussie Smollett.


The footage, obtained by the Daily Mail, captures Harris, then a California senator, protesting against deportation during the 33rd annual parade in Los Angeles, traditionally held to honor civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.


In the video, Harris chants, “Up, up with education, down, down with deportation!” while surrounded by activists.


Smollett, who was a rising star at the time due to his role on the TV show 'Empire' but is now disgraced following his 2019 hate crime hoax, can also be seen wearing a "Times Up" t-shirt and joining the chants.


Despite the hoax being debunked, Harris had previously described the incident as an “attempted modern-day lynching” and has not deleted her statement on social media.


Harris’s family, including her husband Doug Emhoff and stepdaughter Ella Emhoff, were also present at the parade.


Interestingly, Harris is now pledging to secure the border, despite previously opposing the deportation of illegal immigrantsduring her time as a California senator. This shift in stance has drawn significant attention, particularly with the resurfacing of the video.


anons I'm sure there are more like this or on protecting americans, etc.

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 1:53 p.m. No.21650785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0792 >>0800 >>0918 >>1122

Bad Hombre



According to a source who was on a Harris-Walz campaign training call attended by veteran campaign strategist James Carville, Carville went absolutely BALLISTIC yelling expletives at two young Democrat staffers, including @0liviajulianna who works for the Collin Allred Senate campaign.


The fiery barrage of insults included “dumb fat btch” directed at Julianna, and “out of touch fagots”began when the young staffers presented Carville with some social media videos they’ve been working on to appeal to White male voters. Carville was not impressed by any of them, saying they lacked substance.


When a visibly shaken gay male staffer told Carville he needed to apologize for using the F word, Carville told him to take his camo hat and shove it up his ass before leaving the call.


The joy is gone.

9:03 AM · Sep 24, 2024




Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 2:05 p.m. No.21650829   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Elon Musk and Italian PM Giorgia Meloni have public love-in on sidelines of UNGA: ‘Even more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside’

By Olivia Land Published Sep. 24, 2024, 1:05 p.m. ET


That’s amore?

Elon Musk heaped praise on Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni during a black-tie awards reception as the pair put on an enamored display on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. The Tesla billionaire and Trump supporter introduced the far-right politician at the Atlantic Council’s Global Citizen Awards dinner at the Ziegfeld Ballroom in New York Monday night.


Meloni “is even more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside,” Musk gushed, according to Politico. The X owner and father of 12 also described Meloni as “authentic, honest and thoughtful.”


“That can’t always be said about politicians,” Musk joked, which earned a wave of laughter from the 700 attendees, according to the New York Times.

When Musk presented Meloni with the coveted award, the duo appeared to stare briefly into each other’s eyes.


l dinner, which has become the social crown jewel of the United Nations General Assembly, Politico reported. The pair has met several times over the last year, including their first meeting at Meloni’s official residence in Rome in June 2023. Musk also spoke at a political festival hosted by Meloni’s far-right Brothers of Italy party last December.


Musk has 12 kids with three different women and most recently welcomed a baby with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis in January. (She’s 47 she can’t have more children, KEK)


Meloni publicly dumped the father of her daughter, Andrea Giambruno, last fall

after he made lewd comments on Italian TV.


When it was her turn at the podium on Monday, Meloni rewarded Musk’s effusive praise by calling him a “precious genius” before launching into a strident defense of patriotism.


“Defending our deep roots is the precondition for reaping ripe fruit,” the prime minister insisted, as she challenged the idea of the “inevitable decline of the West.”


Musk was seen nodding while Meloni spoke, and stood up to applaud when she finished. Meloni and Musk were seated together at the event, where they were alsospotted deep in conversation.


At one point, Meloni was seen gesturing emphatically while Musk leaned his head close to her, one video from reporter Smiriti Sharma showed.


Meloni has emerged as a leading political force in the European Union since she became the first female prime minister of Italy nearly two years ago.


Her selection for a Global Citizen Award riled some members of the Atlantic Council, who took issue with her past closeness with Russia and her party’s anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, Politico noted.


The think tank, however, lauded her “strong support of the European Union and the trans-Atlantic alliance, and her 2024 chairmanship of the Group of Seven.”


In addition to Meloni, the awards dinner on Monday recognized Nana Akufo-Addo, the president of Ghana; Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the prime minister of Greece; and Miky Lee, vice chair of CJ Group.


(anons on twitter: post "there goes Georgia and Elon sitting in a tree, k.i.s.s.i.n.g. KEK)

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 2:09 p.m. No.21650837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0843 >>0844 >>0859 >>0912

Scene from Philly looks like The Joker.

Dapper Detective



🚨NEW: violent mob attacks a Philadelphia police officer in his cruiser last night, rampaging with total impunity — Soros D.A. Larry Kranser doesn’t prosecute violent criminals. Period.


Sept. 22, 2024

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 2:13 p.m. No.21650854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0861

Comedian Trump on McDonald’s. He should do stand upKEK





TRUMP: "I'm going to McDonald's and I'm gonna stand over the French fries because I wanna see what her job really wasn't like."


I'm going to McDonalds in the next two weeks!


Sept. 24, 2024

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 2:24 p.m. No.21650909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0920

(Mitt Romney fears retribution if Trump wins. Doesn’t want to retire. So Pierre Dilectico is a Coward, who would have known.)

What Will Mitt Romney Do if Trump Wins?

Romney has good reason to fear Trump’s vengeance. By McKay CoppinsBOO HOO TRAITOR TO THE VIET NAM POWS


On a swampy afternoon this past spring, I met Mitt Romney in his soon-to-be-vacated Senate office. It was strange to see him in person again. For two years, we’d talked almost every week as I worked on a biography that would cement his reputation as a Republican apostate. Since the book’s publication last year, we’d kept in sporadic touch—mostly through texts, the senator’s preferred medium for venting about politics—but we hadn’t spoken in much depth.


Some things hadn’t changed. Romney was, as ever, acutely attuned to his own mortality. “I saw an article this morning saying that they find your chances of getting Alzheimer’s are significantly increased based upon two things,” he told me as soon as we sat down. One factor was alcohol consumption; the other was stress at work. The latter had him worried. Romney is a teetotaler but has been addicted his whole life to stressful jobs. “I mean, I’ve felt high stress in my work since—” He thought about it. “Well, since I went to grad school.” He’s stepping down when his term ends in January. Retirement, he told me, would be good for his health.

As we chatted, though, I noted a change in his countenance. In the past, his frustration—with the Senate, with the Republican Party, with politics in general—had always seemed tinged with resignation….


The Trump-era GOP’s perception of Romney as a devious traitor put him in a precarious position. The 2024 presidential election had, by that point in the spring, played out exactly as he’d predicted. Trump had easily defeated a large and feckless field of Republican challengers to clinch the party’s nomination, despite facing 88 criminal charges. And Joe Biden looked to be on a glide path to renomination, despite having some of the worst approval ratings of any modern first-term president. In the months that followed, the race would become more volatile—a disastrous debate performance by Biden; a party-wide panic and push to replace him on the ticket; the nomination of Kamala Harris; the assassination attempts on Trump. But that spring, polls showed Trump clinging to a persistent lead, and Romney was convinced that a second Trump term was imminent.


Romney had made this prediction before, telling anyone who would listen in the run-up to the 2020 election that he thought Trump was going to get a second term. He’d even bet one of his sons his prized 1985 BMW that Biden would lose. But back then, he’d told me, it was a kind of psychological game he played with himself—predicting the outcome he most dreaded as a form of “inoculation.”


This time felt different. Trump had repeatedly pledged to use the Justice Department and the FBI to go after his political enemies if reelected. “I am your retribution,” he enjoyed telling his crowds. Romney knew that he was likely to appear on any enemies list kept by the former president, and he’d privately mused to friends that it might be time for him and his wife, Ann, to consider moving abroad. (A spokesperson for the senator told me he was not serious about this.)


But when I asked Romney, in the spring, what a Trump reelection would mean for him and his family, he was careful at first. “I don’t know the answer to that,” he said.If Trump tried to sic the Justice Department on him, Romney told me, “the good news is I haven’t had an affair with anybody; I don’t have any classified documents; I can’t imagine something I’ve done that would justify an investigation, let alone an indictment.”


What about his sons? I asked. Might they be targeted? “I mean, hopefully they’ve all crossed their t’s and dotted their i’s,” Romney replied, straining to sound casual. “But it’s hard for me to imagine that President Trump would take the time to go out and see if [he] can find something on members of my family.”


“You might need to expand your imagination,” I suggested. ==Romney grew irritated. “Yeah, but I’ve got 25 grandkids!” he said, throwing up his hands.

“How am I going to protect 25 grandkids, two great-grandkids? I’ve got five sons, five daughters-in-law—it’s like, we’re a big group.” This was clearly a problem to which he’d given serious thought, and realized there was no solution==. In the weeks after January 6, he’d spent thousands of dollars a day to protect his family from red-capped vigilantes. But how do you hide a family of 40 from a president hell-bent on revenge?


Recognizing that I’d hit a nerve, I said it was possible, of course, that Trump’s “retribution” rhetoric was all bluster. But Romney didn’t seem comforted.

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 2:36 p.m. No.21650980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0993 >>1092

Ellen DeGeneres Strikes Back: “Mean, Old and Gay — The Triple Crown”

(Put out a week after Diddy, did she know it was coming since last year when Diddy was raided)

The former 'Ellen' host jokes that she regrets not signing off with "Go f*** yourselves" in her new Netflix comedy special that details the fallout when the world decides the "queen of nice" is actually "the queen of mean."



'Ellen DeGeneres: For Your Approval' WILSON WEBB/NETFLIX © 2024 Ellen DeGeneres is getting the last laugh.


With her latest (and apparently final) stand-up special now streaming on Netflix, the former daytime talk show host is addressing how she got “kicked out of show business” — and she’s milking it for laughs. But mixed in with the various punchlines are also moments of sincerity and genuine reflection. “I’m here because I love doing stand-up, and I miss doing stand-up, and I like making people happy, and I do care what people think,” she confesses at the top of the special, which is appropriately titled Ellen DeGeneres: For Your Approval.


Lest you somehow missed the myriad headlines back in 2020, DeGeneres’ eponymous talk show was hit with toxic workplace allegations, which came on the heels of a series of personal swipes at DeGeneres herself. She’s claimed that neither was the reason that she ultimately ended the long-running show, though she has been open about the heartache the controversy caused.


“Here’s the problem: I’m a comedian who got a talk show and I ended the show every day by saying, ‘Be kind to one another.’ Yeah, I know, it seemed like a good idea,” she says in the new hour, weaving her way to a well-received punchline: “Had I ended my show by saying, ‘Go fuck yourselves,’ people would have been pleasantly surprised to find out I’m kind.”


Much like this piece, the special begins by providing a refresher of the 2020 saga (which it does through a mess of dramatic headlines), along with the one that engulfed DeGeneres’ career years before, when she famously came out as gay on the cover of Time magazine. Then DeGeneres walks out onstage and offers her own recap. “I got kicked out of show business. Yeah, because I’m mean. You can’t be mean and be in show business. They’ll kick you out.


No mean people in show business,” she jokes, adding that this is her second strike. “Kicked me out before because I told them I was out. No gay people in show business. They kick you out. Can’t be gay and be in show business.


Eventually they’re going to kick me out a third time for being old — mean, old and gay, the triple crown.”


And there’s plenty more comedy where that came from. “For me, it was never about the money. It was about healing my childhood wounds. I thought, if I could make people happy, they’ll like me. And if they like me, I’ll feel good about myself,” she says at one point and then deadpans: “And all I can say about that is, thank God for the money.” Of course, DeGeneres hits on other subjects, too, from chickens to parallel parking, but the vast majority of the special is focused on the controversy and its impact.


The new hour — which, technically, clocks in at an hour and 10 minutes — comes as part of a pricey two-special deal that DeGeneres signed years ago.

The first in that pact, 2018’s Relatable, marked DeGeneres’ first special in 15 years. For Your Approval was produced by Ben Winston and his Fulwell 73 Productions, along with DeGeneres and her wife, Portia de Rossi, who joins her onstage at the end. Joel Gallen, who also helmed Chris Rock’s 2023 Selective Outrage special, directed.


As the special draws to a close, DeGeneres reveals that she is finally happy — happy not to be a brand or a boss or a billboard anymore, and, to deafening cheers and a standing ovation, declares herself a strong woman.

She then thanks the audience profusely for their love and support, acknowledging she didn’t think that she’d ever do stand-up again because she didn’t think she’d be able to find the funny in what had happened. But getting back out there proved “healing,” she concludes to ongoing applause, adding:“I’m so glad I got to say goodbye on my terms.”

Anonymous ID: 76bb52 Sept. 24, 2024, 2:39 p.m. No.21650998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1013


The SS has been aware of the Iran kill orders going out four years ago, so did the Bidan Admin, DHS and leaders of SS, you know the ones that assign more personell to Trump's team.