Anonymous ID: fde45c Sept. 25, 2024, 9:19 a.m. No.21655081   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5086

Part of research is to locate official documents, when someone makes a claim, that seems farfetched, or that others have not gotten to yet.

This extra step will eliminate false accusations, as this is the very thing we are trying to avoid, and what make media does to us.

Anonymous ID: fde45c Sept. 25, 2024, 10 a.m. No.21655320   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I have died many times, and do have such a connection, not where I get all the answers, believe me, I still have many questions, but I am given reassurance, that God is about to strike, more than a red sea moment, and has placed others in positions to aide this as well having sent heaven's warriors, to aide them.

I have no reason to like this earth, in fact, I will always hate it, because of it's history, but God has softened my heart, and brought great people into my path.

I see goodness coming, and some has already, but the muck is to attempt to remove it from peoples sight, but alas, they've lost. Information is all they have, lies. They are very few now, and they know that, so, hang in there, the world's eyes are opening, and a strike is imminent, God's hand does not fail, but accurately and timely, strikes. Oh, and upon their death, now, their spirit is eliminated, written out of history, and can never return again.

Anonymous ID: fde45c Sept. 25, 2024, 10:30 a.m. No.21655485   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5687


The day this image appeared, I had a visit, from the Virgin Mary. I do not understand what the color violet means, but the evening night glowed violet, as well as the room of the person who lived next door, then we heard of the image on the building which we went to see the next day. What they don't say, is this was a scientology bldg, financial, and they removed the panes, only for her to reappear. I lived in St. Pete at the time.


Remember when the Virgin Mary appeared on a Clearwater building? Dec. 23, 2019


CLEARWATER — Some called it a Christmas miracle. It was definitely a Christmas spectacle.


On Dec. 17, 1996, rainbow swirls formed a familiar shape on the glass outside of Seminole Finance Corp. There she was, stretching two stories high across the building at the corner of U.S. 19 and Drew Street:


The Virgin Mary — or at least what many believed to be a holy image of Jesus Christ’s mom.


The irony, was, christians from all over the world came to visit it, bet that put a damper on the goings on of the bldg for a bit.