Anonymous ID: ca9bed Sept. 24, 2024, 10:31 p.m. No.21653219   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3221 >>3227 >>3245 >>3249 >>3277 >>3300


so much in this encounter… Potus buying couple rolls of Bounty… GOLD seal on the grocery store tshirt… paying with 100 dollar bill whilst saying "Its going to go down a little bit [the US DOLLAR], just a hundred bucks"… GOLD ENDS THE FED !!! gold has to go back to its original worth, it goes up, dollar goes down… but no one thinks we have the gold for US Dollar to remain the world reserve currency, but POTUS already told us we do.. hes going to keep the US DOllar as the world reserve currency.. we must have the GOLD to back the US Dollar


IMPORTANT: theres a homeland security terrorist chart in the background… POTUS' red tie… red is SEVERE threat.. the real terrorists are the abc agencies and the global banksters putting up the BOUNTY

Anonymous ID: ca9bed Sept. 24, 2024, 10:39 p.m. No.21653251   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3286

the third secret of fatima figures into this as well…


America cannot choose a godless administration, marxist, communist Harris …


If we do, then third secret of fatima will occur.. Gods Wrath for the killing and murder of the children… thats what was hidden from us when Ratzenberger released vaticans version of the third secret… he left out Gods condemnation of pedophelia and cannibalism… the world needed to know what was going on so it could be eradicated, now it is not too late, pray for Trump as if the world depended on it because it does

Anonymous ID: ca9bed Sept. 24, 2024, 10:45 p.m. No.21653262   🗄️.is đź”—kun


thank you… the shills are unbearable.. im sick to my stomach seeing how they try to hide the truth with their lengthy spam… i was losing hope until i saw your post..


i will be praying every moment i get for POTUS and Dan and their loved ones safety and for wisdom and guidance for them on every decision they make as they save us