Those involved in this theater of deception are starting to regret everything. They're moving towards salvation. Those that are holding on to their illusions of power are going to fight. We've removed their ability to lie by showing the world how egregiously they lied. This is all theater. They're following a script.
This script has been used over the millennia. This is the only time something like the internet has been around. They've removed our ability to speak to each other telepathically. The internet is that replacement.
When you learn, and I suspect you're learning, just how powerful you really are united, look me up and I'll train you to use it. Just knowing I'm alive and somewhere in this world is making them quake with fear. Like my wife said, "you're just not good at dying." They lied to you about who to worship.
You have the DNA of God and they are using every trick in the book to keep you from discovering our power united. Your DNA knows the truth.
We are uniting slowly. Once the media is no longer controlled, watch for the Light Bringer. You'll know the truth once you hear it.
It's now or never. We are billions. Let them know you know le jeu est terminé.
Nothing will happen until you make it happen.