Anonymous ID: c7e055 Sept. 25, 2024, 9:20 a.m. No.21655083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5112

Letter sent to to Minnesota Secretary of State, yesterday

September 23, 2024


Thank you both for your responses regarding our previous letters and phone



We have been in communication with your offices for over a month, and provided the Secretary’s Office with the information necessary to remove known noncitizens from the Minnesota voter rolls over a month ago. Despite our continued efforts to receive updates on the actions your office is taking, it took over three (3) weeks to get any information, which came on the same day you released the information to the public.


Commissioner Jacobson’s September 12 letter admits there were approximately 1,000 individuals who may have been improperly registered to vote under the automatic voter registration (“AVR”) process. This leads us, and others, to consider all means necessary to obtain transparency from your office. To this end, we are now joined by Congressman Tom Emmer, Congressman Brad Finstad, Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach, and Congressman Pete Stauber, to demand you provide further answers on this disastrous failure.

(1) What is the exact number of individuals who were inactivated?

(2) What are the different categories of information the individual records were

missing? Additionally, please provide how many individuals were inactivated for each category of missing information. How many of the inactivated individuals have voted in a past election?

(4) How many of the inactivated individuals were sent ballots in past elections?

(5) Will the inactivated individuals be able to register and vote in the November election?

(6) Would eliminating any of the inactivated individuals’ votes have changed the outcome of any past elections?

(7) When do you plan to complete your confirmation of each individual’s voter

registration information?


It is imperative that Minnesota voters trust in the State’s election system, which includes knowing the voter rolls only consist of legally registered voters. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Anonymous ID: c7e055 Sept. 25, 2024, 9:25 a.m. No.21655112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5515 >>5561 >>5600

September 24, 2024



WASHINGTON - As first reported by Fox News, following Minnesota’s inactivation of over 1,000 potentially ineligible voters, the RNC, Minnesota’s Republican House delegation, and the Minnesota GOP have sent a letter demanding more answers to stop the failures in Minnesota’s election system.


RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: “Without our efforts, Walz would have allowed non-citizens to vote and interfere in our country’s most important election. This is an alarming breach of election integrity. His Administration must be held accountable, and we will do whatever it takes to protect the vote and fight for transparency in Minnesota’s elections.”


House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (MN-06): “The Democrats have made their election playbook clear: Let over 10 million illegal immigrants into our country and allow them to vote. Minnesotans need to be able to trust in our election system, which is why we will not stop fighting to ensure that only legal citizens are voting in our elections.”


Rep. Brad Finstad (MN-01): “Just recently, Secretary of State Steve Simon stated that around 1 percent, or roughly 1,000, of the new automatic voter registrations were problematic and in need of name, address, and citizenship confirmations. Despite the gravity of these errors, Governor Tim Walz has not addressed how non-citizens in Minnesota have appeared on voter rolls and even received ballots. We owe it to the American people to secure our elections and protect their rights as citizens to vote.”


Rep. Michelle Fischbach (MN-07): “It’s incredibly concerning that non-citizens and illegal immigrants could be voting in our elections thanks to the failed leadership of Governor Walz. With early voting already underway in Minnesota, we need answers from the Walz Administration now to ensure the security of this election.”


Rep. Pete Stauber (MN-08): "Whether it’s giving taxpayer-funded free college, health care, and drivers licenses to illegal immigrants, or declaring Minnesota a ‘Sanctuary State,’ this is a cynical scheme by Democrats who continually put illegal immigrants first and Minnesotans last. Most Minnesotans agree that only American citizens should vote in U.S. elections and we must hold the Walz administration accountable and restore public trust in our election system."


MNGOP Chairman David Hann stated: "The MNGOP is committed to protecting the vote and stopping Democrat interference. We deserve transparency in our elections, and Governor Walz has failed to deliver. We demand answers and proof that Minnesota's elections are secure."



• The RNC discovered and provided evidence to Walz’s Administration of non-citizens receiving primary ballots in Minnesota. Following this discovery, they inactivated over 1,000 potentially ineligible voters and non-citizens on the voter rolls.

• Non-citizens on the rolls is a direct result of Walz’s Automatic Voter Registration and Drivers Licenses For All law, which gave illegal aliens drivers licenses.

• While we were successful in forcing Walz’s Administration to identify and inactivate these voters, it is highly concerning that they were on the rolls in the first place. We have demanded more answers as we fight for transparency and accountability in Minnesota’s elections.

• We have asked for the exact number of voters inactivated or the categories of missing information that made them ineligible – for example, we don’t know how many non-citizens were on this list.

• Additionally, we need to know their process for confirming eligibility and if the inactivated individuals will be able to register and vote this November.

• Minnesotans deserve to know how many of these individuals voted in the past, and if they could have changed the outcome of a past election.


Read the letter HERE. >>21655083

Anonymous ID: c7e055 Sept. 25, 2024, 9:29 a.m. No.21655142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5154 >>5493

Trump War Room

Harris-Biden Commerce Secretary @GinaRaimondo calls for President Trump to be "extinguished for good."


Ten days ago, a deranged Harris supporter tried to assassinate President Trump.


Yet, Democrat lunatics continue to spew this dangerous rhetoric.


9:24 AM ¡ Sep 25, 2024 ¡ 296.4K Views

Anonymous ID: c7e055 Sept. 25, 2024, 9:31 a.m. No.21655154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5166 >>5195 >>5493

September 25, 2024

Harris-Biden Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo Calls For President Trump To Be “Extinguished For Good”


This morning, Harris-Biden Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo called for President Trump to be "extinguished for good."


Ten days ago, a deranged Harris supporter tried to assassinate President Trump.


Yet, Democrat lunatics continue to spew this dangerous rhetoric.


Watch the clip here. >>21655142

Anonymous ID: c7e055 Sept. 25, 2024, 10:32 a.m. No.21655493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5503 >>5510 >>5538



Raimondo: ‘Extinguish’ Trump for Good, ‘Banish Him from American Politics’

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that former President Donald Trump should be extinguished from politics, which she clarified meant “vote him out.”


Raimondo said, “Tax policy, you have to work with Congress but if he decides he wants to do something crazy, like a 200% tariff, which will hurt Americans, raise prices and lose jobs, he could do it as president. Which is why honestly why I’m here in my personal capacity. The stakes are so high in this one. We cannot afford to put him back in the White House.”


She added, “He’s the one that overturned Roe. For me, you know, when I was the governor of Rhode Island, one of the first governors in the country back in 2019 to codify Roe in state statute in Rhode Island. I worked with the legislature, it was because he was president, and I feared exactly what would happen. I said women of Rhode Island would be protected. That’s real protection, stepping up and leading. And what he says is the opposite. It is just another lie. How did we get here? Let’s extinguish him for good. We have an answer, we have a remarkably talented candidate who is sincere, who is pragmatic, who is open. Let’s just get it done.”


Host Mika Brzezinski said, “And extinguish, you mean vote him out?”


Raimondo said, “Yes, absolutely vote him out. Banish him from American politics. Yes just vote him out so he goes away.”