From General Flynn's Locals Account.
Here is what they have in store for us. Let me offer my TOP TEN:
1.The Democrats in the Senate will abolish the filibuster rule that requires most bills to have 60 votes to pass the Senate. If they abolish the filibuster, only 50 Democrats plus the Vice President can pass any law they want. Note that, Senator Manchin of West Virginia will not be there to refuse to go along.
2.They will grant statehood to the District of Columbia and probably Puerto Rico. That gives them four more automatic Democratic votes and makes taking back control of the Senate near impossible.
3.Don’t think the Supreme Court will protect us. They will pack the Supreme Court, by expanding its number. There is nothing in the Constitution that requires there be only nine members of that court. And if they have just the Senate, every judge and justice will be a committed Leftist. When Republicans appoint judges, many suddenly turn left – they often turn out like David Souter, or Sandra Day O’Connor, or worse. Democrat judges never “grow in office.” Leftist Judges stay Leftists.
4.If you think the Department of Justice has been weaponized under Obama and Biden, you ain’t seen nothing yet, when you see how they will come after persons they consider a threat. Instead of worrying about whether President Trump will be jailed, consider when you will be jailed.
Social media companies will be pressured to act “responsibly” by deplatforming dissent. Democrats love censorship. For years they ordered private companies to do it for them, but soon they will establish that Ministry of Truth which they called the Disinformation Governance Board — that they set up and then were forced to close down. If they win the Presidency and the Senate, it will be back ordering social media to take down our voices. The Left’s ultimate goal is described as “cross-platform deplatforming.” If you are taken off one, you are taken off all. Once they get that, there goes freedom of speech.
All of the special treatment that has been given to churches and religious institutions will go. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act has an exception so that religious organizations can hire people who follow the faith of the organization — that will be gone.
Every government school will be required to have boys shower with the girls, to destroy girls’ sports, and teach kids that they may have been born in the wrong bodies. Parents who resist will have their kids taken from them, like Governor Newsom in California and Governor Walz in Minnesota.
The open border we now have will be made permanent. This is the dream of the United Nations — free migration across all borders. Then provide hotel rooms, cell phones and monthly credits for living expenses. Give them citizenship. Give them the right to vote. Treat them better than Americans, and make American citizens pay for it. Presto-Chango — the American people will be replaced with THE GREAT REPLACEMENT (GREAT RESET) — which is something we are not allowed to even mention. And, as you know, whenever there is a subject we are not allowed to mention, it means we are over the target.
Public accommodation laws will be pushed so that every business and every professional will be challenged to serve their interests. A doctor who refuses to perform abortions or castrate young boys will lose his/her license. A lawyer who refuses to cater to the interests of the special interests will lose his/her license.
Kamala is already on record supporting a mandatory buy-back for “assault weapons.” That means – turn them in for $500 of taxpayer dollars, or you are a felon.
**A few more agenda items include Mandatory Vaccines against the next pandemic that Dr. Fauci has planned for us, and the government’s attempt to De-Bank citizens. You will be a non-person, you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy. England has already tried to do this to Nigel Farage. [also to Jim W]
Now let’s posit that the Democrats do not take the Senate. What could Kamala do all on her own? What tools will she single-handedly have at her disposal?
Next week’s newsletter: THEIR PLANS FOR US, PART II: