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Mossad ran 9/11 Arab "hijacker" terrorist operation


By Wayne Madsen


British intelligence reported in February 2002 that the Israeli Mossad ran

the Arab hijacker cells that were later blamed by the U.S. government's 9/11

Commission for carrying out the aerial attacks on the World Trade Center and

Pentagon. WMR has received details of the British intelligence report which

was suppressed by the government of then-Prime Minister Tony Blair.


After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise to power of the Taliban

in Afghanistan, Sharjah's ruler, Sultan bin Mohammed al-Qasimi, who survived

a palace coup attempt in 1987, opened his potentate to Russian businessmen

like Viktor Bout, as well as to financiers of radical Muslim groups,

including the Taliban and "Al Qaeda."


Moreover, this Israeli support for "Al Qaeda" was fully known to Saudi

intelligence, which approved of it in order to avoid compromising Riyadh. The

joint Israeli-Saudi support for "Al Qaeda" was well-known to the Sharjah and

Ras al Khaimah-based aviation network of the now-imprisoned Russian, Viktor

Bout, jailed in New York on terrorism charges. The presence of Bout in New

York, a hotbed of Israeli intelligence control of U.S. federal prosecutors,

judges, as well as the news media, is no accident: Bout knows enough about

the Mossad activities in Sharjah in support of the Taliban and Al Qaeda in

Afghanistan, where Bout also had aviation and logistics contracts, to expose

Mossad as the actual mastermind behind 9/11. Bout's aviation empire also

extended to Miami and Dallas, two areas that were nexuses for the Mossad

control operations for the "Al Qaeda" flight training operations of the Arab

cell members in the months prior to 9/11.


Bout's path also crossed with "Al Qaeda's" support network at the same bank

in Sharjah, HSBC. Mossad's phony Muslim Brotherhood members from Egypt and

Yemen controlled financing for "Al Qaeda" through the HSBC accounts in

Sharjah. Mossad's Dominik Suter also dealt with HSBC in the United States.

The FBI's chief counter-terrorism agent investigating Al Qaeda, John O'Neill,

became aware of the "unique" funding mechanisms for Al Qaeda. It was no

mistake that O'Neill was given the job as director of security for the World

Trade Center on the eve of the attack. O'Neill perished in the collapse of

the complex.Mossad uses a number of Jews born in Arab countries to masquerade

as Arabs. They often carry forged or stolen passports from Arab countries or

nations in Europe that have large Arab immigrant populations, particularly

Germany, France, Britain, Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands.