Anonymous ID: a74187 Sept. 24, 2024, 5:31 p.m. No.21651933   🗄️.is 🔗kun

H.R. McMaster's New Book Explains Why Trump Fired Him


However, McMaster’s praise for Trump’s accomplishments comes off as hypocritical because it is accompanied by constant criticism of Trump’s leadership, character, and beliefs. Much of this criticism was petty and personal.


I was surprised to read about the intense infighting between McMaster and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis. McMaster writes about Tillerson’s astounding incompetence in conducting foreign policy and his refusal to cooperate with the NSC. He portrays Tillerson and Mattis as constantly going behind the backs of himself and Trump. McMaster said Mattis told him he was trying to ensure that “reason triumphs over impulse,” meaning Mattis viewed himself as “reason” trying to rein in “impulse”—President Trump. McMaster indicated that he mostly agreed with Tillerson and Mattis’s efforts and did not take offense to their “obstructionist and occasionally rude and petty behavior,” even though they faulted McMaster for “enabling” the president.


This incredible arrogance adds up to three cabinet members who thought the president should defer to them on foreign policy and not the man—Donald Trump—who was elected president by the American people to make national security decisions to protect their security.


McMaster begins his book with high-minded statements that his work is not partisan or about payback.


He wrote:


But I wrote this book to get past the hyper-partisanship and explain what really happened. I wrote with no political agenda; the politics of our day are pulling this country apart. And I wrote with no desire for requital. I wrote to recount what I experienced.


These claims are laughable because McMaster obviously timed the release of the book to cash in on the 2024 presidential election and the vast audience of Trump haters.

Anonymous ID: a74187 Sept. 24, 2024, 5:38 p.m. No.21651961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1977 >>2279 >>2426 >>2569 >>2665 >>2823

Failed Trump Assassin Had A List Of Everywhere Trump Would Be August To October


The man suspected by the FBI of planning to kill former Pres. Trump possessed a list that included dates from August to October of venues where Trump had appeared or was expected to be, prosecutors said in a detention filing on Monday

Anonymous ID: a74187 Sept. 24, 2024, 5:55 p.m. No.21652062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2111

>>21651876 pb

>Frogs are turning gay.

And he turned it into a ridiculous meme of shit

It was mainstreaming before he touched it

There was a book


that covered the endocrine disrupting chemicals issue

long before he shat the issue up

NO. He shat on that issue. Reduced it from where it was.


>>21651181 pb

>Bret Baier calling Georgia for Harris.


Anonymous ID: a74187 Sept. 24, 2024, 6:39 p.m. No.21652343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2443


>NYS judge, prosecutor kills himself after shootout with FBI agents who arrived to arrest him on corruption charges


>added to the list yet

thanks anon for volunteering to maintain the list. I know you will do a gret job.

The previous guy disappeared