b i n g o b i n g o & the thing
do not fence me in
child star feature
the only person I fear is Jesus.
tell them a joke about crown of thorns and then pretend it's not foreskin. call it a resebush.
shake it up. this is not a morning bread .
demolition hammer 12hr deuce buys 1 apple
your fucking late.2 bottle of "baby oil" & pink coke
the earth is flat without a bra , like a soup without a bowl. back side down. prove me wrong.
it's not tax evasion if someone steals your identity.
the piece of shit car.these two on Oprah even watched the Garth Brooks special.
shitposting is an artform.. toilette is a flood
this board was created for 1 reason
gas on the fire
notice the bald beaver
fucking a bag of onions. sometimes the dream is still there
salt of the world
sword shit. master carpenter. wooden handles.
kek definitely not AI