Anonymous ID: 861697 Sept. 24, 2024, 12:08 p.m. No.21650381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0386 >>0400 >>0550 >>0914 >>1053 >>1125



Note;dough below


LIVE: President Trump Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA

djt rumble channel.


djt youtube


>>21650042, anon: Trump has pink lights on his hair again. different venue same effect that means someone on the stage lighting set up is doing this

President Trump: For years, Americans have watched as our country was stripped of jobs and wealth, and our companies were sold off to foreign countries…GE Appliances were sold to the Chinese. IBM Computers were, again, sold to China. Under Kamala Harris, US Steel is now being sold to Japan. I will stop it. We gotta do it fast. We gotta work fast. But were not gonna let it happen.

President Trump: Under my plan, American workers will no longer be worried about losing your jobs to foreign nations, instead, foreign nations will be worried about losing their jobs to America. Gonna bring 'em back.

President Trump: I want GE, IBM, and every other manufacturer that left us, to be filled with regret, and come sprinting back to our shores. And they will.

President Trump: This new American Indiustrialism will create millions and millions of jobs, massively raise wages for American workers, and make the United States into a manufacturing powerhouse like it used to be many years ago. We will be able to build ships again. We will be able to build airplanes at a much higher level again, We will become the world leader in robotics, and every other field; the US auto industry, which has been decimated over many, many, decades, will once again be the envy of the planet.

President Trump: They'll be exported through the Port of Savannah…under my leadership, we helped deepen the port, you know that, we helped deepen the port once, and now I understand they want to do it again and we will get in, and we will get that done very quickly…this will be a major undertaking involving the Army Corp of Engineers and transportation officials throughout your state. It's gonna happen fast…with a world-class port, and a world-class workforce, this city will soon become one of the premier export hubs anywhere on Earth, tripling and quadrupling traffic, as your power will lead an American manufacturing boom.

President Trump: That's how Kamala treats the American manufacturers. They can all leave, whatever is left of them. And it's not that much. They've got rid of so much. But if instead, you ship production overseas, then she will give you a tax break. So if you build your product, make your product overseas, she's offering a tax break, to make it overseas. Now you wonder why Biden has made so much money fro mall these countries. I mean. personally made, and through the family. Think of that; you get an incentive to build your product outside of the United States.


Anonymous ID: 861697 Sept. 24, 2024, 12:09 p.m. No.21650386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0400 >>0550 >>0914 >>1053 >>1125


President Trump: It's no wonder than under Kamala Harris, we lost twenty-four thousand manufacturing jobs last month. Twenty-four thousand. We're gonna turn that around so fast…this horrific nightmare for American workers ends the day I take the Oath of Office, January 20th.

President Trump: US-based manufactures will also be rewarded with expanded research and development tax credits, you'll be able to write-off one hundred percent of the cost of heavy machinery and other equipment in the first year, and full expensing for new manufacturing investments, so you're gonna get full expensing. In other words, you have a one-year write off.

President Trump: We will seriously expedite environment approvals, and we will get everything approved quickly, to unleash mineral production and rare Earth. They think we have to go to China for rare Earth. We don't. We have more rare Earth than they do, but it's protected environmentally. We can't do anything about it. We're gonna do something about it. We're gonna use our resources to our benefit. And it will be clean and environmentally perfect. So that America, and Americans, can manufacture everything that we need; the resources, we have right here. American soil, it's got everything, It's got the rare Earth. It's got the oil. It's got the gas. We have everything. The only thing we don't have is smart people leading our country…we're sitting on trillions and trillions of dollars under our feet, and let's use that to Make America Rich Again. Is that okay? We'll pay off the debt. We'll reduce your taxes. It'll be a beautiful thing. It'll be a renaissance.

t'll be a Golden Period. It'll be a beautiful period.

President Trump: I will appoint a Manufacturing Ambassador, whose sole task, and It'll be a great one, will be to go around the world and convince major manufacturers to pack up and move back to America where they want to be. For years, we watched other countries steal our jobs, now we are going to be going after their jobs, and bringing them back to America where they belong, and, frankly, they want to be.

President Trump: Under Kamala, there will be no car industry, no steel industry, no significant manufacturing of any kind, and we will be at risk of military defeat, you know that, right? A very simple fact is this, if you don't have steel, you don't have a military, and I'm not going to allow…Japan to buy US Steel. I'm not gonna let it happen. Seventy years ago, again, the greatest company on Earth. Vote for Trump, and you will see a mass exodus of manufacturing from China to Pennsylvania, from Korea to North Carolina, from Germany to right here in Georgia; they're going to come to Georgia, from Germany, and lots of other places.

President Trump: You know, the nicest thing, when people say [about Butler attempted assassination], "It was God. And God came down, and he saved you, because he wants you to bring America back". So many people say that. I hope that's true. I hope that's true.

President Trump: As we create millions of new manufacturing jobs here in Georgia; nationwide, we will make sure that these jobs go to American citizens, not illegal citizens, people that came into our country illegally.

djt: it was God, so many people say that, he wants you to save america. and it happened again two months later.

President Trump: Biden and Kamala got us into this war in Ukraine, and now they can't get us out, They can't get us out. I watched him, "We will win"; he's been saying that for three years. Every time Zelenskyy comes to the United States, he walks away with a hundred billion dollars. I think he's the greatest salesman on Earth. But we're stuck in that war unless I'm president. I'll get it done. I'll get it negotiated. I'll get out. We gotta get out. Biden says, "We will not leave until we win", what happens if they win? That's what they do is they fight wars.

President Trump: You know, someone said the other day, if she [Harris] won, you literally may not have another election. This could be your last election…if this communist gets in to be president, if she's the president of our country, we're gonna have problems, the likes of which this country has never had. And once you have those problems, it never comes back. You don't see them coming back. They never come back.

djt: too big to rig, we are going to make america great again

music plays ymca, young man

Anonymous ID: 861697 Sept. 24, 2024, 1:23 p.m. No.21650664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0721


have you check'ed the font pattern?

any idea who it could be?

dark black, red, blue texts.

how many are trusted sources.

do you even baker?

>>21650650 ←twat, andy nyo trusted source.

needs to be double check'ed to ensure it is him though, many accounts now pretending to be him.. twat is linking to andy nyo from electionlegalstatus.

Anonymous ID: 861697 Sept. 24, 2024, 1:48 p.m. No.21650761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0770 >>0777


font patters are similar to v.d

trusted sources are built over time.

bakers now.

fake news is msms and the stories are on one subject coming down from wapo, nyt, nyp, times, guardian, apnews, etc.

twatter is a mess but there are trusted posters there, like paul sperry, kash patel, djt, etc

we had a anon here when anon used to baker and he would always post pedo news items.

convinced him to do a pedo bun.

once upon a time, bakers and anons bringing news here would work togather but now with only 41 days left it is just bloatables.

but it is ok.

very soon anon will be gone after the election than you will have no one pull you up for the mess that is this place now.

Anonymous ID: 861697 Sept. 24, 2024, 1:57 p.m. No.21650807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0825


trips chek'ed

the big news is gaetz saying that there are 5 teams out to assassinte trump

but all that was posted here was continues attacks on Gaetz about some fake news and lawsuits .

Those they attack the most.

anons, bakers do not always wait for news to be posted by others many times if baker are plugged into the news, they will pick out the attacks coming and highlight it so the clowns back off as they have found out and will be exposed before it habbens.

the plan is to get to the elections.

that is it.

nothing else.

Anonymous ID: 861697 Sept. 24, 2024, 2:03 p.m. No.21650825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0900


trusted source - john solomon, talking to matt gaetz about the 5 teams to assassinate djt

note: posted on the 19th sept, now the 24th. 5 days out of the news,

All are c.i.a controlled states, iran, ukraine, pakistan (victoria nuland). plus c.i.a fbi - that would be the 5 plus their mk ultra and brainwashed assets including the fake new media talking heads clowns. The farm is massive..



FIVE Known Assassination Teams Are Targeting President Trump!


63,715 views Premiered on 19 Sept 2024

A senior Homeland Security official told me there are at least FIVE known assassination teams in our country targeting President Trump!

Requests for President Trump to have additional security went UNANSWERED and some people were even taken off of his Secret Service detail!

It may be time to consider private augmentation of President Trump’s security team so we can keep him safe.