Anonymous ID: 74239a Sept. 24, 2024, 3:45 p.m. No.21651373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1404

Biden to discuss missile strikes on Russia with Zelensky – White House


The Pentagon and the State Department reportedly disagree on the issue


Ukraine has expected the US to have given the permission by now, two Kiev officials told the Washington Post on Tuesday. According to the Post, the current US administration is divided on the issue, with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin opposed to changing the policy and Secretary of State Antony Blinken siding with Kiev.


According to the Post, Ukraine has already used US weapons in Russia’s Kursk Region “in ways that stretch the previous rules of engagement,” but the US military believes that when it comes to ATACMS, the purported benefits “are not compelling enough to outweigh the drawbacks.”


The outlet also revealed that Kiev “has long been dependent” on receiving target coordinates for US-provided weapons “from US military personnel on a base elsewhere in Europe.”

Anonymous ID: 74239a Sept. 24, 2024, 3:50 p.m. No.21651402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Covenant Is Broken

11 This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Listen to the terms of this covenant and tell them to the people of Judah and to those who live in Jerusalem. 3 Tell them that this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Cursed is the one who does not obey the terms of this covenant— 4 the terms I commanded your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt, out of the iron-smelting furnace.’ I said, ‘Obey me and do everything I command you, and you will be my people, and I will be your God. 5 Then I will fulfill the oath I swore to your ancestors, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey’—the land you possess today.”


I answered, “Amen, Lord.”


6 The Lord said to me, “Proclaim all these words in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem: ‘Listen to the terms of this covenant and follow them. 7 From the time I brought your ancestors up from Egypt until today, I warned them again and again, saying, “Obey me.” 8 But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubbornness of their evil hearts. So I brought on them all the curses of the covenant I had commanded them to follow but that they did not keep.’”


9 Then the Lord said to me, “There is a conspiracy among the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. 10 They have returned to the sins of their ancestors, who refused to listen to my words. They have followed other gods to serve them.Both Israel and Judah have broken the covenant I made with their ancestors.11 Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them. 12 The towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense, but they will not help them at all when disaster strikes. 13 You, Judah, have as many gods as you have towns; and the altars you have set up to burn incense to that shameful god Baal are as many as the streets of Jerusalem.’


14 “Do not pray for this people or offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listen when they call to me in the time of their distress.


15 “What is my beloved doing in my temple

as she, with many others, works out her evil schemes?

Can consecrated meat avert your punishment?

When you engage in your wickedness,

then you rejoice.[a]”


16 The Lord called you a thriving olive tree

with fruit beautiful in form.

But with the roar of a mighty storm

he will set it on fire,

and its branches will be broken.


17 The Lord Almighty, who planted you, has decreed disaster for you, because the people of both Israel and Judah have done evil and aroused my anger by burning incense to Baal.


Jeremiah 11

Anonymous ID: 74239a Sept. 24, 2024, 3:54 p.m. No.21651419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1423 >>1426

Corrupt system


Anti-lockdown activist wins court case but forced to pay police lawyer fees


A prominent anti-lockdown activist fears she will be sent bankrupt after she won an unlawful arrest case against police, but was then made to cover the police legal bill of almost $250,000.


Monica Smit, founder of the anti-lockdown Reignite Democracy Australia group, told A Current Affair she had no money left after pursuing Victoria Police through the courts.


"You can't get blood out of a stone," she said.


Smit sued Victoria Police after she was arrested three times within three hours at an anti-lockdown rally in Melbourne in October 2020.


At the time, mask wearing was mandatory and gatherings above 10 people were banned.


Smit represented herself in court and a judge found that because of a legal technicality, two of the three arrests were unlawful.


"I was my lawyer, my star witness and I was defending claims against a whole team of lawyers," Smit said.


She was awarded $4000 compensation but then ordered to pay Victoria Police's legal bill of nearly $250,000 because Smit said she turned down a pre-trial offer to settle the case for $15,000.


Police misconduct lawyer Jeremy Smith, from Robinson Gill, said if a defendant in a proceeding made an offer to the plaintiff to settle, but the plaintiff proceeded with court action and they were awarded less at court, the judge had the power to order they pay the other side's legal costs.

Anonymous ID: 74239a Sept. 24, 2024, 5:19 p.m. No.21651859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran’s president tells UN Israel’s ‘terrorism in Lebanon cannot go unanswered’


“Israel’s state terrorism in Lebanon cannot go unanswered,” Pezeshkian said. “Responsibility for all consequences will be borne by those governments who have thwarted all global efforts to end this horrific catastrophe.”


Pezeeshlian also accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, where he said it had been defeated, and of backing terrorist groups such as ISIS.


“It has witnessed how the regime carries out atrocities in Gaza, and how in 11 months it has murdered in cold blood over 41,000 innocent people, mostly women and children,” Pezeshkian said, citing unverified Hamas figures that make no differentiation between civilians and combatants.


“Its leaders label this genocide — the killing of children, war crimes and state terrorism — as legitimate self-defense. They label hospitals, kindergartens and schools as legitimate military targets. They label the freedom-loving and brave people around the world who protest against their genocide as antisemitic. They label oppressed people who have stood up against seven decades of occupation and humiliation as terrorists,” he went on.


“It is Israel that has assassinated our scientists, diplomats and even guests on our soil,” the Iranian president said, apparently referring to Haniyeh, who was assassinated while visiting Tehran for Pezeshkian’s inauguration. Pezeshkian claimed, without proof that Israel “supported — both covertly and overtly — terrorist groups like ISIS.”